DACA2 - libn

STARTDATE 2018-08-20
STARTTIME 12:05:35








libnative-platform-java-0.3~rc2/src/main/cpp/generic_posix.cpp:51:15: style: Checking if unsigned variable 'bytes' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libnative-platform-java-0.3~rc2/src/main/cpp/generic_posix.cpp:67:46: style: Checking if unsigned variable 'mbstowcs(wideString,chars,bytes+1)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libnative-platform-java-0.3~rc2/src/main/cpp/posix.cpp:206:9: style: Unused variable: result [unusedVariable]

libnatpmp-20150609/natpmpc.c:71:6: style: The scope of the variable 'sav_errno' can be reduced. [variableScope]


libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/cmdargs.h:129:9: style: Technically the member function 'CmdArgs::getCount' can be const. [functionConst]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/cmdargs.h:57:9: style: Class 'CmdArgs' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/cmdargs.h:57:9: style: Class 'CmdArgs' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/cmdargs.h:54:5: style: Class 'CmdArgs' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:72:18: style: The function 'initBaseNames' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:89:18: note: Virtual function in base class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:72:18: note: Function in derived class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:73:26: style: The function 'getAppName' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:95:26: note: Virtual function in base class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:73:26: note: Function in derived class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:74:18: style: The function 'addSpecificOptions' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:90:18: note: Virtual function in base class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:74:18: note: Function in derived class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:76:18: style: The function 'findUserDir' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:93:18: note: Virtual function in base class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:76:18: note: Function in derived class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:77:18: style: The function 'findCacheDir' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:94:18: note: Virtual function in base class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:77:18: note: Function in derived class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:78:26: style: The function 'getDefUserDirOptName' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:96:26: note: Virtual function in base class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:78:26: note: Function in derived class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:79:26: style: The function 'getDefCacheDirOptName' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:97:26: note: Virtual function in base class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:79:26: note: Function in derived class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:80:26: style: The function 'getDefOptionsOptName' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:98:26: note: Virtual function in base class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:80:26: note: Function in derived class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:81:26: style: The function 'getExtraClustersOptName' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:99:26: note: Virtual function in base class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:81:26: note: Function in derived class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:82:26: style: The function 'getJdkHomeOptName' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:100:26: note: Virtual function in base class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:82:26: note: Function in derived class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:83:26: style: The function 'getCurrentDir' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:101:26: note: Virtual function in base class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/apisupport.harness/windows-launcher-src/applauncher.h:83:26: note: Function in derived class
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:225:41: style: Function 'addCluster' argument 1 names different: declaration 'cl' definition 'cluster'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:109:33: note: Function 'addCluster' argument 1 names different: declaration 'cl' definition 'cluster'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:225:41: note: Function 'addCluster' argument 1 names different: declaration 'cl' definition 'cluster'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:86:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::customUserDirFound' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVar]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::baseDir' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::appName' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::platformDir' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::userHome' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::userDir' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::cacheDir' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::defUserDirRoot' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::defCacheDirRoot' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::clusters' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::extraClusters' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::nbOptions' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::jdkHome' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:89:13: warning: Member variable 'NbLauncher::customUserDirFound' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:108:10: performance: Technically the member function 'NbLauncher::getOption' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:448:18: note: Technically the member function 'NbLauncher::getOption' can be static.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:108:10: note: Technically the member function 'NbLauncher::getOption' can be static.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.cpp:229:9: style: Class 'SetCurDir' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/ide/launcher/windows/nblauncher.h:56:1: warning: The class 'NbLauncher' has 'copy constructor' but lack of 'operator='. [copyCtorAndEqOperator]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/cleaner/windows/src/main.c:82:12: style: The scope of the variable 's1' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/cleaner/windows/src/main.c:82:17: style: The scope of the variable 's2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/cleaner/windows/src/main.c:206:18: style: The scope of the variable 'c' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/cleaner/windows/src/main.c:190:13: style: struct member '_list::item' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/cleaner/windows/src/main.c:191:20: style: struct member '_list::next' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/.common/src/CommonUtils.c:358:21: style: The scope of the variable 'j' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/.common/src/CommonUtils.c:227:0: warning: Redundant assignment of 'clazz' to itself. [selfAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/.common/src/CommonUtils.c:391:46: style: Function 'getWideChars' argument 2 names different: declaration 'str' definition 'jString'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/.common/src/CommonUtils.h:121:46: note: Function 'getWideChars' argument 2 names different: declaration 'str' definition 'jString'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/.common/src/CommonUtils.c:391:46: note: Function 'getWideChars' argument 2 names different: declaration 'str' definition 'jString'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/.common/src/CommonUtils.c:167:0: style: Variable 'index' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/windows/src/jni_WindowsNativeUtils.c:287:9: style: Variable 'errorCode' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/windows/src/jni_WindowsRegistry.c:170:11: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/windows/src/jni_WindowsRegistry.c:171:11: style: The scope of the variable 'index' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/windows/src/jni_WindowsRegistry.c:217:11: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/windows/src/jni_WindowsRegistry.c:218:11: style: The scope of the variable 'index' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/windows/src/jni_WindowsRegistry.c:466:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/windows/src/jni_WindowsRegistry.c:466:12: style: The scope of the variable 'start' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/windows/src/jni_WindowsRegistry.c:466:19: style: The scope of the variable 'count' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/windows/src/jni_WindowsRegistry.c:466:26: style: The scope of the variable 'cnt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/jnilib/windows/src/jni_WindowsRegistry.c:568:0: style: Variable 'dwValue' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/ExtractUtils.c:420:5: style: Variable 'fileLength' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/ExtractUtils.c:415:0: note: Variable 'fileLength' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/ExtractUtils.c:420:5: note: Variable 'fileLength' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/ExtractUtils.c:499:9: style: Variable 'propName' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/ExtractUtils.c:495:0: note: Variable 'propName' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/ExtractUtils.c:499:9: note: Variable 'propName' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:116:9: style: Variable 'result' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:106:0: note: Variable 'result' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:116:9: note: Variable 'result' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:227:13: style: Variable 'available' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:224:0: note: Variable 'available' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:227:13: note: Variable 'available' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:228:13: style: Variable 'required' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:226:0: note: Variable 'required' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:228:13: note: Variable 'required' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:455:9: style: Variable 'hFind' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:450:0: note: Variable 'hFind' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:455:9: note: Variable 'hFind' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:611:27: style: Function 'update_crc32' argument 1 names different: declaration 'crc32' definition 'crc'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.h:57:31: note: Function 'update_crc32' argument 1 names different: declaration 'crc32' definition 'crc'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:611:27: note: Function 'update_crc32' argument 1 names different: declaration 'crc32' definition 'crc'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:611:38: style: Function 'update_crc32' argument 2 names different: declaration 'buf' definition 'ptr'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.h:57:45: note: Function 'update_crc32' argument 2 names different: declaration 'buf' definition 'ptr'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/FileUtils.c:611:38: note: Function 'update_crc32' argument 2 names different: declaration 'buf' definition 'ptr'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c:206:7: warning: Either the condition 'javaProps!=NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: javaProps. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c:263:22: note: Assuming that condition 'javaProps!=NULL' is not redundant
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c:206:7: note: Null pointer dereference
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c:552:9: style: Variable 'hFind' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c:547:0: note: Variable 'hFind' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c:552:9: note: Variable 'hFind' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c:567:21: style: Variable 'child' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c:565:0: note: Variable 'child' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c:567:21: note: Variable 'child' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c:512:9: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c:537:0: style: Variable 'count' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:126:5: style: Variable 'out' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:124:0: note: Variable 'out' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:126:5: note: Variable 'out' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:139:9: style: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:135:0: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:139:9: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:314:5: style: Variable 'testJVMFile' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:307:0: note: Variable 'testJVMFile' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:314:5: note: Variable 'testJVMFile' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:544:13: style: Variable 'resolvedCpEntry' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:542:0: note: Variable 'resolvedCpEntry' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:544:13: note: Variable 'resolvedCpEntry' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:684:9: style: Variable 'javaIOTmpdir' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:679:0: note: Variable 'javaIOTmpdir' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Launcher.c:684:9: note: Variable 'javaIOTmpdir' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Main.c:372:13: style: The scope of the variable 'comp1' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Main.c:408:60: style: Function 'setProgressRange' argument 2 names different: declaration 'size' definition 'range'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Main.h:52:59: note: Function 'setProgressRange' argument 2 names different: declaration 'size' definition 'range'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Main.c:408:60: note: Function 'setProgressRange' argument 2 names different: declaration 'size' definition 'range'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Main.c:488:81: style: Function 'showMessageW' argument 3 names different: declaration 'number' definition 'varArgsNumber'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Main.h:70:79: note: Function 'showMessageW' argument 3 names different: declaration 'number' definition 'varArgsNumber'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Main.c:488:81: note: Function 'showMessageW' argument 3 names different: declaration 'number' definition 'varArgsNumber'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Main.c:127:21: style: Variable 'cyVScroll' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Main.c:152:21: style: Variable 'cyVScroll' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/Main.c:689:104: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:681:5: style: Variable 'locale' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:678:0: note: Variable 'locale' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:681:5: note: Variable 'locale' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:114:11: style: The scope of the variable 's1' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:114:16: style: The scope of the variable 's2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:137:12: style: The scope of the variable 's1' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:137:17: style: The scope of the variable 's2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:617:22: style: The scope of the variable 'c' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:112:29: style: Function 'searchA' argument 1 names different: declaration 'str1' definition 'wcs1'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.h:148:32: note: Function 'searchA' argument 1 names different: declaration 'str1' definition 'wcs1'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:112:29: note: Function 'searchA' argument 1 names different: declaration 'str1' definition 'wcs1'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:112:48: style: Function 'searchA' argument 2 names different: declaration 'str2' definition 'wcs2'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.h:148:51: note: Function 'searchA' argument 2 names different: declaration 'str2' definition 'wcs2'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:112:48: note: Function 'searchA' argument 2 names different: declaration 'str2' definition 'wcs2'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:533:39: style: Function 'freeStringList' argument 1 names different: declaration 's' definition 'ss'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.h:115:43: note: Function 'freeStringList' argument 1 names different: declaration 's' definition 'ss'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:533:39: note: Function 'freeStringList' argument 1 names different: declaration 's' definition 'ss'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:574:43: style: Function 'toCharN' argument 2 names different: declaration 'length' definition 'n'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.h:120:47: note: Function 'toCharN' argument 2 names different: declaration 'length' definition 'n'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:574:43: note: Function 'toCharN' argument 2 names different: declaration 'length' definition 'n'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:638:24: style: Function 'toWCHARn' argument 1 names different: declaration 'string' definition 'str'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.h:122:29: note: Function 'toWCHARn' argument 1 names different: declaration 'string' definition 'str'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:638:24: note: Function 'toWCHARn' argument 1 names different: declaration 'string' definition 'str'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:638:35: style: Function 'toWCHARn' argument 2 names different: declaration 'length' definition 'n'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.h:122:43: note: Function 'toWCHARn' argument 2 names different: declaration 'length' definition 'n'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/StringUtils.c:638:35: note: Function 'toWCHARn' argument 2 names different: declaration 'length' definition 'n'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:78:41: style: Function 'checkJava' argument 1 names different: declaration 'javaPath' definition 'path'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.h:87:32: note: Function 'checkJava' argument 1 names different: declaration 'javaPath' definition 'path'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:78:41: note: Function 'checkJava' argument 1 names different: declaration 'javaPath' definition 'path'.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:72:14: warning: Member variable 'JvmLauncher::suppressConsole' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:72:14: warning: Member variable 'JvmLauncher::javaExePath' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:72:14: warning: Member variable 'JvmLauncher::javawExePath' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:72:14: warning: Member variable 'JvmLauncher::javaDllPath' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:72:14: warning: Member variable 'JvmLauncher::javaClientDllPath' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:72:14: warning: Member variable 'JvmLauncher::javaServerDllPath' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:72:14: warning: Member variable 'JvmLauncher::javaPath' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:72:14: warning: Member variable 'JvmLauncher::javaBinPath' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.h:77:10: style: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::getJavaPath' can be const. [functionConst]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:124:19: note: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::getJavaPath' can be const.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.h:77:10: note: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::getJavaPath' can be const.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.h:90:10: style: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::startOutProcJvm' can be const. [functionConst]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:375:19: note: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::startOutProcJvm' can be const.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.h:90:10: note: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::startOutProcJvm' can be const.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.h:92:10: performance: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::isVersionString' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:203:19: note: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::isVersionString' can be static.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.h:92:10: note: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::isVersionString' can be static.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.h:94:10: performance: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::findClientOption' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:180:19: note: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::findClientOption' can be static.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.h:94:10: note: Technically the member function 'JvmLauncher::findClientOption' can be static.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.h:108:9: style: Class 'PrepareDllPath' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:213:9: style: Class 'Jvm' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.h:57:1: warning: The class 'JvmLauncher' has 'copy constructor' but lack of 'operator='. [copyCtorAndEqOperator]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/jvmlauncher.cpp:276:21: performance: Inefficient usage of string::find() in condition; string::compare() would be faster. [stlIfStrFind]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::separateProcess' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::suppressConsole' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::heapDumpPathOptFound' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::nosplash' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::exiting' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::platformDir' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::userDir' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::defaultUserDirRoot' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::clusters' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::bootclass' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::jdkhome' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::cpBefore' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::cpAfter' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::auClusters' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::nextAction' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::parentProcID' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::javaOptions' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::launcherOptions' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::progArgs' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::addedToCP' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::classPath' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:105:19: warning: Member variable 'PlatformLauncher::appendHelp' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVarPrivate]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.h:98:10: style: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::deleteNewClustersFile' can be const. [functionConst]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:367:24: note: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::deleteNewClustersFile' can be const.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.h:98:10: note: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::deleteNewClustersFile' can be const.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.h:99:10: style: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::checkForNewUpdater' can be const. [functionConst]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:383:24: note: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::checkForNewUpdater' can be const.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.h:99:10: note: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::checkForNewUpdater' can be const.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.h:100:10: performance: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::shouldAutoUpdate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:461:24: note: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::shouldAutoUpdate' can be static.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.h:100:10: note: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::shouldAutoUpdate' can be static.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.h:108:10: style: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::restartRequested' can be const. [functionConst]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.cpp:697:24: note: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::restartRequested' can be const.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.h:108:10: note: Technically the member function 'PlatformLauncher::restartRequested' can be const.
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/platformlauncher.h:56:1: warning: The class 'PlatformLauncher' has 'copy constructor' but lack of 'operator='. [copyCtorAndEqOperator]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/utilsfuncs.cpp:167:16: style: Array index 'i' is used before limits check. [arrayIndexThenCheck]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/utilsfuncs.cpp:269:1: error: va_list 'args' was opened but not closed by va_end(). [va_end_missing]
libnb-platform-java-8.2/o.n.bootstrap/launcher/windows/utilsfuncs.cpp:275:1: error: va_list 'args' was opened but not closed by va_end(). [va_end_missing]

libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/commands.c:158:4: style: Variable 'lenstr' is modified but its new value is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/commands.c:310:4: style: Variable 'custom' is modified but its new value is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/commands.c:331:4: style: Variable 'custom' is modified but its new value is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/commands.c:353:4: style: Variable 'custom' is modified but its new value is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/commands.c:426:4: style: Variable 'custom' is modified but its new value is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/nbmsnp.c:198:6: style: Condition '!host' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/nbmsnp.c:123:21: note: Assignment 'host=NULL', assigned value is 0
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/nbmsnp.c:198:6: note: Condition '!host' is always true
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/nbmsnp.c:175:2: style: Variable 'mi.login' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/nbmsnp.c:173:2: note: Variable 'mi.login' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/nbmsnp.c:175:2: note: Variable 'mi.login' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/nbmsnp.c:498:6: style: The scope of the variable 'fatal' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnbio-0.30/nbmsnp/nbmsnp.c:514:3: style: Variable 'fatal' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnbio-0.30/src/poll.c:208:46: warning: Either the condition '!nb' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: nb. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnbio-0.30/src/poll.c:211:6: note: Assuming that condition '!nb' is not redundant
libnbio-0.30/src/poll.c:208:46: note: Null pointer dereference

libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/basiccmdline/basiccmdline.h:142:5: style: Class 'MyNexusToken' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/basiccmdline/basiccmdline.cpp:306:3: style: Exception should be caught by reference. [catchExceptionByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/basiccmdline/basiccmdline.cpp:622:2: style: Exception should be caught by reference. [catchExceptionByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/check-taxo-nodes/checktaxonnodes.cpp:415:3: style: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/check-taxo-nodes/checktaxonnodes.cpp:414:0: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/check-taxo-nodes/checktaxonnodes.cpp:415:3: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/check-taxo-nodes/checktaxonnodes.cpp:324:0: style: Variable 'nUnlabeledOutDegOne' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/check-taxo-nodes/checktaxonnodes.cpp:325:0: style: Variable 'nLabeledOutDegOne' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/check-taxo-nodes/checktaxonnodes.cpp:326:27: style: Unused variable: parNames [unusedVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/check-taxo-nodes/checktaxonnodes.cpp:483:12: style: Variable 'el' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/check-taxo-nodes/checktaxonnodes.cpp:484:15: style: Variable 'depth' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/check-taxo-nodes/checktaxonnodes.cpp:485:15: style: Variable 'brief' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/compressor/compressor.cpp:124:17: warning: Identical inner 'if' condition is always true. [identicalInnerCondition]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/compressor/compressor.cpp:120:13: note: outer condition: true
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/compressor/compressor.cpp:124:17: note: identical inner condition: true
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/find-unsupported-edges/findunsupportededges.cpp:821:3: style: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/find-unsupported-edges/findunsupportededges.cpp:820:0: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/find-unsupported-edges/findunsupportededges.cpp:821:3: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/find-unsupported-edges/findunsupportededges.cpp:704:0: style: Variable 'nUnlabeledOutDegOne' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/find-unsupported-edges/findunsupportededges.cpp:705:0: style: Variable 'nLabeledOutDegOne' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/find-unsupported-edges/findunsupportededges.cpp:706:17: style: Unused variable: parNames [unusedVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/find-unsupported-edges/findunsupportededges.cpp:873:12: style: Variable 'el' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/find-unsupported-edges/findunsupportededges.cpp:874:15: style: Variable 'depth' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/find-unsupported-edges/findunsupportededges.cpp:875:15: style: Variable 'brief' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:419:29: warning: Either the condition 'if(tb)' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: tb. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:421:5: note: Assuming that condition 'if(tb)' is not redundant
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:419:29: note: Null pointer dereference
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:445:19: warning: Either the condition 'tb' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: tb. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:421:6: note: Assuming that condition 'tb' is not redundant
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:445:19: note: Null pointer dereference
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:197:3: style: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:196:0: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:197:3: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:86:56: style: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 1 names different: declaration 'dblWts' definition 'v'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:63:55: note: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 1 names different: declaration 'dblWts' definition 'v'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:86:56: note: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 1 names different: declaration 'dblWts' definition 'v'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:86:104: style: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 2 names different: declaration 'dw' definition 'iw'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:63:108: note: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 2 names different: declaration 'dw' definition 'iw'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/gapcode/gapcode.cpp:86:104: note: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 2 names different: declaration 'dw' definition 'iw'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ncltest/ncltest.cpp:39:3: style: Class 'NormalizingReader' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/normalizer.h:12:3: warning: Member variable 'TranslatingConventions::currentRowIndex' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVar]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/converter.cpp:608:15: performance: Function parameter 'prefix' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/converter.cpp:683:15: performance: Function parameter 'prefix' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/converter.cpp:778:15: performance: Function parameter 'prefix' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/converter.cpp:849:15: performance: Function parameter 'prefix' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:205:3: style: Class 'NexmlIDStrorer' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:440:27: performance: Function parameter 'identifier' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:440:51: performance: Function parameter 'titleStr' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:448:26: performance: Function parameter 'identifier' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:448:50: performance: Function parameter 'titleStr' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:473:51: performance: Function parameter 'identifier' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:473:75: performance: Function parameter 'titleStr' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:473:97: performance: Function parameter 'taxaBlockID' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:481:52: performance: Function parameter 'identifier' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:481:76: performance: Function parameter 'titleStr' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:481:98: performance: Function parameter 'taxaBlockID' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:488:33: performance: Function parameter 'identifier' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:488:57: performance: Function parameter 'titleStr' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/normalizer/us2ml.cpp:488:79: performance: Function parameter 'taxaBlockID' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-subtree/otsubtree.cpp:243:3: style: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-subtree/otsubtree.cpp:242:0: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-subtree/otsubtree.cpp:243:3: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-subtree/otsubtree.cpp:164:0: style: Variable 'nUnlabeledOutDegOne' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-subtree/otsubtree.cpp:165:0: style: Variable 'nLabeledOutDegOne' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-subtree/otsubtree.cpp:166:17: style: Unused variable: parNames [unusedVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-subtree/otsubtree.cpp:290:12: style: Variable 'el' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-subtree/otsubtree.cpp:291:15: style: Variable 'depth' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-subtree/otsubtree.cpp:292:15: style: Variable 'brief' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-subtree/otsubtree.cpp:133:8: style: Redundant checking of STL container element existence before removing it. [redundantIfRemove]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:215:4: style: Variable 'par' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:213:0: note: Variable 'par' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:215:4: note: Variable 'par' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:345:3: style: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:344:0: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:345:3: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:186:7: style: The scope of the variable 'unNamedID' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:117:24: style: Unused variable: outDegreeCounts [unusedVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:134:24: style: Unused variable: outDegreeCounts [unusedVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:183:24: style: Unused variable: outDegreeCounts [unusedVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:418:12: style: Variable 'el' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:419:15: style: Variable 'depth' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/ot-tree-inspect/ot_tree_inspect.cpp:420:15: style: Variable 'brief' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/outdeg1count/outdeg1count.cpp:243:3: style: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/outdeg1count/outdeg1count.cpp:242:0: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/outdeg1count/outdeg1count.cpp:243:3: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/outdeg1count/outdeg1count.cpp:311:12: style: Variable 'el' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/outdeg1count/outdeg1count.cpp:312:15: style: Variable 'depth' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/outdeg1count/outdeg1count.cpp:313:15: style: Variable 'brief' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:282:12: style: Found duplicate branches for 'if' and 'else'. [duplicateBranch]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:285:7: note: Found duplicate branches for 'if' and 'else'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:282:12: note: Found duplicate branches for 'if' and 'else'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:85:6: style: The scope of the variable 'nchartoreturn' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:415:15: style: Function 'AppendRContent' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexuscharacters' definition 'nexustrees'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:116:35: note: Function 'AppendRContent' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexuscharacters' definition 'nexustrees'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:415:15: note: Function 'AppendRContent' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexuscharacters' definition 'nexustrees'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:444:15: style: Function 'AppendRContent' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexuscharacters' definition 'nexusdistances'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:118:35: note: Function 'AppendRContent' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexuscharacters' definition 'nexusdistances'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:444:15: note: Function 'AppendRContent' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexuscharacters' definition 'nexusdistances'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:481:50: style: Function 'RReturnCharacters' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexuscharacters' definition 'outputstring'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:100:38: note: Function 'RReturnCharacters' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexuscharacters' definition 'outputstring'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:481:50: note: Function 'RReturnCharacters' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexuscharacters' definition 'outputstring'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:501:45: style: Function 'RReturnTrees' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexustrees' definition 'outputstring'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:101:33: note: Function 'RReturnTrees' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexustrees' definition 'outputstring'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:501:45: note: Function 'RReturnTrees' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexustrees' definition 'outputstring'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:520:49: style: Function 'RReturnDistances' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexusdistances' definition 'outputstring'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:102:37: note: Function 'RReturnDistances' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexusdistances' definition 'outputstring'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:520:49: note: Function 'RReturnDistances' argument 1 names different: declaration 'nexusdistances' definition 'outputstring'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:40:72: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:108:15: style: Unused private function: 'BASICCMDLINE::RemoveUnderscoresAndSpaces' [unusedPrivateFunction]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:104:15: performance: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::TestRunning' can be static. [functionStatic]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:66:27: note: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::TestRunning' can be static.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:104:15: note: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::TestRunning' can be static.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:108:15: performance: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::RemoveUnderscoresAndSpaces' can be static. [functionStatic]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:2203:25: note: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::RemoveUnderscoresAndSpaces' can be static.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:108:15: note: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::RemoveUnderscoresAndSpaces' can be static.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:116:8: performance: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::AppendRContent' can be static. [functionStatic]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:414:20: note: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::AppendRContent' can be static.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:116:8: note: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::AppendRContent' can be static.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:118:8: performance: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::AppendRContent' can be static. [functionStatic]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.cpp:443:20: note: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::AppendRContent' can be static.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/phylobaseinterface/NCLInterface.h:118:8: note: Technically the member function 'BASICCMDLINE::AppendRContent' can be static.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/polytomy-count/polytomy_count.cpp:171:3: style: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/polytomy-count/polytomy_count.cpp:170:0: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/polytomy-count/polytomy_count.cpp:171:3: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/polytomy-count/polytomy_count.cpp:239:12: style: Variable 'el' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/polytomy-count/polytomy_count.cpp:240:15: style: Variable 'depth' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/polytomy-count/polytomy_count.cpp:241:15: style: Variable 'brief' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsinfile.cpp:88:22: warning: Either the condition 'tb' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: taxa. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsinfile.cpp:139:7: note: Assuming that condition 'tb' is not redundant
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsinfile.cpp:146:24: note: Calling function 'writeStarTreeCommand', 1st argument 'taxa' value is 0
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsinfile.cpp:88:22: note: Null pointer dereference
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsinfile.cpp:111:24: style: C-style pointer casting [cstyleCast]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsinfile.cpp:237:3: style: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsinfile.cpp:236:0: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsinfile.cpp:237:3: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsstructs.h:87:13: style: The scope of the variable 'word' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsstructs.h:46:3: style: Class 'Split' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsstructs.h:215:8: style: Technically the member function 'TreesToSplits::recordSplit' can be const. [functionConst]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsstructs.cpp:113:21: note: Technically the member function 'TreesToSplits::recordSplit' can be const.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/splitsinfile/splitsstructs.h:215:8: note: Technically the member function 'TreesToSplits::recordSplit' can be const.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:150:9: style: Condition 'untDNA' is always false [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:129:35: note: Assignment 'untDNA=0L', assigned value is 0
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:150:9: note: Condition 'untDNA' is always false
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:463:29: warning: Either the condition 'if(tb)' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: tb. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:465:5: note: Assuming that condition 'if(tb)' is not redundant
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:463:29: note: Null pointer dereference
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:489:19: warning: Either the condition 'tb' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: tb. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:465:6: note: Assuming that condition 'tb' is not redundant
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:489:19: note: Null pointer dereference
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:223:3: style: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:222:0: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:223:3: note: Variable 'outStream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:83:56: style: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 1 names different: declaration 'dblWts' definition 'v'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:60:55: note: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 1 names different: declaration 'dblWts' definition 'v'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:83:56: note: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 1 names different: declaration 'dblWts' definition 'v'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:83:104: style: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 2 names different: declaration 'dw' definition 'iw'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:60:108: note: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 2 names different: declaration 'dw' definition 'iw'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/example/translate/translateNuc.cpp:83:104: note: Function 'vecToListOfDblWeights' argument 2 names different: declaration 'dw' definition 'iw'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2396:51: style: Opposite expression on both sides of '&&'. [oppositeExpression]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2396:51: note: Opposite expression on both sides of '&&'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2396:51: note: Opposite expression on both sides of '&&'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2398:52: style: Opposite expression on both sides of '&&'. [oppositeExpression]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2398:52: note: Opposite expression on both sides of '&&'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2398:52: note: Opposite expression on both sides of '&&'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2400:51: style: Opposite expression on both sides of '&&'. [oppositeExpression]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2400:51: note: Opposite expression on both sides of '&&'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2400:51: note: Opposite expression on both sides of '&&'.
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:1132:50: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:1164:62: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:1196:48: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:1226:46: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2584:44: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2606:42: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:2628:40: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:1733:23: style: The function 'convert' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:1726:23: note: Virtual function in base class
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:1733:23: note: Function in derived class
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsassumptionsblock.cpp:1477:6: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxscharactersblock.cpp:3909:7: style: Condition 'save' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxscharactersblock.cpp:3871:10: note: Assignment 'save=true', assigned value is 1
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxscharactersblock.cpp:3909:7: note: Condition 'save' is always true
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxscharactersblock.cpp:3242:2: style: Statements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed. [unreachableCode]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxscharactersblock.cpp:3012:11: style: The scope of the variable 'curr_ind_mapped' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxscharactersblock.cpp:3863:7: style: The scope of the variable 'save' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxscharactersblock.cpp:4747:55: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxscharactersblock.cpp:4153:7: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxscxxdiscretematrix.cpp:138:7: style: The scope of the variable 'weightsAsInts' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxscxxdiscretematrix.cpp:152:26: style: Variable 'weightsSpecified' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxscxxdiscretematrix.cpp:143:19: style: Variable 'weightsAsInts' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsmultiformat.cpp:247:2: style: Class 'FileToCharBuffer' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsmultiformat.cpp:247:2: style: Class 'FileToCharBuffer' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsmultiformat.cpp:126:3: style: Class 'FileToCharBuffer' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsmultiformat.cpp:1200:8: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsreader.cpp:1244:11: style: The scope of the variable 'before' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsreader.cpp:1244:19: style: The scope of the variable 'after' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsreader.cpp:892:5: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsreader.cpp:656:2: style: Exception should be caught by reference. [catchExceptionByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsreader.cpp:706:5: style: Exception should be caught by reference. [catchExceptionByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxssetreader.cpp:340:3: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsstring.cpp:191:62: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsstring.cpp:200:62: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsstring.cpp:529:62: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsstring.cpp:542:68: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsstring.cpp:587:62: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsstring.cpp:644:56: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsstring.cpp:1035:4: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsstring.cpp:1038:3: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstoken.cpp:372:3: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstoken.cpp:421:66: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstoken.cpp:487:68: performance: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. [postfixOperator]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstoken.cpp:610:3: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstoken.cpp:641:3: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstoken.cpp:673:3: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstoken.cpp:715:3: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstoken.cpp:758:3: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstreesblock.cpp:645:7: style: The scope of the variable 'prevInternalOrLength' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstreesblock.cpp:1279:3: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstreesblock.cpp:1887:5: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstreesblock.cpp:550:47: performance: Function parameter 'comment' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstreesblock.cpp:351:19: style: Reading from empty STL container 'nm' [reademptycontainer]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxstreesblock.cpp:460:19: style: Reading from empty STL container 'nm' [reademptycontainer]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsunalignedblock.cpp:766:20: style: Variable 's' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libncl-2.1.21+git20171002.4becff7/ncl/nxsunalignedblock.cpp:595:6: style: Throwing a copy of the caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception. [exceptRethrowCopy]


