Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NCTUWhole program analysis (ctu=Cross Translation Unit)
 CAboutDialogAbout dialog
 CAnalyzerInformationAnalyzer information
 CApplicationA class containing information of the application to execute
 CApplicationDialogDialog to edit a startable application
 CApplicationListList of applications user has specified to open errors with
 CCheckInterface class that cppcheck uses to communicate with the checks
 CCheck64BitPortabilityCheck for 64-bit portability issues
 CCheckAssertChecking for side effects in assert statements
 CCheckAutoVariablesVarious small checks for automatic variables
 CCheckBoolChecks dealing with suspicious usage of boolean type (not for evaluating conditions)
 CCheckBoostCheck Boost usage
 CCheckBufferOverrunBuffer overruns and array index out of bounds
 CCheckClassCheck classes
 CCheckConditionCheck for condition mismatches
 CCheckExceptionSafetyCheck exception safety (exceptions shouldn't cause leaks nor corrupt data)
 CCheckFunctionsCheck for bad function usage
 CCheckInternalCheck Internal cppcheck API usage
 CCheckIOCheck input output operations
 CCheckLeakAutoVarCheck for leaks
 CCheckMemoryLeakBase class for memory leaks checking
 CCheckMemoryLeakInClassCheck class variables, variables that are allocated in the constructor should be deallocated in the destructor
 CCheckMemoryLeakInFunctionCheckMemoryLeakInFunction detects when a function variable is allocated but not deallocated properly
 CCheckMemoryLeakNoVarDetect simple memory leaks (address not taken)
 CCheckMemoryLeakStructMemberDetect simple memory leaks for struct members
 CCheckNullPointerCheck for null pointer dereferencing
 CCheckOtherVarious small checks
 CCheckPostfixOperatorUsing postfix operators ++ or – rather than postfix operator
 CCheckSizeofChecks on usage of sizeof() operator
 CCheckStatisticsA class for check statistics
 CCheckStlCheck STL usage (invalidation of iterators, mismatching containers, etc)
 CCheckStringDetect misusage of C-style strings and related standard functions
 CCheckThreadThread to run cppcheck
 CCheckTypeVarious small checks
 CCheckUninitVarChecking for uninitialized variables
 CCheckUnusedFunctionsCheck for functions never called
 CCheckUnusedVarVarious small checks
 CCheckVaargChecking for misusage of variable argument lists
 CCmdLineParserThe command line parser
 CCppCheckThis is the base class which will use other classes to do static code analysis for C and C++ code to find possible errors or places that could be improved
 CCppCheckExecutorThis class works as an example of how CppCheck can be used in external programs without very little knowledge of the internal parts of the program itself
 CCsvReportCSV text file report
 CDimensionArray dimension information
 CDirectiveA preprocessor directive Each preprocessor directive (#include, #define, #undef, #if, #ifdef, #else, #endif) will be recorded as an instance of this class
 CErrorItemA class containing error data for one error
 CErrorLineA class containing error data for one shown error line
 CErrorLoggerThis is an interface, which the class responsible of error logging should implement
 CErrorMessageWrapper for error messages, provided by reportErr()
 CExecutorThis class will take a list of filenames and settings and check then all files using threads
 CFileListA class for listing files and directories to check
 CFileListerCross-platform FileLister
 CFileSettingsFile settings
 CFileViewDialogFile view -dialog
 CFwdAnalysisForward data flow analysis for checks
 CGuiSeverityGUI versions of severity conversions
 CImportProjectImporting project settings
 CInternalErrorSimple container to be thrown when internal error is detected
 CLibraryLibrary definitions handling
 CMainWindowMain window for cppcheck-gui
 CMathLibSimple math functions that uses operands stored in std::string
 CPathPath handling routines
 CPathMatchSimple path matching for ignoring paths in CLI
 CPlatformPlatform settings
 CPlatformDataChecked platform GUI-data
 CPlatformsList of checked platforms
 CPreprocessorThe cppcheck preprocessor
 CPrintableReportPrintable (in-memory) report
 CProcessExecutorThis class will take a list of filenames and settings and check then all files using threads
 CProjectFileA class that reads and writes project files
 CProjectFileDialogA dialog for editing project file data
 CQErrorPathItemA class containing data for one error path item
 CReportA base class for reports
 CResultsTreeCppcheck's results are shown in this tree
 CResultsViewWidget to show cppcheck progressbar and result
 CScratchPadA window with a text field that
 CSettingsThis is just a container for general settings so that we don't need to pass individual values to functions or constructors now or in the future when we might have even more detailed settings
 CSettingsDialogSettings dialog
 CShowTypesA class for different show types we have
 CStandardsThis is just a container for standards settings
 CStatsDialogA dialog that shows project and scan statistics
 CSuppressionListClass for handling suppressions
 CTemplateSimplifierSimplify templates from the preprocessed and partially simplified code
 CThreadExecutorThis class will take a list of filenames and settings and check then all files using threads
 CThreadHandlerThis class handles creating threadresult and starting threads
 CThreadResultThreads use this class to obtain new files to process and to publish results
 CTokenThe token list that the TokenList generates is a linked-list of this class
 CTokenizerThe main purpose is to tokenize the source code
 CTokensFrontBackThis struct stores pointers to the front and back tokens of the list this token is in
 CTranslationHandlerA class handling the available translations
 CTranslationInfoInformation for one translation
 CTxtReportText file report
 CTypeInformation about a class type
 CValueTypeValue type
 CVariableInformation about a member variable
 CVariablesThis class is used create a list of variables within a function
 CXmlReportBase class for XML report classes
 CXmlReportV2XML file report version 2