libndp-1.6/libndp/libndp.c:1187:32: style: The scope of the variable 'info' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libndp-1.6/libndp/libndp.c:1252:32: style: The scope of the variable 'info' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libndp-1.6/libndp/libndp.c:1949:6: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libndp-1.6/libndp/libndp.c:1950:6: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]



libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/bin/evaluate.c:319:5: style: Variable 'indexes_result' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/bin/evaluate.c:316:0: note: Variable 'indexes_result' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/bin/evaluate.c:319:5: note: Variable 'indexes_result' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/bin/evaluate.c:393:5: style: Statements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed. [unreachableCode]
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/bin/render.c:230:9: warning: %lld in format string (no. 1) requires 'long long' but the argument type is 'unsigned long long'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/bin/render.c:230:9: warning: %lld in format string (no. 3) requires 'long long' but the argument type is 'unsigned long long'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/bin/render.c:236:22: warning: %lld in format string (no. 1) requires 'long long' but the argument type is 'unsigned long long'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/bin/render.c:242:9: warning: %lld in format string (no. 1) requires 'long long' but the argument type is 'unsigned long long'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/lib/util.h:180:0: error: #error "No htobe64 or alternative" [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/lib/atomic.h:68:0: error: #error Missing atomics implementation (stdatomic) [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/lib/thread.h:39:0: error: #error "No threading support found" [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/src/lib/uri.c:262:5: style: Statements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed. [unreachableCode]
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/tests/check_libneo4j-client.c:32:5: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libneo4j-client-2.2.0/tests/check_values.c:398:11: style: Variable 'str' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]

libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:143:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int *' but the argument type is 'unsigned int *'. [invalidScanfArgType_int]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:146:4: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int *' but the argument type is 'unsigned int *'. [invalidScanfArgType_int]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:210:2: warning: %i in format string (no. 1) requires 'int *' but the argument type is 'unsigned int *'. [invalidScanfArgType_int]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:216:2: warning: %i in format string (no. 1) requires 'int *' but the argument type is 'unsigned int *'. [invalidScanfArgType_int]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:236:3: warning: %u in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'signed int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_uint]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:244:2: warning: %u in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'signed int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_uint]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.h:338:9: portability: '(void*)ibdev' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.h:343:9: portability: '(void*)ibctx' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.h:348:9: portability: '(void*)ibpd' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.h:353:9: portability: '(void*)ibcq' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.h:358:9: portability: '(void*)ibqp' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.h:107:20: error: Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is undefined behaviour [shiftTooManyBitsSigned]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.h:124:26: error: Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is undefined behaviour [shiftTooManyBitsSigned]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.h:187:38: error: Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is undefined behaviour [shiftTooManyBitsSigned]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.h:225:24: error: Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is undefined behaviour [shiftTooManyBitsSigned]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:155:21: error: Uninitialized struct member: resp.max_pds [uninitStructMember]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:156:21: error: Uninitialized struct member: resp.max_qps [uninitStructMember]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:157:21: error: Uninitialized struct member: resp.wq_size [uninitStructMember]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:158:20: error: Uninitialized struct member: resp.virtwq [uninitStructMember]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:135:6: error: Uninitialized struct member: resp.kernel_ver [uninitStructMember]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_umain.c:137:18: error: Uninitialized struct member: resp.kernel_ver [uninitStructMember]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:96:2: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:96:2: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:235:2: warning: %u in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'signed int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_uint]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:277:2: warning: %u in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'signed int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_uint]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:291:2: warning: %u in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'signed int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_uint]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:291:2: warning: %d in format string (no. 5) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1854:2: warning: %u in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'signed int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_uint]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1866:2: warning: %u in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'signed int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_uint]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:564:2: style: Variable 'nesvctx' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:550:0: note: Variable 'nesvctx' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:564:2: note: Variable 'nesvctx' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:731:2: style: Variable 'nesvctx' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:718:0: note: Variable 'nesvctx' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:731:2: note: Variable 'nesvctx' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:424:11: style: The scope of the variable 'cqe_misc' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:428:11: style: The scope of the variable 'qp_size' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:430:34: style: The scope of the variable 'cqe' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:723:11: style: The scope of the variable 'wqe_index' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:726:11: style: The scope of the variable 'u64temp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1294:11: style: The scope of the variable 'lo' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1295:11: style: The scope of the variable 'hi' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1296:11: style: The scope of the variable 'u64temp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1465:11: style: The scope of the variable 'u64temp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1471:11: style: The scope of the variable 'counter' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1474:11: style: The scope of the variable 'outstanding_wqes' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1735:11: style: The scope of the variable 'u64temp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1738:24: style: The scope of the variable 'wqe' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1741:11: style: The scope of the variable 'counter' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1744:11: style: The scope of the variable 'outstanding_wqes' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1745:11: style: The scope of the variable 'total_payload_length' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1141:0: style: Variable 'i' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:1328:0: style: Variable 'i' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:133:18: error: Uninitialized struct member: resp.pd_id [uninitStructMember]
libnes-1.1.4/src/nes_uverbs.c:134:21: error: Uninitialized struct member: resp.db_index [uninitStructMember]

libnet-1.1.6/sample/arp.c:113:9: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/dhcp_discover.c:55:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/dhcp_discover.c:62:31: style: The scope of the variable 'ethaddr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/dhcp_discover.c:71:13: style: The scope of the variable 'options' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/dhcp_discover.c:225:13: style: Variable 't' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/dhcp_discover.c:209:14: style: Variable 'ip' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/dhcp_discover.c:199:15: style: Variable 'udp' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/dhcp_discover.c:179:16: style: Variable 'dhcp' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/gre.c:340:36: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/hsrp.c:195:5: style: Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. [duplicateBreak]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/ieee.c:52:5: style: Variable 'device' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/ieee.c:46:0: note: Variable 'device' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/ieee.c:52:5: note: Variable 'device' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/ip_link.c:113:33: warning: Either the condition 'l==NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: l. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/ip_link.c:115:11: note: Assuming that condition 'l==NULL' is not redundant
libnet-1.1.6/sample/ip_link.c:113:33: note: Null pointer dereference
libnet-1.1.6/sample/ip_raw.c:106:33: warning: Either the condition 'l==NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: l. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/ip_raw.c:108:11: note: Assuming that condition 'l==NULL' is not redundant
libnet-1.1.6/sample/ip_raw.c:106:33: note: Null pointer dereference
libnet-1.1.6/sample/isl.c:53:5: style: Variable 'device' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/isl.c:48:0: note: Variable 'device' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/isl.c:53:5: note: Variable 'device' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/ping_of_death.c:72:22: style: Suspicious condition (assignment + comparison); Clarify expression with parentheses. [clarifyCondition]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/rpc_tcp.c:96:17: style: Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. [duplicateBreak]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/sebek.c:298:5: style: Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. [duplicateBreak]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/sebek.c:177:9: warning: Size of pointer 'cmd' used instead of size of its data. [pointerSize]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/stp.c:54:5: style: Variable 'device' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/stp.c:49:0: note: Variable 'device' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/stp.c:54:5: note: Variable 'device' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/tcp2.c:95:17: style: Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. [duplicateBreak]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/test_ipv4_options.c:160:5: style: Variable 'payload' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/test_ipv4_options.c:144:0: note: Variable 'payload' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/test_ipv4_options.c:160:5: note: Variable 'payload' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/test_ipv4_options.c:197:5: style: Variable 'ip_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/test_ipv4_options.c:184:5: note: Variable 'ip_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/test_ipv4_options.c:197:5: note: Variable 'ip_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/test_ipv4_options.c:210:5: style: Variable 'ip_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnet-1.1.6/sample/test_ipv4_options.c:197:5: note: Variable 'ip_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/test_ipv4_options.c:210:5: note: Variable 'ip_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/sample/test_ipv6_icmpv4.c:92:17: style: Variable 'ipv6_ptag' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_build_data.c:72:1: style: Label 'bad' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_build_ip.c:345:9: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_build_tcp.c:209:9: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_cq.c:338:18: style: The scope of the variable 'tmp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_cq.c:143:9: error: Memory leak: new [memleak]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_if_addr.c:120:11: style: The scope of the variable 'p' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_init.c:58:5: style: Variable 'l' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_init.c:45:0: note: Variable 'l' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_init.c:58:5: note: Variable 'l' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_link_dlpi.c:279:13: warning: %lu in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_uint]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_link_dlpi.c:649:14: style: struct member 'EnetHeaderInfo::EtherFrameType' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_link_snoop.c:140:9: style: Unused variable: c [unusedVariable]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_link_win32.c:176:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_port_list.c:291:5: warning: Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. Did you forget dereferencing it? [uselessAssignmentPtrArg]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_port_list.c:278:21: style: The scope of the variable 'tmp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_resolve.c:56:14: style: The scope of the variable 'p' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_resolve.c:98:14: style: The scope of the variable 'p' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_resolve.c:125:21: style: The scope of the variable 'host_ent' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_resolve.c:126:14: style: The scope of the variable 'm' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_resolve.c:128:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_resolve.c:244:21: style: The scope of the variable 'host_ent' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_resolve.c:433:13: style: The scope of the variable 'l' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-1.1.6/src/libnet_write.c:78:17: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]























Net-CUPS-0.64/packer.c:4:7: style: The scope of the variable 'hv' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-CUPS-0.64/packer.c:5:7: style: The scope of the variable 'choice' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-CUPS-0.64/packer.c:6:7: style: The scope of the variable 'choices' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-CUPS-0.64/packer.c:7:7: style: The scope of the variable 'loop' can be reduced. [variableScope]





















































Net-Interface-1.016/inet_aton.c:56:0: error: #error inet_aton, inet_pton, inet_addr not defined on this platform [preprocessorErrorDirective]
Net-Interface-1.016/miniSocketXS.c:39:0: error: No pair for character ('). Can't process file. File is either invalid or unicode, which is currently not supported. [syntaxError]
Net-Interface-1.016/ni_fixups.h:43:0: error: #error 'caddr_t' undefined on this platform [preprocessorErrorDirective]



Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:181:9: style: The scope of the variable 'j' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:182:19: style: The scope of the variable 'k' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:384:19: style: The scope of the variable 'num_ulong' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:415:10: style: The scope of the variable 'current_quad' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:931:19: style: The scope of the variable 'begin_1_ulong' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:932:19: style: The scope of the variable 'begin_2_ulong' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:933:19: style: The scope of the variable 'end_1_ulong' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:934:19: style: The scope of the variable 'end_2_ulong' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:992:10: style: The scope of the variable 'buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1251:9: style: The scope of the variable 'bits' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1344:19: style: The scope of the variable 'zeroes' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1346:9: style: The scope of the variable 'res' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1425:19: style: The scope of the variable 'zeroes' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1427:19: style: The scope of the variable 'res' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1518:19: style: The scope of the variable 'begin_ulong' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1519:19: style: The scope of the variable 'end_ulong' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1764:9: style: The scope of the variable 'res' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1766:9: style: The scope of the variable 'k' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1767:9: style: The scope of the variable 'y' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1769:10: style: The scope of the variable 'c' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1770:9: style: The scope of the variable 'ncount' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1771:19: style: The scope of the variable 'ipv4' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1959:9: style: The scope of the variable 'index' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1960:9: style: The scope of the variable 'shift' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:2027:9: style: The scope of the variable 'res' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:2028:10: style: The scope of the variable 'clen' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:2030:10: style: The scope of the variable 'c' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:2089:9: style: The scope of the variable 'res' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:2090:10: style: The scope of the variable 'clen' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:2092:10: style: The scope of the variable 'c' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:2155:19: style: The scope of the variable 'ipv4' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:2745:11: style: The scope of the variable 'key' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1124:38: style: Function 'NI_ip_get_prefix_length_ipv6' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n128_1' definition 'num1'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.h:125:53: note: Function 'NI_ip_get_prefix_length_ipv6' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n128_1' definition 'num1'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1124:38: note: Function 'NI_ip_get_prefix_length_ipv6' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n128_1' definition 'num1'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1124:52: style: Function 'NI_ip_get_prefix_length_ipv6' argument 2 names different: declaration 'n128_2' definition 'num2'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.h:125:69: note: Function 'NI_ip_get_prefix_length_ipv6' argument 2 names different: declaration 'n128_2' definition 'num2'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1124:52: note: Function 'NI_ip_get_prefix_length_ipv6' argument 2 names different: declaration 'n128_2' definition 'num2'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1300:26: style: Function 'NI_ip_binadd' argument 1 names different: declaration 'first' definition 'ip1'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.h:141:41: note: Function 'NI_ip_binadd' argument 1 names different: declaration 'first' definition 'ip1'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1300:26: note: Function 'NI_ip_binadd' argument 1 names different: declaration 'first' definition 'ip1'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1300:43: style: Function 'NI_ip_binadd' argument 2 names different: declaration 'second' definition 'ip2'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.h:141:60: note: Function 'NI_ip_binadd' argument 2 names different: declaration 'second' definition 'ip2'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1300:43: note: Function 'NI_ip_binadd' argument 2 names different: declaration 'second' definition 'ip2'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1513:35: style: Function 'NI_ip_range_to_prefix' argument 1 names different: declaration 'bitstr_1' definition 'begin'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.h:151:50: note: Function 'NI_ip_range_to_prefix' argument 1 names different: declaration 'bitstr_1' definition 'begin'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1513:35: note: Function 'NI_ip_range_to_prefix' argument 1 names different: declaration 'bitstr_1' definition 'begin'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1513:54: style: Function 'NI_ip_range_to_prefix' argument 2 names different: declaration 'bitstr_2' definition 'end'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.h:152:50: note: Function 'NI_ip_range_to_prefix' argument 2 names different: declaration 'bitstr_2' definition 'end'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1513:54: note: Function 'NI_ip_range_to_prefix' argument 2 names different: declaration 'bitstr_2' definition 'end'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1621:26: style: Function 'NI_ip_aggregate_ipv6' argument 5 names different: declaration 'ipversion' definition 'version'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.h:159:41: note: Function 'NI_ip_aggregate_ipv6' argument 5 names different: declaration 'ipversion' definition 'version'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1621:26: note: Function 'NI_ip_aggregate_ipv6' argument 5 names different: declaration 'ipversion' definition 'version'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1651:26: style: Function 'NI_ip_aggregate_ipv4' argument 5 names different: declaration 'ipversion' definition 'version'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.h:162:41: note: Function 'NI_ip_aggregate_ipv4' argument 5 names different: declaration 'ipversion' definition 'version'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1651:26: note: Function 'NI_ip_aggregate_ipv4' argument 5 names different: declaration 'ipversion' definition 'version'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1683:21: style: Function 'NI_ip_aggregate' argument 5 names different: declaration 'ipversion' definition 'version'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.h:165:36: note: Function 'NI_ip_aggregate' argument 5 names different: declaration 'ipversion' definition 'version'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/functions.c:1683:21: note: Function 'NI_ip_aggregate' argument 5 names different: declaration 'ipversion' definition 'version'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/inet_pton.c:67:38: style: Variable 'tp' is not assigned a value. [unassignedVariable]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:227:14: style: The scope of the variable 'mask' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:265:14: style: The scope of the variable 'mask' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:362:9: style: The scope of the variable 'j' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:550:9: style: The scope of the variable 'diff' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:579:11: style: The scope of the variable 'ps' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:580:9: style: The scope of the variable 'ps_len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:359:18: style: Function 'n128_add' argument 1 names different: declaration 'a' definition 'n1'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.h:39:22: note: Function 'n128_add' argument 1 names different: declaration 'a' definition 'n1'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:359:18: note: Function 'n128_add' argument 1 names different: declaration 'a' definition 'n1'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:359:30: style: Function 'n128_add' argument 2 names different: declaration 'b' definition 'n2'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.h:39:33: note: Function 'n128_add' argument 2 names different: declaration 'b' definition 'n2'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:359:30: note: Function 'n128_add' argument 2 names different: declaration 'b' definition 'n2'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:387:18: style: Function 'n128_com' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n1' definition 'n'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.h:46:23: note: Function 'n128_com' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n1' definition 'n'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:387:18: note: Function 'n128_com' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n1' definition 'n'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:406:21: style: Function 'n128_add_ui' argument 1 names different: declaration 'a' definition 'n'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.h:40:25: note: Function 'n128_add_ui' argument 1 names different: declaration 'a' definition 'n'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:406:21: note: Function 'n128_add_ui' argument 1 names different: declaration 'a' definition 'n'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:424:18: style: Function 'n128_sub' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n' definition 'n1'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.h:51:22: note: Function 'n128_sub' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n' definition 'n1'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:424:18: note: Function 'n128_sub' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n' definition 'n1'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:424:30: style: Function 'n128_sub' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sub' definition 'n2'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.h:51:33: note: Function 'n128_sub' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sub' definition 'n2'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:424:30: note: Function 'n128_sub' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sub' definition 'n2'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:811:24: style: Function 'n128_print_dec' argument 1 names different: declaration 'narg' definition 'n'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.h:57:29: note: Function 'n128_print_dec' argument 1 names different: declaration 'narg' definition 'n'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:811:24: note: Function 'n128_print_dec' argument 1 names different: declaration 'narg' definition 'n'.
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:483:36: error: Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is undefined behaviour [shiftTooManyBitsSigned]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:530:33: note: Calling function 'n128_clrbit', 2nd argument 'bit' value is 127
Net-IP-XS-0.21/n128.c:483:36: note: Shift
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:169:10: style: The scope of the variable 'prefixbuf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:175:9: style: The scope of the variable 'endipversion' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:393:9: style: The scope of the variable 'prefixlen' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:470:9: style: The scope of the variable 'prefixlen' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:471:17: style: The scope of the variable 'first_ip' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:472:17: style: The scope of the variable 'second_ip' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:473:9: style: The scope of the variable 'res' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:789:17: style: The scope of the variable 'ip' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:917:17: style: The scope of the variable 'binip' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:918:17: style: The scope of the variable 'last_ip' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:921:9: style: The scope of the variable 'prefixlen' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:1415:19: style: The scope of the variable 'num_ulong' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-IP-XS-0.21/object.c:1423:9: style: Unused variable: size [unusedVariable]

















Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/buffer.c:101:10: style: The scope of the variable 'args' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/buffer.c:103:9: style: The scope of the variable 'remaining' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/compat/b64_ntop.c:119:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dname.c:163:10: style: The scope of the variable 'label_size' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dname.c:217:18: style: The scope of the variable 'len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dname.c:297:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dname.c:297:12: style: The scope of the variable 'j' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dname.c:463:12: style: The scope of the variable 'wc_chopped' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:942:2: style: Variable 'nsec' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:938:0: note: Variable 'nsec' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:942:2: note: Variable 'nsec' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:1166:2: style: Variable 'hashed_owner' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:1159:0: note: Variable 'hashed_owner' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:1166:2: note: Variable 'hashed_owner' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:34:11: style: The scope of the variable 'candidate' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:61:11: style: The scope of the variable 'candidate' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:303:15: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:304:11: style: The scope of the variable 'ac32' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:689:11: style: The scope of the variable 'window' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:701:11: style: The scope of the variable 'dptr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:935:11: style: The scope of the variable 'i_rr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:1127:11: style: The scope of the variable 'cur_rr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:1155:11: style: The scope of the variable 'i_rr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:1297:10: style: The scope of the variable 'salt_length' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec.c:1298:11: style: The scope of the variable 'salt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec_sign.c:583:20: style: The scope of the variable 'name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec_zone.c:846:20: style: The scope of the variable 'current_name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec_zone.c:986:20: style: The scope of the variable 'name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec_zone.c:1044:12: style: The scope of the variable 'cur_name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec_zone.c:1045:12: style: The scope of the variable 'next_name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec_zone.c:1049:14: style: The scope of the variable 'cur_label_count' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec_zone.c:1049:31: style: The scope of the variable 'next_label_count' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec_zone.c:1176:11: style: The scope of the variable 'nsec3' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/dnssec_zone.c:1177:17: style: The scope of the variable 'node' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/duration.c:186:13: warning: Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. Did you forget dereferencing it? [uselessAssignmentPtrArg]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/higher.c:37:2: style: Variable 'result' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/higher.c:30:0: note: Variable 'result' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/higher.c:37:2: note: Variable 'result' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/higher.c:328:12: style: The scope of the variable 'rd' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:326:10: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:327:16: style: The scope of the variable 'c' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:437:10: style: The scope of the variable 'ch' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:683:10: style: The scope of the variable 'size' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:684:10: style: The scope of the variable 'horizontal_precision' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:685:10: style: The scope of the variable 'vertical_precision' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:686:11: style: The scope of the variable 'longitude' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:687:11: style: The scope of the variable 'latitude' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:688:11: style: The scope of the variable 'altitude' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:689:7: style: The scope of the variable 'northerness' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:690:7: style: The scope of the variable 'easterness' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:691:11: style: The scope of the variable 'h' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:692:11: style: The scope of the variable 'm' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:693:9: style: The scope of the variable 's' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:842:10: style: The scope of the variable 'window_block_nr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:843:10: style: The scope of the variable 'bitmap_length' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:888:10: style: The scope of the variable 'salt_pos' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:948:11: style: The scope of the variable 'address_family' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:949:10: style: The scope of the variable 'prefix' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:950:7: style: The scope of the variable 'negation' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:951:10: style: The scope of the variable 'adf_length' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:1025:8: style: The scope of the variable 'b64' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:1203:7: style: The scope of the variable 'ch' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:1242:6: style: The scope of the variable 'written' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:1464:14: style: The scope of the variable 'flags' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:1761:11: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2str.c:1763:8: style: The scope of the variable 'tmp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:29:11: style: The scope of the variable 'data' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:30:9: style: The scope of the variable 'size' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:31:12: style: The scope of the variable 'label' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:32:12: style: The scope of the variable 'rest' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:122:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:123:11: style: The scope of the variable 'rdf_data' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:165:11: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:166:11: style: The scope of the variable 'rdl_pos' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:242:11: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:243:11: style: The scope of the variable 'rdl_pos' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:321:10: style: The scope of the variable 'flags' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:322:11: style: The scope of the variable 'arcount' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/host2wire.c:372:11: style: The scope of the variable 'edns_rr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/keys.c:1378:12: style: The scope of the variable 'keybin' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/keys.c:1577:17: style: The scope of the variable 'hmac' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/keys.c:1635:8: style: Checking if unsigned variable 'i' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/parse.c:351:14: style: The scope of the variable 'found' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/parse.c:352:14: style: The scope of the variable 'c' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/parse.c:380:14: style: The scope of the variable 'found' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/radix.c:1116:3: style: Variable 'common' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/radix.c:1108:0: note: Variable 'common' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/radix.c:1116:3: note: Variable 'common' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/radix.c:338:10: style: The scope of the variable 'byte' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/radix.c:385:10: style: The scope of the variable 'byte' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/radix.c:779:10: style: The scope of the variable 'byte' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/radix.c:774:66: style: Function 'ldns_radix_find_prefix' argument 5 names different: declaration 'pos' definition 'respos'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/radix.c:53:66: note: Function 'ldns_radix_find_prefix' argument 5 names different: declaration 'pos' definition 'respos'.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/radix.c:774:66: note: Function 'ldns_radix_find_prefix' argument 5 names different: declaration 'pos' definition 'respos'.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rbtree.c:516:6: style: The scope of the variable 'r' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rbtree.c:625:17: style: The scope of the variable 'move_node' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rdata.c:420:10: style: The scope of the variable 'octet' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rdata.c:421:10: style: The scope of the variable 'nnibble' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rdata.c:422:10: style: The scope of the variable 'nibble' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:1208:2: style: Variable 'stat' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:1205:0: note: Variable 'stat' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:1208:2: note: Variable 'stat' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:144:13: style: The scope of the variable 'cur_rr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:353:11: style: The scope of the variable 'rr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:355:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:1042:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:1175:10: style: The scope of the variable 'new_rtt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:1438:11: style: The scope of the variable 'cur_rr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:1439:11: style: The scope of the variable 'packet_wire' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:1583:14: style: The scope of the variable 'j' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/resolver.c:1585:15: style: The scope of the variable 'tmprtt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1334:6: style: Condition '!last_rr' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1326:21: note: Assignment 'last_rr=NULL', assigned value is 0
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1334:6: note: Condition '!last_rr' is always true
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:2515:10: warning: Either the condition '!data' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: data. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:2516:7: note: Assuming that condition '!data' is not redundant
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:2515:10: note: Null pointer dereference
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:157:2: style: Variable 'owner' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:123:0: note: Variable 'owner' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:157:2: note: Variable 'owner' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:158:2: style: Variable 'ttl' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:124:0: note: Variable 'ttl' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:158:2: note: Variable 'ttl' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:159:2: style: Variable 'clas' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:126:0: note: Variable 'clas' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:159:2: note: Variable 'clas' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:160:2: style: Variable 'rdata' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:128:0: note: Variable 'rdata' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:160:2: note: Variable 'rdata' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:161:2: style: Variable 'rr_buf' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:120:0: note: Variable 'rr_buf' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:161:2: note: Variable 'rr_buf' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:162:2: style: Variable 'rd_buf' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:121:0: note: Variable 'rd_buf' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:162:2: note: Variable 'rd_buf' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:163:2: style: Variable 'rd' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:129:0: note: Variable 'rd' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:163:2: note: Variable 'rd' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:164:2: style: Variable 'xtok' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:130:0: note: Variable 'xtok' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:164:2: note: Variable 'xtok' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:77:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:819:12: style: The scope of the variable 'pop' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:998:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1078:12: style: The scope of the variable 'list_rdf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1272:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1273:11: style: The scope of the variable 'last' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1410:11: style: The scope of the variable 'r' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1440:15: style: The scope of the variable 'rr1_buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1440:25: style: The scope of the variable 'rr2_buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1447:11: style: The scope of the variable 'canonical_a' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1447:25: style: The scope of the variable 'canonical_b' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1494:9: style: The scope of the variable 'item_count' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1495:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1616:9: style: The scope of the variable 'rr1_len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1616:18: style: The scope of the variable 'rr2_len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1618:15: style: The scope of the variable 'rr1_buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1619:15: style: The scope of the variable 'rr2_buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:1715:6: style: The scope of the variable 'rr_cmp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:2477:11: style: The scope of the variable 'window' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:2478:11: style: The scope of the variable 'subtype' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:2489:11: style: The scope of the variable 'dptr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:2555:9: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr.c:2614:14: style: The scope of the variable 'desc_name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr_functions.c:273:10: style: The scope of the variable 't' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/rr_functions.c:276:11: style: The scope of the variable 'exp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/sha2.c:98:0: error: #error Define BYTE_ORDER to be equal to either LITTLE_ENDIAN or BIG_ENDIAN [preprocessorErrorDirective]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:587:69: warning: Either the condition 'if(publickey)' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: str. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:1317:6: note: Assuming that condition 'if(publickey)' is not redundant
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:1312:44: note: Calling function 'ldns_str2rdf_b64', 2nd argument 'str' value is 0
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:587:69: note: Null pointer dereference
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:593:46: warning: Either the condition 'if(publickey)' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: str. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:1317:6: note: Assuming that condition 'if(publickey)' is not redundant
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:1312:44: note: Calling function 'ldns_str2rdf_b64', 2nd argument 'str' value is 0
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:593:46: note: Null pointer dereference
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:66:2: style: Variable 'r' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:60:0: note: Variable 'r' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:66:2: note: Variable 'r' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:203:2: style: Variable 'r' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:200:0: note: Variable 'r' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:203:2: note: Variable 'r' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:233:2: style: Variable 'r' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:231:0: note: Variable 'r' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:233:2: note: Variable 'r' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:1060:2: style: Variable 'data[1]' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:1059:2: note: Variable 'data[1]' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:1060:2: note: Variable 'data[1]' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:636:15: style: The scope of the variable 't_orig' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:637:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:686:11: style: The scope of the variable 'cur_type' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:757:10: style: The scope of the variable 'idd' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:1185:12: style: The scope of the variable 'len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:1185:17: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:1530:6: style: The scope of the variable 'hi' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/str2host.c:1530:10: style: The scope of the variable 'lo' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/update.c:45:2: warning: Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. Did you forget dereferencing it? [uselessAssignmentPtrArg]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/util.c:230:6: style: The scope of the variable 'new_year' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/util.c:431:28: style: The scope of the variable 'idx3' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/util.c:431:34: style: The scope of the variable 'idx4' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/wire2host.c:415:2: style: Variable 'status' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/wire2host.c:410:0: note: Variable 'status' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/wire2host.c:415:2: note: Variable 'status' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
Net-LDNS-0.75/src/ldns/wire2host.c:161:9: style: The scope of the variable 'cur_rdf_length' can be reduced. [variableScope]

Net-Libdnet-0.98/c/route_entry.c:36:10: style: The scope of the variable 'dst' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-Libdnet-0.98/c/route_entry.c:36:16: style: The scope of the variable 'gw' can be reduced. [variableScope]























Net-Patricia-1.22/demo/demo.c:18:15: style: Unused variable: prefix [unusedVariable]
Net-Patricia-1.22/demo/demo.c:20:22: style: Unused variable: node [unusedVariable]
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:219:5: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: prefix [nullPointer]
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:232:48: note: Calling function 'New_Prefix2', 4th argument 'prefix' value is 0
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:219:5: note: Null pointer dereference
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:220:5: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: prefix [nullPointer]
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:232:48: note: Calling function 'New_Prefix2', 4th argument 'prefix' value is 0
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:220:5: note: Null pointer dereference
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:221:5: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: prefix [nullPointer]
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:232:48: note: Calling function 'New_Prefix2', 4th argument 'prefix' value is 0
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:221:5: note: Null pointer dereference
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:69:16: style: The scope of the variable 'c' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:69:19: style: The scope of the variable 'val' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:632:15: style: The scope of the variable 'r' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-Patricia-1.22/libpatricia/patricia.c:56:16: portability: Shifting a negative value is technically undefined behaviour [shiftNegativeLHS]







Net-RawIP-0.25/eth.c:175:13: style: struct member 'arpreq::arp_flags' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
Net-RawIP-0.25/eth.c:177:14: style: struct member 'arpreq::arp_dev' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
Net-RawIP-0.25/eth.c:238:12: style: Unused variable: v [unusedVariable]
Net-RawIP-0.25/eth.c:238:14: style: Unused variable: s [unusedVariable]
Net-RawIP-0.25/rdev.c:112:19: style: The scope of the variable 'sa' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-RawIP-0.25/rdev.c:115:15: style: The scope of the variable 'cp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
Net-RawIP-0.25/util.c:134:0: error: Memory leak: resolved_ip [memleak]




































libnet-tclink-perl-3.4.0/tclink.c:296:40: style: The scope of the variable 'res' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-tclink-perl-3.4.0/tclink.c:298:16: style: The scope of the variable 'remaining' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-tclink-perl-3.4.0/tclink.c:475:18: style: The scope of the variable 'he' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-tclink-perl-3.4.0/tclink.c:476:17: style: The scope of the variable 'gw' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-tclink-perl-3.4.0/tclink.c:484:9: style: The scope of the variable 'j' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-tclink-perl-3.4.0/tclink.c:484:12: style: The scope of the variable 'sort' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-tclink-perl-3.4.0/tclink.c:484:18: style: The scope of the variable 'sort_val' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-tclink-perl-3.4.0/tclink.c:735:8: style: The scope of the variable 'ch' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnet-tclink-perl-3.4.0/tclink.c:496:2: style: Variable 'addr' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]





















libnetaddr-ip-perl-4.079+dfsg.orig/Lite/Util/configure.cc:34:0: error: No pair for character ('). Can't process file. File is either invalid or unicode, which is currently not supported. [syntaxError]






libnetfilter-cttimeout-1.0.0/src/libnetfilter_cttimeout.c:423:2: style: Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. [uselessAssignmentArg]
libnetfilter-cttimeout-1.0.0/src/libnetfilter_cttimeout.c:351:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnetfilter-cttimeout-1.0.0/src/libnetfilter_cttimeout.c:288:9: style: The scope of the variable 'timeout_array_size' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnetfilter-cttimeout-1.0.0/src/libnetfilter_cttimeout.c:510:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnetfilter-cttimeout-1.0.0/src/libnetfilter_cttimeout.c:511:17: style: The scope of the variable 'nest' can be reduced. [variableScope]















libnexstar-0.15/src/deg2str.c:21:17: style: Unused variable: format [unusedVariable]
libnexstar-0.15/src/nex_open.c:25:4: warning: sscanf() without field width limits can crash with huge input data. [invalidscanf]
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar.c:50:25: style: Function 'close_telescope' argument 1 names different: declaration 'dev_fd' definition 'devfd'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar.h:107:25: note: Function 'close_telescope' argument 1 names different: declaration 'dev_fd' definition 'devfd'.
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar.c:50:25: note: Function 'close_telescope' argument 1 names different: declaration 'dev_fd' definition 'devfd'.
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar.c:67:59: style: Function '_read_telescope' argument 4 names different: declaration 'vl' definition 'fl'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar.h:111:59: note: Function '_read_telescope' argument 4 names different: declaration 'vl' definition 'fl'.
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar.c:67:59: note: Function '_read_telescope' argument 4 names different: declaration 'vl' definition 'fl'.
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar.c:936:2: error: Buffer is accessed out of bounds: nex [bufferAccessOutOfBounds]
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar.c:228:3: note: Buffer is accessed out of bounds: nex
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar.c:936:2: note: Buffer is accessed out of bounds: nex
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar_pec.c:154:8: style: The scope of the variable 'diff' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar_pec.c:195:18: style: The scope of the variable 'diff' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnexstar-0.15/src/nexstar_pec.c:197:7: style: The scope of the variable 'rdata' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnexstar-0.15/testcode/nexstarctl.c:10:9: style: Unused variable: d1 [unusedVariable]
libnexstar-0.15/testcode/nexstarctl.c:10:13: style: Unused variable: d2 [unusedVariable]
libnexstar-0.15/testcode/nexstarctl.c:11:9: style: Unused variable: ra [unusedVariable]
libnexstar-0.15/testcode/nexstarctl.c:12:9: style: Unused variable: de [unusedVariable]
libnexstar-0.15/testcode/nexstarctl.c:13:9: style: Unused variable: lon [unusedVariable]
libnexstar-0.15/testcode/nexstarctl.c:13:13: style: Unused variable: lat [unusedVariable]
libnexstar-0.15/testcode/nexstarctl2.c:90:1: style: Statements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed. [unreachableCode]
libnexstar-0.15/testcode/nexstarctl2.c:10:9: style: Unused variable: d1 [unusedVariable]
libnexstar-0.15/testcode/nexstarctl2.c:10:13: style: Unused variable: d2 [unusedVariable]
libnexstar-0.15/testcode/nexstarctl2.c:13:9: style: Unused variable: lon [unusedVariable]
libnexstar-0.15/testcode/nexstarctl2.c:13:13: style: Unused variable: lat [unusedVariable]

libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/buses/i2c.c:65:0: error: #error "Can't determine I2C devices standard names for your system" [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/buses/spi.c:68:0: error: #error "Can't determine spi port string for your system" [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/buses/uart.c:83:0: error: #error "Can't determine serial string for your system" [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:367:12: style: The scope of the variable 'btFrame' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:1469:11: style: The scope of the variable 'parity' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:1471:21: style: The scope of the variable 'u16cycles' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:338:60: style: Function 'pn53x_set_parameters' argument 2 names different: declaration 'ui8Value' definition 'ui8Parameter'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.h:304:67: note: Function 'pn53x_set_parameters' argument 2 names different: declaration 'ui8Value' definition 'ui8Parameter'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:338:60: note: Function 'pn53x_set_parameters' argument 2 names different: declaration 'ui8Value' definition 'ui8Parameter'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:468:82: style: Function 'pn53x_decode_target_data' argument 3 names different: declaration 'chip_type' definition 'type'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.h:309:44: note: Function 'pn53x_decode_target_data' argument 3 names different: declaration 'chip_type' definition 'type'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:468:82: note: Function 'pn53x_decode_target_data' argument 3 names different: declaration 'chip_type' definition 'type'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:636:58: style: Function 'pn53x_read_register' argument 2 names different: declaration 'ui16Reg' definition 'ui16RegisterAddress'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.h:311:61: note: Function 'pn53x_read_register' argument 2 names different: declaration 'ui16Reg' definition 'ui16RegisterAddress'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:636:58: note: Function 'pn53x_read_register' argument 2 names different: declaration 'ui16Reg' definition 'ui16RegisterAddress'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:650:61: style: Function 'pn53x_write_register' argument 2 names different: declaration 'ui16Reg' definition 'ui16RegisterAddress'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.h:312:62: note: Function 'pn53x_write_register' argument 2 names different: declaration 'ui16Reg' definition 'ui16RegisterAddress'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:650:61: note: Function 'pn53x_write_register' argument 2 names different: declaration 'ui16Reg' definition 'ui16RegisterAddress'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2644:69: style: Function 'pn532_SAMConfiguration' argument 2 names different: declaration 'mode' definition 'sam_mode'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.h:359:76: note: Function 'pn532_SAMConfiguration' argument 2 names different: declaration 'mode' definition 'sam_mode'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2644:69: note: Function 'pn532_SAMConfiguration' argument 2 names different: declaration 'mode' definition 'sam_mode'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2701:73: style: Function 'pn53x_InListPassiveTarget' argument 5 names different: declaration 'szInitiatorDataLen' definition 'szInitiatorData'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.h:363:47: note: Function 'pn53x_InListPassiveTarget' argument 5 names different: declaration 'szInitiatorDataLen' definition 'szInitiatorData'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2701:73: note: Function 'pn53x_InListPassiveTarget' argument 5 names different: declaration 'szInitiatorDataLen' definition 'szInitiatorData'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2876:35: style: Function 'pn53x_InJumpForDEP' argument 6 names different: declaration 'pbtGB' definition 'pbtGBi'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.h:374:42: note: Function 'pn53x_InJumpForDEP' argument 6 names different: declaration 'pbtGB' definition 'pbtGBi'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2876:35: note: Function 'pn53x_InJumpForDEP' argument 6 names different: declaration 'pbtGB' definition 'pbtGBi'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2876:56: style: Function 'pn53x_InJumpForDEP' argument 7 names different: declaration 'szGB' definition 'szGBi'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.h:374:62: note: Function 'pn53x_InJumpForDEP' argument 7 names different: declaration 'szGB' definition 'szGBi'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2876:56: note: Function 'pn53x_InJumpForDEP' argument 7 names different: declaration 'szGB' definition 'szGBi'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2965:64: style: Function 'pn53x_TgInitAsTarget' argument 8 names different: declaration 'pbtGB' definition 'pbtGBt'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.h:381:71: note: Function 'pn53x_TgInitAsTarget' argument 8 names different: declaration 'pbtGB' definition 'pbtGBt'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2965:64: note: Function 'pn53x_TgInitAsTarget' argument 8 names different: declaration 'pbtGB' definition 'pbtGBt'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2965:85: style: Function 'pn53x_TgInitAsTarget' argument 9 names different: declaration 'szGB' definition 'szGBt'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.h:381:91: note: Function 'pn53x_TgInitAsTarget' argument 9 names different: declaration 'szGB' definition 'szGBt'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/chips/pn53x.c:2965:85: note: Function 'pn53x_TgInitAsTarget' argument 9 names different: declaration 'szGB' definition 'szGBt'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/acr122_pcsc.c:69:0: error: #error "Can't determine serial string for your system" [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/acr122_usb.c:162:11: style: struct member 'acr122_usb_tama_frame::tama_header' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/acr122s.c:104:11: style: struct member 'icc_power_on_req::power_select' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/acr122s.c:113:11: style: struct member 'icc_power_on_res::status' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/acr122s.c:114:11: style: struct member 'icc_power_on_res::error' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/acr122s.c:115:11: style: struct member 'icc_power_on_res::chain_parameter' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/acr122s.c:131:11: style: struct member 'icc_power_off_res::status' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/acr122s.c:132:11: style: struct member 'icc_power_off_res::error' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/acr122s.c:133:11: style: struct member 'icc_power_off_res::clock_status' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/arygon.c:407:3: style: Variable 'abort_p' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/arygon.c:404:0: note: Variable 'abort_p' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/arygon.c:407:3: note: Variable 'abort_p' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/pn532_uart.c:382:3: style: Variable 'abort_p' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/pn532_uart.c:379:0: note: Variable 'abort_p' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/drivers/pn532_uart.c:382:3: note: Variable 'abort_p' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/iso14443-subr.c:50:12: style: The scope of the variable 'bt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/iso14443-subr.c:81:12: style: The scope of the variable 'bt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/target-subr.c:126:74: style: Function 'snprint_hex' argument 4 names different: declaration 'szLen' definition 'szBytes'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/target-subr.h:35:82: note: Function 'snprint_hex' argument 4 names different: declaration 'szLen' definition 'szBytes'.
libnfc-1.7.1/libnfc/target-subr.c:126:74: note: Function 'snprint_hex' argument 4 names different: declaration 'szLen' definition 'szBytes'.
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-jewel.c:90:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-jewel.c:110:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-jewel.c:110:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-jewel.c:141:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-jewel.c:195:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-jewel.c:195:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-jewel.c:195:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 3) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-jewel.c:195:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 4) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-mfclassic.c:374:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-mfclassic.c:429:9: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-mfclassic.c:463:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-mfclassic.c:187:12: style: The scope of the variable 'uiTrailerBlock' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-mfultralight.c:87:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-mfultralight.c:104:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-mfultralight.c:104:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-mfultralight.c:139:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-mfultralight.c:178:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-mfultralight.c:178:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-mfultralight.c:178:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 3) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-read-forum-tag3.c:349:5: warning: %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-read-forum-tag3.c:397:7: warning: %i in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-utils.c:63:48: style: Function 'print_hex' argument 2 names different: declaration 'szLen' definition 'szBytes'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-utils.h:98:56: note: Function 'print_hex' argument 2 names different: declaration 'szLen' definition 'szBytes'.
libnfc-1.7.1/utils/nfc-utils.c:63:48: note: Function 'print_hex' argument 2 names different: declaration 'szLen' definition 'szBytes'.



libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs-sync.c:114:6: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs-sync.c:149:6: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:5419:2: style: Variable 'str' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:5416:0: note: Variable 'str' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:5419:2: note: Variable 'str' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:4206:19: style: Checking if unsigned variable 'data->offset' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:2073:26: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:2074:28: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:2075:29: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:2076:49: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:2077:51: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:2078:52: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:4795:29: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:4796:29: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:4797:29: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:4798:15: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:4799:15: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/libnfs.c:4800:15: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/socket.c:195:10: style: The scope of the variable 'count' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/lib/socket.c:577:17: style: The scope of the variable 'port' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/utils/nfs-cat.c:154:10: style: The scope of the variable 'count' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/utils/nfs-cat.c:150:6: style: Unused variable: ret [unusedVariable]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/utils/nfs-cp.c:221:10: style: The scope of the variable 'count' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnfs-libnfs-2.0.0/utils/nfs-ls.c:65:17: style: struct member 'client::mount_port' is never used. [unusedStructMember]




libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.c:219:56: style: Function 'nice_address_set_from_sockaddr' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sin' definition 'sa'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.h:218:75: note: Function 'nice_address_set_from_sockaddr' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sin' definition 'sa'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.c:219:56: note: Function 'nice_address_set_from_sockaddr' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sin' definition 'sa'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.c:237:49: style: Function 'nice_address_copy_to_sockaddr' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sin' definition '_sa'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.h:230:74: note: Function 'nice_address_copy_to_sockaddr' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sin' definition '_sa'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.c:237:49: note: Function 'nice_address_copy_to_sockaddr' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sin' definition '_sa'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.c:302:38: style: Function 'nice_address_dup' argument 1 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'a'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.h:137:38: note: Function 'nice_address_dup' argument 1 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'a'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.c:302:38: note: Function 'nice_address_dup' argument 1 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'a'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.c:354:45: style: Function 'nice_address_is_private' argument 1 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'a'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.h:264:45: note: Function 'nice_address_is_private' argument 1 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'a'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.c:354:45: note: Function 'nice_address_is_private' argument 1 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'a'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.c:369:43: style: Function 'nice_address_is_valid' argument 1 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'a'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.h:276:43: note: Function 'nice_address_is_valid' argument 1 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'a'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/address.c:369:43: note: Function 'nice_address_is_valid' argument 1 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'a'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:196:3: style: Variable 'queue' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:193:0: note: Variable 'queue' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:196:3: note: Variable 'queue' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:4536:3: style: Variable 'sdp' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:4530:0: note: Variable 'sdp' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:4536:3: note: Variable 'sdp' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:4649:3: style: Variable 'stream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:4642:0: note: Variable 'stream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:4649:3: note: Variable 'stream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:4663:7: style: Variable 'candidate' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:4661:0: note: Variable 'candidate' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:4663:7: note: Variable 'candidate' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:3798:69: style: Function 'component_io_cb' argument 3 names different: declaration 'data' definition 'user_data'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent-priv.h:218:12: note: Function 'component_io_cb' argument 3 names different: declaration 'data' definition 'user_data'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:3798:69: note: Function 'component_io_cb' argument 3 names different: declaration 'data' definition 'user_data'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/agent.c:2725:5: error: Address of local auto-variable assigned to a function parameter. [autoVariables]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/candidate.c:124:9: style: Function 'nice_candidate_ice_priority_full' argument 1 names different: declaration 'type_pref' definition 'type_preference'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/candidate.h:223:41: note: Function 'nice_candidate_ice_priority_full' argument 1 names different: declaration 'type_pref' definition 'type_preference'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/candidate.c:124:9: note: Function 'nice_candidate_ice_priority_full' argument 1 names different: declaration 'type_pref' definition 'type_preference'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/candidate.c:126:9: style: Function 'nice_candidate_ice_priority_full' argument 2 names different: declaration 'local_pref' definition 'local_preference'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/candidate.h:223:58: note: Function 'nice_candidate_ice_priority_full' argument 2 names different: declaration 'local_pref' definition 'local_preference'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/candidate.c:126:9: note: Function 'nice_candidate_ice_priority_full' argument 2 names different: declaration 'local_pref' definition 'local_preference'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.c:113:22: style: Function 'component_new' argument 1 names different: declaration 'component_id' definition 'id'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.h:209:22: note: Function 'component_new' argument 1 names different: declaration 'component_id' definition 'id'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.c:113:22: note: Function 'component_new' argument 1 names different: declaration 'component_id' definition 'id'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.c:150:42: style: Function 'component_clean_turn_servers' argument 1 names different: declaration 'component' definition 'cmp'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.h:261:42: note: Function 'component_clean_turn_servers' argument 1 names different: declaration 'component' definition 'cmp'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.c:150:42: note: Function 'component_clean_turn_servers' argument 1 names different: declaration 'component' definition 'cmp'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.c:481:60: style: Function 'component_attach_socket' argument 2 names different: declaration 'nsocket' definition 'nicesock'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.h:231:60: note: Function 'component_attach_socket' argument 2 names different: declaration 'nsocket' definition 'nicesock'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.c:481:60: note: Function 'component_attach_socket' argument 2 names different: declaration 'nsocket' definition 'nicesock'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.c:544:60: style: Function 'component_detach_socket' argument 2 names different: declaration 'nsocket' definition 'nicesock'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.h:233:60: note: Function 'component_detach_socket' argument 2 names different: declaration 'nsocket' definition 'nicesock'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/component.c:544:60: note: Function 'component_detach_socket' argument 2 names different: declaration 'nsocket' definition 'nicesock'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:1537:7: style: Variable 'local_decoded' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:1529:0: note: Variable 'local_decoded' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:1537:7: note: Variable 'local_decoded' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:1538:7: style: Variable 'remote_decoded' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:1530:0: note: Variable 'remote_decoded' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:1538:7: note: Variable 'remote_decoded' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2484:11: style: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2479:0: note: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2484:11: note: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2486:11: style: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2480:0: note: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2486:11: note: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2574:11: style: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2569:0: note: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2574:11: note: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2576:11: style: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2570:0: note: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2576:11: note: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:1367:7: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:1396:7: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:1680:10: style: The scope of the variable 'buffer_len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:1681:16: style: The scope of the variable 'timeout' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2752:11: style: The scope of the variable 'res' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2744:39: style: Function 'conn_check_handle_inbound_stun' argument 4 names different: declaration 'udp_socket' definition 'nicesock'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.h:90:110: note: Function 'conn_check_handle_inbound_stun' argument 4 names different: declaration 'udp_socket' definition 'nicesock'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/conncheck.c:2744:39: note: Function 'conn_check_handle_inbound_stun' argument 4 names different: declaration 'udp_socket' definition 'nicesock'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/debug.c:67:16: style: The scope of the variable 'flags_string' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/debug.c:123:11: style: The scope of the variable 'ap' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:704:5: style: Variable 'decoded_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:697:0: note: Variable 'decoded_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:704:5: note: Variable 'decoded_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:705:5: style: Variable 'decoded_remote' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:698:0: note: Variable 'decoded_remote' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:705:5: note: Variable 'decoded_remote' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:707:5: style: Variable 'new_username' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:696:0: note: Variable 'new_username' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:707:5: note: Variable 'new_username' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:799:5: style: Variable 'decoded_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:792:0: note: Variable 'decoded_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:799:5: note: Variable 'decoded_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:800:5: style: Variable 'decoded_remote' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:793:0: note: Variable 'decoded_remote' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:800:5: note: Variable 'decoded_remote' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:802:5: style: Variable 'new_username' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:791:0: note: Variable 'new_username' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/discovery.c:802:5: note: Variable 'new_username' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/interfaces.c:576:0: error: #error Can not use this method for retreiving ip list from OS other than unix or windows [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/outputstream.c:436:23: style: Condition 'n_sent>0' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/outputstream.c:577:3: style: Variable 'component_source' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/outputstream.c:572:0: note: Variable 'component_source' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/outputstream.c:577:3: note: Variable 'component_source' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/pseudotcp.c:1488:9: style: Variable 'iter' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/pseudotcp.c:1481:0: note: Variable 'iter' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/pseudotcp.c:1488:9: note: Variable 'iter' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/pseudotcp.c:1538:43: style: Function 'transmit' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sseg' definition 'segment'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/pseudotcp.c:506:59: note: Function 'transmit' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sseg' definition 'segment'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/pseudotcp.c:1538:43: note: Function 'transmit' argument 2 names different: declaration 'sseg' definition 'segment'.
libnice-0.1.7/agent/pseudotcp.c:1126:4: error: Uninitialized variable: buffer [uninitvar]
libnice-0.1.7/agent/stream.c:55:14: style: The scope of the variable 'component' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/gst/gstnicesrc.c:205:3: style: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/gst/gstnicesrc.c:197:0: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/gst/gstnicesrc.c:205:3: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/gst/gstnicesrc.c:233:34: style: Function 'gst_nice_src_unlock' argument 1 names different: declaration 'basesrc' definition 'src'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/gst/gstnicesrc.c:58:17: note: Function 'gst_nice_src_unlock' argument 1 names different: declaration 'basesrc' definition 'src'.
libnice-0.1.7/gst/gstnicesrc.c:233:34: note: Function 'gst_nice_src_unlock' argument 1 names different: declaration 'basesrc' definition 'src'.
libnice-0.1.7/gst/gstnicesrc.c:254:39: style: Function 'gst_nice_src_unlock_stop' argument 1 names different: declaration 'basesrc' definition 'src'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/gst/gstnicesrc.c:62:17: note: Function 'gst_nice_src_unlock_stop' argument 1 names different: declaration 'basesrc' definition 'src'.
libnice-0.1.7/gst/gstnicesrc.c:254:39: note: Function 'gst_nice_src_unlock_stop' argument 1 names different: declaration 'basesrc' definition 'src'.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/socket.c:132:65: style: Function 'nice_socket_send_messages' argument 2 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'to'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/socket/socket.h:80:65: note: Function 'nice_socket_send_messages' argument 2 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'to'.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/socket.c:132:65: note: Function 'nice_socket_send_messages' argument 2 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'to'.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/socket.c:145:56: style: Function 'nice_socket_send' argument 2 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'to'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/socket/socket.h:83:56: note: Function 'nice_socket_send' argument 2 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'to'.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/socket.c:145:56: note: Function 'nice_socket_send' argument 2 names different: declaration 'addr' definition 'to'.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/tcp-turn.c:199:35: style: Function 'socket_recv_messages' argument 1 names different: declaration 'sock' definition 'nicesock'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/socket/tcp-turn.c:70:47: note: Function 'socket_recv_messages' argument 1 names different: declaration 'sock' definition 'nicesock'.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/tcp-turn.c:199:35: note: Function 'socket_recv_messages' argument 1 names different: declaration 'sock' definition 'nicesock'.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:832:3: style: Variable 'source' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:826:0: note: Variable 'source' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:832:3: note: Variable 'source' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:892:3: style: Variable 'source' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:886:0: note: Variable 'source' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:892:3: note: Variable 'source' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1095:15: style: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1090:0: note: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1095:15: note: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1099:15: style: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1091:0: note: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1099:15: note: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1190:15: style: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1185:0: note: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1190:15: note: Variable 'sent_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1194:15: style: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1186:0: note: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:1194:15: note: Variable 'recv_realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:961:37: style: Function 'nice_turn_socket_parse_recv' argument 7 names different: declaration 'recv_buf' definition '_recv_buf'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.h:62:37: note: Function 'nice_turn_socket_parse_recv' argument 7 names different: declaration 'recv_buf' definition '_recv_buf'.
libnice-0.1.7/socket/turn.c:961:37: note: Function 'nice_turn_socket_parse_recv' argument 7 names different: declaration 'recv_buf' definition '_recv_buf'.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/debug.c:60:11: style: The scope of the variable 'ap' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/md5.c:49:12: style: The scope of the variable 't' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/md5.c:64:23: style: Function 'MD5Init' argument 1 names different: declaration 'context' definition 'ctx'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/md5.h:38:23: note: Function 'MD5Init' argument 1 names different: declaration 'context' definition 'ctx'.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/md5.c:64:23: note: Function 'MD5Init' argument 1 names different: declaration 'context' definition 'ctx'.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/md5.c:79:35: style: Function 'MD5Update' argument 1 names different: declaration 'context' definition 'ctx'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/md5.h:39:25: note: Function 'MD5Update' argument 1 names different: declaration 'context' definition 'ctx'.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/md5.c:79:35: note: Function 'MD5Update' argument 1 names different: declaration 'context' definition 'ctx'.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/md5.c:127:60: style: Function 'MD5Final' argument 2 names different: declaration 'context' definition 'ctx'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/md5.h:40:50: note: Function 'MD5Final' argument 2 names different: declaration 'context' definition 'ctx'.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/md5.c:127:60: note: Function 'MD5Final' argument 2 names different: declaration 'context' definition 'ctx'.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/rand.c:175:24: style: The scope of the variable 'mag01' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/sha1.c:382:3: performance: Buffer 'k_pad' is being written before its old content has been used. [redundantCopy]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/sha1.c:381:3: note: Buffer 'k_pad' is being written before its old content has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/sha1.c:382:3: note: Buffer 'k_pad' is being written before its old content has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/sha1.c:431:15: style: The scope of the variable 'plen' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/sha1.c:209:48: style: Function 'SHA1Update' argument 2 names different: declaration 'data' definition '_data'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/sha1.h:36:48: note: Function 'SHA1Update' argument 2 names different: declaration 'data' definition '_data'.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/sha1.c:209:48: note: Function 'SHA1Update' argument 2 names different: declaration 'data' definition '_data'.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/stunagent.c:547:7: style: Variable 'realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/stunagent.c:542:0: note: Variable 'realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/stunagent.c:547:7: note: Variable 'realm' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/stunagent.c:549:7: style: Variable 'username' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/stunagent.c:543:0: note: Variable 'username' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/stunagent.c:549:7: note: Variable 'username' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/stunagent.c:103:21: style: The scope of the variable 'msg_id' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/stunagent.c:105:12: style: The scope of the variable 'crc32' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/stunagent.c:111:12: style: The scope of the variable 'hash' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/stunagent.c:112:11: style: The scope of the variable 'sha' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/stunagent.c:517:11: style: The scope of the variable 'md5' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/tests/test-format.c:113:11: style: Checking if unsigned variable 'len' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/tests/test-format.c:124:11: style: Checking if unsigned variable 'len' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/tests/test-format.c:254:9: style: Variable 'len' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/tests/test-parse.c:371:3: portability: %zd in format string (no. 1) requires 'ssize_t' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/usages/bind.c:224:21: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: srv [nullPointer]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/usages/bind.c:300:36: note: Calling function 'stun_trans_init', 3rd argument 'srv' value is 0
libnice-0.1.7/stun/usages/bind.c:224:21: note: Null pointer dereference
libnice-0.1.7/stun/usages/turn.c:74:31: style: Function 'stun_usage_turn_create' argument 6 names different: declaration 'request_ports' definition 'request_props'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnice-0.1.7/stun/usages/turn.h:171:31: note: Function 'stun_usage_turn_create' argument 6 names different: declaration 'request_ports' definition 'request_props'.
libnice-0.1.7/stun/usages/turn.c:74:31: note: Function 'stun_usage_turn_create' argument 6 names different: declaration 'request_ports' definition 'request_props'.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fallback.c:298:3: style: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fallback.c:296:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fallback.c:298:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fallback.c:303:3: style: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fallback.c:301:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fallback.c:303:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fullmode.c:294:3: style: Variable 'cands' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fullmode.c:292:0: note: Variable 'cands' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fullmode.c:294:3: note: Variable 'cands' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fullmode.c:386:5: style: Variable 'cands' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fullmode.c:383:0: note: Variable 'cands' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fullmode.c:386:5: note: Variable 'cands' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fullmode.c:388:5: style: Variable 'cand' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fullmode.c:384:0: note: Variable 'cand' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-fullmode.c:388:5: note: Variable 'cand' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-io-stream-common.c:413:17: style: Variable 'start_count' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-new-dribble.c:351:3: style: Variable 'cands' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-new-dribble.c:348:0: note: Variable 'cands' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-new-dribble.c:351:3: note: Variable 'cands' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-new-dribble.c:673:43: style: Same expression on both sides of '||'. [duplicateExpression]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-new-dribble.c:373:18: style: The scope of the variable 'temp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:297:3: style: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:295:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:297:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:302:3: style: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:300:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:302:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:363:3: style: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:361:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:363:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:368:3: style: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:366:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnice-0.1.7/tests/test-restart.c:368:3: note: Variable 'cdes.addr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.

libnids-1.24/samples/chksum_ctl.c:30:15: style: The scope of the variable 'tmp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnids-1.24/samples/nids_next.c:36:0: error: Invalid number of character '(' when these macros are defined: '__GCC__=1;__GCC__=1'. [syntaxError]
libnids-1.24/samples/overflows.c:123:8: style: The scope of the variable 'ptr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnids-1.24/samples/overflows.c:160:24: style: The scope of the variable 'index2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnids-1.24/samples/sniff.c:43:7: style: The scope of the variable 'dest' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnids-1.24/src/hash.c:40:10: style: The scope of the variable 'n' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnids-1.24/src/ip_fragment.c:610:27: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: skb [nullPointer]
libnids-1.24/src/ip_fragment.c:724:20: note: Calling function 'ip_defrag', 2nd argument 'skb' value is 0
libnids-1.24/src/ip_fragment.c:610:27: note: Null pointer dereference
libnids-1.24/src/ip_fragment.c:674:3: style: Variable 'tfp' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnids-1.24/src/ip_fragment.c:673:3: note: Variable 'tfp' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnids-1.24/src/ip_fragment.c:674:3: note: Variable 'tfp' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnids-1.24/src/ip_fragment.c:537:9: style: The scope of the variable 'skb2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnids-1.24/src/ip_options.c:37:8: style: struct member 'route::route_size' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnids-1.24/src/ip_options.c:38:8: style: struct member 'route::pointer' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnids-1.24/src/ip_options.c:39:17: style: struct member 'route::route' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnids-1.24/src/tcp.c:315:7: style: The scope of the variable 'toalloc' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnids-1.24/src/tcp.c:435:7: style: The scope of the variable 'to_copy' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnids-1.24/src/tcp.c:435:16: style: The scope of the variable 'to_copy2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnids-1.24/src/tcp.c:1010:10: style: Variable 'len' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]

libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:697:39: style: Redundant condition: If 'EXPR == ':'', the comparison 'EXPR != '\0'' is always true. [redundantCondition]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:1492:15: style: The scope of the variable 'language_default' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:487:25: style: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 1 names different: declaration '__domainname' definition 'domainname'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:80:46: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 1 names different: declaration '__domainname' definition 'domainname'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:487:25: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 1 names different: declaration '__domainname' definition 'domainname'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:487:49: style: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 2 names different: declaration '__msgid1' definition 'msgid1'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:81:18: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 2 names different: declaration '__msgid1' definition 'msgid1'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:487:49: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 2 names different: declaration '__msgid1' definition 'msgid1'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:487:69: style: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 3 names different: declaration '__msgid2' definition 'msgid2'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:81:40: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 3 names different: declaration '__msgid2' definition 'msgid2'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:487:69: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 3 names different: declaration '__msgid2' definition 'msgid2'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:488:10: style: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 4 names different: declaration '__plural' definition 'plural'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:82:10: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 4 names different: declaration '__plural' definition 'plural'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:488:10: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 4 names different: declaration '__plural' definition 'plural'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:488:32: style: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 5 names different: declaration '__n' definition 'n'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:82:34: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 5 names different: declaration '__n' definition 'n'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:488:32: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 5 names different: declaration '__n' definition 'n'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:488:43: style: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 6 names different: declaration '__category' definition 'category'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:83:10: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 6 names different: declaration '__category' definition 'category'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/dcigettext.c:488:43: note: Function 'libintl_dcigettext' argument 6 names different: declaration '__category' definition 'category'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/finddomain.c:61:30: style: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 1 names different: declaration '__dirname' definition 'dirname'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:243:54: note: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 1 names different: declaration '__dirname' definition 'dirname'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/finddomain.c:61:30: note: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 1 names different: declaration '__dirname' definition 'dirname'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/finddomain.c:61:45: style: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 2 names different: declaration '__locale' definition 'locale'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:243:71: note: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 2 names different: declaration '__locale' definition 'locale'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/finddomain.c:61:45: note: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 2 names different: declaration '__locale' definition 'locale'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/finddomain.c:62:16: style: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 3 names different: declaration '__domainname' definition 'domainname'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:244:19: note: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 3 names different: declaration '__domainname' definition 'domainname'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/finddomain.c:62:16: note: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 3 names different: declaration '__domainname' definition 'domainname'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/finddomain.c:62:44: style: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 4 names different: declaration '__domainbinding' definition 'domainbinding'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:245:23: note: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 4 names different: declaration '__domainbinding' definition 'domainbinding'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/finddomain.c:62:44: note: Function '_nl_find_domain' argument 4 names different: declaration '__domainbinding' definition 'domainbinding'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/hash-string.c:34:0: style: The scope of the variable 'g' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/l10nflist.c:352:9: style: The scope of the variable 'wp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/loadmsgcat.c:861:12: style: Condition 'data==(struct mo_file_header*)-1' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/loadmsgcat.c:791:33: note: Assignment 'data=(struct mo_file_header*)-1', assigned value is -1
libnih-1.0.3/intl/loadmsgcat.c:861:12: note: Condition 'data==(struct mo_file_header*)-1' is always true
libnih-1.0.3/intl/loadmsgcat.c:861:12: style: Same expression on both sides of '==' because the value of 'data' and '(struct mo_file_header*)-1' are the same. [duplicateExpression]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/loadmsgcat.c:791:33: note: 'data' is assigned value '(struct mo_file_header*)-1' here.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/loadmsgcat.c:861:12: note: Same expression on both sides of '==' because the value of 'data' and '(struct mo_file_header*)-1' are the same.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/loadmsgcat.c:780:42: style: Function '_nl_load_domain' argument 1 names different: declaration '__domain' definition 'domain_file'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:247:47: note: Function '_nl_load_domain' argument 1 names different: declaration '__domain' definition 'domain_file'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/loadmsgcat.c:780:42: note: Function '_nl_load_domain' argument 1 names different: declaration '__domain' definition 'domain_file'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/loadmsgcat.c:781:20: style: Function '_nl_load_domain' argument 2 names different: declaration '__domainbinding' definition 'domainbinding'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/gettextP.h:248:25: note: Function '_nl_load_domain' argument 2 names different: declaration '__domainbinding' definition 'domainbinding'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/loadmsgcat.c:781:20: note: Function '_nl_load_domain' argument 2 names different: declaration '__domainbinding' definition 'domainbinding'.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/localcharset.c:358:14: style: Condition 'locale==NULL' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/localcharset.c:349:24: note: Assignment 'locale=NULL', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/intl/localcharset.c:358:14: note: Condition 'locale==NULL' is always true
libnih-1.0.3/intl/localcharset.c:358:14: style: Same expression on both sides of '==' because the value of 'locale' and 'NULL' are the same. [duplicateExpression]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/localcharset.c:349:24: note: 'locale' is assigned value 'NULL' here.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/localcharset.c:358:14: note: Same expression on both sides of '==' because the value of 'locale' and 'NULL' are the same.
libnih-1.0.3/intl/localcharset.c:117:19: style: The scope of the variable 'base' can be reduced. [variableScope]
plural.c:1173:5: warning: Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. Did you forget dereferencing it? [uselessAssignmentPtrArg]
plural.y:156:19: style: Same expression on both sides of '-'. [duplicateExpression]
plural.y:158:50: style: Same expression on both sides of '-'. [duplicateExpression]
plural.y:164:94: style: Same expression on both sides of '-'. [duplicateExpression]
plural.y:168:69: style: Same expression on both sides of '-'. [duplicateExpression]
plural.y:172:70: style: Same expression on both sides of '-'. [duplicateExpression]
plural.y:176:87: style: Same expression on both sides of '-'. [duplicateExpression]
plural.y:180:87: style: Same expression on both sides of '-'. [duplicateExpression]
plural.y:184:87: style: Same expression on both sides of '-'. [duplicateExpression]
plural.y:188:87: style: Same expression on both sides of '-'. [duplicateExpression]
plural.y:192:46: style: Same expression on both sides of '-'. [duplicateExpression]
plural.y:201:40: style: Same expression on both sides of '-'. [duplicateExpression]
libnih-1.0.3/intl/vasnprintf.c:4645:3: style: Label 'overflow' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/node.c:512:2: style: Variable 'code' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/node.c:502:0: note: Variable 'code' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/node.c:512:2: note: Variable 'code' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/node.c:789:2: style: Variable 'code' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/node.c:779:0: note: Variable 'code' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/node.c:789:2: note: Variable 'code' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/node.c:55:30: style: Function 'node_path_valid' argument 1 names different: declaration 'name' definition 'path'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/node.h:47:47: note: Function 'node_path_valid' argument 1 names different: declaration 'name' definition 'path'.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/node.c:55:30: note: Function 'node_path_valid' argument 1 names different: declaration 'name' definition 'path'.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/output.c:568:10: style: The scope of the variable 'len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/symbol.c:185:14: error: va_list 'args' was opened but not closed by va_end(). [va_end_missing]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/symbol.c:249:14: error: va_list 'args' was opened but not closed by va_end(). [va_end_missing]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/com.netsplit.Nih.Test_impl.c:846:2: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int *' but the argument type is 'unsigned int *'. [invalidScanfArgType_int]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/com.netsplit.Nih.Test_impl.c:1282:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int *' but the argument type is 'unsigned int *'. [invalidScanfArgType_int]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/com.netsplit.Nih.Test_impl.c:1409:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int *' but the argument type is 'unsigned int *'. [invalidScanfArgType_int]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/com.netsplit.Nih.Test_impl.c:846:2: warning: sscanf() without field width limits can crash with huge input data. [invalidscanf]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/com.netsplit.Nih.Test_impl.c:1282:3: warning: sscanf() without field width limits can crash with huge input data. [invalidscanf]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/com.netsplit.Nih.Test_impl.c:1409:3: warning: sscanf() without field width limits can crash with huge input data. [invalidscanf]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_notify_function_array.c:73:3: style: Variable 'output' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_notify_function_array.c:71:3: note: Variable 'output' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_notify_function_array.c:73:3: note: Variable 'output' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_notify_function_standard.c:73:3: style: Variable 'output' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_notify_function_standard.c:71:3: note: Variable 'output' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_notify_function_standard.c:73:3: note: Variable 'output' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_sync_function_no_input.c:66:3: style: Variable 'output_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_sync_function_no_input.c:64:3: note: Variable 'output_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_sync_function_no_input.c:66:3: note: Variable 'output_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_sync_function_no_input.c:130:13: style: Variable 'enomem' is not assigned a value. [unassignedVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_sync_function_standard.c:81:3: style: Variable 'output_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_sync_function_standard.c:79:3: note: Variable 'output_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_sync_function_standard.c:81:3: note: Variable 'output_local' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_method_proxy_sync_function_standard.c:145:13: style: Variable 'enomem' is not assigned a value. [unassignedVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_node_proxy_functions_no_methods.c:936:2: style: Label 'enomem' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_node_proxy_functions_no_methods.c:922:13: style: Variable 'enomem' is not assigned a value. [unassignedVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_node_proxy_functions_no_signals.c:1528:2: style: Label 'enomem' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_node_proxy_functions_no_signals.c:1514:13: style: Variable 'enomem' is not assigned a value. [unassignedVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_node_proxy_functions_only_properties.c:820:2: style: Label 'enomem' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_node_proxy_functions_only_properties.c:806:13: style: Variable 'enomem' is not assigned a value. [unassignedVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_node_proxy_functions_standard.c:1644:2: style: Label 'enomem' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_node_proxy_functions_standard.c:1630:13: style: Variable 'enomem' is not assigned a value. [unassignedVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_output_proxy_standard.c:1788:2: style: Label 'enomem' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_output_proxy_standard.c:1774:13: style: Variable 'enomem' is not assigned a value. [unassignedVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_annotation.c:855:15: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_annotation.c:72:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_annotation.c:867:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_argument.c:1529:12: style: The scope of the variable 'symbol' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_argument.c:193:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_argument.c:978:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:627:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:12964:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13034:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13104:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13174:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13244:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13314:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13384:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13454:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13524:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13594:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13664:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13734:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:13804:23: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_com.netsplit.Nih.Test_object.c:14930:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_interface.c:677:13: style: The scope of the variable 'symbol' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_interface.c:2438:20: style: The scope of the variable 'str' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_interface.c:202:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_interface.c:518:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_main.c:81:3: style: Variable 'value' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_marshal.c:62:20: style: The scope of the variable 'int16_array_len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_method.c:1001:12: style: The scope of the variable 'symbol' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_method.c:194:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_method.c:508:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_node.c:175:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_node.c:458:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_parse.c:442:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_parse.c:1077:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_property.c:876:12: style: The scope of the variable 'symbol' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_property.c:9453:13: style: Variable 'parent' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_property.c:188:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_property.c:723:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_signal.c:655:12: style: The scope of the variable 'symbol' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_signal.c:1040:20: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_signal.c:186:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_signal.c:498:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'xmlp'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/dbus_connection.c:507:13: style: Variable 'events' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/dbus_object.c:577:30: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/dbus_object.c:869:27: style: The scope of the variable 'reply' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/dbus_object.c:920:30: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_connection.c:172:19: style: The scope of the variable 'last_conn' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_connection.c:1162:19: style: The scope of the variable 'server' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_connection.c:197:16: warning: Assert statement modifies 'sh'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_connection.c:288:16: warning: Assert statement modifies 'sh'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_connection.c:374:16: warning: Assert statement modifies 'sh'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_connection.c:460:16: warning: Assert statement modifies 'sh'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_connection.c:569:16: warning: Assert statement modifies 'sh'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_connection.c:662:16: warning: Assert statement modifies 'sh'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_connection.c:782:17: warning: Assert statement modifies 'sh'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_connection.c:1081:15: warning: Assert statement modifies 'sh'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_connection.c:1175:14: warning: Assert statement modifies 'sh'. [assignmentInAssert]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_error.c:36:16: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_error.c:37:16: style: The scope of the variable 'dbus_err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_error.c:63:16: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_error.c:64:16: style: The scope of the variable 'dbus_err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_message.c:48:18: style: The scope of the variable 'msg' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_message.c:97:18: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih-dbus/tests/test_dbus_proxy.c:1075:22: style: The scope of the variable 'signal' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:206:14: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: ctx [nullPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:205:8: note: Assignment 'ctx=ptr?(void*)(ptr)-(NIH_ALIGN_SIZE*(((sizeof(struct nih_alloc_ctx)-1)/NIH_ALIGN_SIZE)+1)):NULL', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:206:14: note: Null pointer dereference
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:319:14: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: ctx [nullPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:318:8: note: Assignment 'ctx=ptr?(void*)(ptr)-(NIH_ALIGN_SIZE*(((sizeof(struct nih_alloc_ctx)-1)/NIH_ALIGN_SIZE)+1)):NULL', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:319:14: note: Null pointer dereference
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:362:14: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: ctx [nullPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:361:8: note: Assignment 'ctx=ptr?(void*)(ptr)-(NIH_ALIGN_SIZE*(((sizeof(struct nih_alloc_ctx)-1)/NIH_ALIGN_SIZE)+1)):NULL', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:362:14: note: Null pointer dereference
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:535:14: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: ctx [nullPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:534:8: note: Assignment 'ctx=ptr?(void*)(ptr)-(NIH_ALIGN_SIZE*(((sizeof(struct nih_alloc_ctx)-1)/NIH_ALIGN_SIZE)+1)):NULL', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:535:14: note: Null pointer dereference
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:537:2: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: ctx [nullPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:534:8: note: Assignment 'ctx=ptr?(void*)(ptr)-(NIH_ALIGN_SIZE*(((sizeof(struct nih_alloc_ctx)-1)/NIH_ALIGN_SIZE)+1)):NULL', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:537:2: note: Null pointer dereference
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:588:14: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: child [nullPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:566:45: note: Calling function 'nih_alloc_ref_new', 2nd argument 'child' value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:588:14: note: Null pointer dereference
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:630:14: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: ctx [nullPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:629:8: note: Assignment 'ctx=ptr?(void*)(ptr)-(NIH_ALIGN_SIZE*(((sizeof(struct nih_alloc_ctx)-1)/NIH_ALIGN_SIZE)+1)):NULL', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:630:14: note: Null pointer dereference
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:683:14: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: ctx [nullPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:682:8: note: Assignment 'ctx=ptr?(void*)(ptr)-(NIH_ALIGN_SIZE*(((sizeof(struct nih_alloc_ctx)-1)/NIH_ALIGN_SIZE)+1)):NULL', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:683:14: note: Null pointer dereference
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:708:14: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: child [nullPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:361:8: note: Assignment 'ctx=ptr?(void*)(ptr)-(NIH_ALIGN_SIZE*(((sizeof(struct nih_alloc_ctx)-1)/NIH_ALIGN_SIZE)+1)):NULL', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:364:36: note: Calling function 'nih_alloc_ref_lookup', 2nd argument 'child' value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:708:14: note: Null pointer dereference
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:737:14: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: ctx [nullPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:736:8: note: Assignment 'ctx=ptr?(void*)(ptr)-(NIH_ALIGN_SIZE*(((sizeof(struct nih_alloc_ctx)-1)/NIH_ALIGN_SIZE)+1)):NULL', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:737:14: note: Null pointer dereference
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:739:9: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: ctx [nullPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:736:8: note: Assignment 'ctx=ptr?(void*)(ptr)-(NIH_ALIGN_SIZE*(((sizeof(struct nih_alloc_ctx)-1)/NIH_ALIGN_SIZE)+1)):NULL', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:739:9: note: Null pointer dereference
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:171:9: portability: '(void*)(ctx)' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:282:9: portability: '(void*)(ctx)' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:430:26: portability: '(void*)(ctx)' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/alloc.c:454:28: portability: '(void*)(ref->child)' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/config.c:927:35: warning: Function 'nih_config_block_end' argument order different: declaration 'file, len, lineno, pos, type, endpos' definition 'file, len, pos, lineno, type, endpos' [funcArgOrderDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/config.c:43:60: note: Function 'nih_config_block_end' argument order different: declaration 'file, len, lineno, pos, type, endpos' definition 'file, len, pos, lineno, type, endpos'
libnih-1.0.3/nih/config.c:927:35: note: Function 'nih_config_block_end' argument order different: declaration 'file, len, lineno, pos, type, endpos' definition 'file, len, pos, lineno, type, endpos'
libnih-1.0.3/nih/io.c:954:5: style: Variable 'last' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/io.c:949:0: note: Variable 'last' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/io.c:954:5: note: Variable 'last' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/io.c:205:14: style: Function 'nih_io_handle_fds' argument 2 names different: declaration 'writewfds' definition 'writefds'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/io.h:276:68: note: Function 'nih_io_handle_fds' argument 2 names different: declaration 'writewfds' definition 'writefds'.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/io.c:205:14: note: Function 'nih_io_handle_fds' argument 2 names different: declaration 'writewfds' definition 'writefds'.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/io.c:923:3: error: Address of local auto-variable assigned to a function parameter. [autoVariables]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/main.c:467:3: error: Used file that is not opened. [useClosedFile]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/string.c:894:7: style: Condition '!len' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/string.c:890:16: note: Assignment 'len=0', assigned value is 0
libnih-1.0.3/nih/string.c:894:7: note: Condition '!len' is always true
libnih-1.0.3/nih/string.c:613:4: style: Variable 'c_len' is modified but its new value is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_config.c:543:2: style: Variable 'len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_config.c:502:2: note: Variable 'len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_config.c:543:2: note: Variable 'len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_config.c:2554:2: style: Variable 'pos' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_config.c:2527:2: note: Variable 'pos' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_config.c:2554:2: note: Variable 'pos' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_error.c:42:12: style: The scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_error.c:64:12: style: The scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_error.c:89:12: style: The scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_error.c:113:12: style: The scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_error.c:239:12: style: The scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_error.c:240:12: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_error.c:270:12: style: The scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_error.c:271:12: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_error.c:301:12: style: The scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_error.c:302:12: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_error.c:404:12: style: The scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_hash.c:479:11: style: Variable 'entry3' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_io.c:1973:2: performance: Buffer 'buf' is being written before its old content has been used. [redundantCopy]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_io.c:1888:2: note: Buffer 'buf' is being written before its old content has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_io.c:1973:2: note: Buffer 'buf' is being written before its old content has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_io.c:1974:2: style: Variable 'iov[0].iov_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_io.c:1889:2: note: Variable 'iov[0].iov_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_io.c:1974:2: note: Variable 'iov[0].iov_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_io.c:1840:3: style: Variable 'iov[0].iov_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_io.c:1837:3: note: Variable 'iov[0].iov_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_io.c:1840:3: note: Variable 'iov[0].iov_len' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_io.c:228:15: style: The scope of the variable 'buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_io.c:721:31: style: The scope of the variable 'fdptr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_list.c:455:2: style: Variable 'ptr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_list.c:444:2: note: Variable 'ptr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_list.c:455:2: note: Variable 'ptr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_list.c:47:11: style: The scope of the variable 'list' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_list.c:455:8: style: Variable 'ptr' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_main.c:193:8: style: The scope of the variable 'output' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_main.c:472:10: style: Variable 'timer' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_option.c:1555:9: style: The scope of the variable 'output' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_option.c:1558:9: style: The scope of the variable 'argc' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_option.c:1605:9: style: The scope of the variable 'output' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_option.c:1608:9: style: The scope of the variable 'argc' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_string.c:42:15: style: The scope of the variable 'str2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_string.c:108:15: style: The scope of the variable 'str2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_string.c:158:15: style: The scope of the variable 'str2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_string.c:207:15: style: The scope of the variable 'str2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_string.c:671:9: style: The scope of the variable 'array' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_string.c:695:20: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_string.c:731:20: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_tree.c:48:11: style: The scope of the variable 'tree' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_tree.c:75:16: style: The scope of the variable 'tree' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_watch.c:140:18: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_watch.c:600:18: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/tests/test_watch.c:832:9: style: Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnih-1.0.3/nih/watch.c:405:3: error: Address of local auto-variable assigned to a function parameter. [autoVariables]

libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/device_proto.h:186:15: performance: Variable 'packet' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. [useInitializationList]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/device_proto.h:102:18: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::HIDReport::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/device_proto.h:177:18: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::EmptyPayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/device_proto.h:179:25: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::EmptyPayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:61:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetSlotName::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:62:19: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetSlotName::ResponsePayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:244:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetTOTP::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:289:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetHOTP::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:343:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::ReadSlot::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:432:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetPasswordRetryCount::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:450:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetUserPasswordRetryCount::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:476:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetPasswordSafeSlotStatus::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:505:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetPasswordSafeSlotName::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:506:17: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetPasswordSafeSlotName::ResponsePayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:534:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetPasswordSafeSlotPassword::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:535:17: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetPasswordSafeSlotPassword::ResponsePayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:563:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetPasswordSafeSlotLogin::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:564:17: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::GetPasswordSafeSlotLogin::ResponsePayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:638:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::EnablePasswordSafe::CommandPayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:639:17: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::EnablePasswordSafe::CommandPayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:713:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::FirstAuthenticate::CommandPayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:733:10: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::UserAuthenticate::CommandPayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:786:19: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::UnlockUserPassword::CommandPayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:803:19: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::ChangeUserPin::CommandPayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:819:19: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::IsAESSupported::CommandPayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:836:19: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::ChangeAdminPin::CommandPayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:858:19: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::FactoryReset::CommandPayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands.h:873:19: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10::BuildAESKey::CommandPayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands_0.8.h:99:26: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10_08::SendOTPData::CommandPayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands_0.8.h:129:26: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10_08::SendOTPData::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands_0.8.h:130:33: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10_08::SendOTPData::ResponsePayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands_0.8.h:175:26: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10_08::WriteToOTPSlot::CommandPayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands_0.8.h:237:26: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10_08::GetHOTP::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick10_commands_0.8.h:292:26: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick10_08::GetTOTP::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick20_commands.h:77:33: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick20::ChangeUpdatePassword::CommandPayload::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick20_commands.h:208:26: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick20::DeviceConfigurationResponsePacket::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/stick20_commands.h:352:26: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::proto::stick20::ProductionTest::ResponsePayload::isValid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/command.h:46:0: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey :: proto :: Command < CommandID :: READ_SLOT_NAME >::dissect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/log.h:64:7: style: Class 'FunctionalLogHandler' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/LibraryException.h:68:5: style: Class 'InvalidHexString' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/LibraryException.h:85:5: style: Class 'InvalidSlotException' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h:37:3: style: Class 'DeviceCommunicationException' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h:50:3: style: Class 'DeviceNotConnected' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h:56:3: style: Class 'DeviceSendingFailure' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h:62:3: style: Class 'DeviceReceivingFailure' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h:68:3: style: Class 'InvalidCRCReceived' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/device_proto.h:185:13: style: Class 'ClearingProxy' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/log.h:57:20: style: The function 'print' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/log.h:48:20: note: Virtual function in base class
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/log.h:57:20: note: Function in derived class
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/log.h:65:20: style: The function 'print' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/log.h:48:20: note: Virtual function in base class
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/log.h:65:20: note: Function in derived class
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/LongOperationInProgressException.h:39:25: style: The function 'what' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/CommandFailedException.h:44:25: note: Virtual function in base class
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/LongOperationInProgressException.h:39:25: note: Function in derived class
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/device.h:127:35: performance: Function parameter 'path' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h:37:44: performance: Function parameter '_msg' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h:50:34: performance: Function parameter 'msg' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h:56:36: performance: Function parameter 'msg' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h:62:38: performance: Function parameter 'msg' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h:68:34: performance: Function parameter 'msg' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:80:48: performance: Function parameter 'id' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:210:13: style: Condition 'cache_connections' is always false [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:206:40: note: Assignment 'cache_connections=false', assigned value is 0
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:210:13: note: Condition 'cache_connections' is always false
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:223:12: style: Condition 'cache_connections' is always false [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:206:40: note: Assignment 'cache_connections=false', assigned value is 0
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:223:12: note: Condition 'cache_connections' is always false
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:959:63: style: Function 'unlock_encrypted_volume' argument 1 names different: declaration 'user_password' definition 'user_pin'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:136:50: note: Function 'unlock_encrypted_volume' argument 1 names different: declaration 'user_password' definition 'user_pin'.
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:959:63: note: Function 'unlock_encrypted_volume' argument 1 names different: declaration 'user_password' definition 'user_pin'.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:99:14: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::change_user_PIN' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:677:27: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::change_user_PIN' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:99:14: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::change_user_PIN' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:100:14: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::change_admin_PIN' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:681:27: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::change_admin_PIN' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:100:14: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::change_admin_PIN' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:209:14: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::set_log_function' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:246:27: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::set_log_function' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:209:14: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::set_log_function' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:224:12: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::is_valid_hotp_slot_number' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:423:27: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::is_valid_hotp_slot_number' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:224:12: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::is_valid_hotp_slot_number' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:225:14: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::is_valid_totp_slot_number' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:424:27: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::is_valid_totp_slot_number' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:225:14: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::is_valid_totp_slot_number' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:226:14: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::is_valid_password_safe_slot_number' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:760:27: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::is_valid_password_safe_slot_number' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:226:14: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::is_valid_password_safe_slot_number' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:227:17: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::get_internal_slot_number_for_hotp' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:426:30: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::get_internal_slot_number_for_hotp' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:227:17: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::get_internal_slot_number_for_hotp' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:228:17: performance: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::get_internal_slot_number_for_totp' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:425:30: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::get_internal_slot_number_for_totp' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h:228:17: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::NitrokeyManager::get_internal_slot_number_for_totp' can be static.
libnitrokey-3.3/NitrokeyManager.cc:167:61: performance: Function parameter 'id' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/device.h:76:17: style: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::device::Device::ErrorCounters::get_as_string' can be const. [functionConst]
libnitrokey-3.3/device.cc:258:36: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::device::Device::ErrorCounters::get_as_string' can be const.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/device.h:76:17: note: Technically the member function 'nitrokey::device::Device::ErrorCounters::get_as_string' can be const.
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/device.h:90:16: warning: Virtual function 'disconnect' is called from destructor '~Device()' at line 224. Dynamic binding is not used. [virtualCallInConstructor]
libnitrokey-3.3/device.cc:224:3: note: Calling disconnect
libnitrokey-3.3/libnitrokey/device.h:90:16: note: disconnect is a virtual method
libnitrokey-3.3/device.cc:106:41: performance: Function parameter 'path' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]


libnl-1.1/lib/attr.c:520:24: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: data [nullPointer]
libnl-1.1/lib/attr.c:604:33: note: Calling function 'nla_put', 4th argument 'data' value is 0
libnl-1.1/lib/attr.c:520:24: note: Null pointer dereference
libnl-1.1/lib/data.c:87:11: style: Checking if unsigned variable 'size' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libnl-1.1/lib/genl/family.c:276:0: error: Syntax error in #if [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnl-1.1/lib/genl/genl.c:214:28: portability: 'genlmsg_data(gnlh)' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-1.1/lib/handlers.c:369:9: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/msg.c:884:21: style: The scope of the variable 'mt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/msg.c:525:6: portability: 'buf' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-1.1/lib/msg.c:529:14: portability: 'buf' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-1.1/lib/msg.c:918:33: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnl-1.1/lib/netfilter/ct_obj.c:149:10: style: The scope of the variable 'proto' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/object.c:114:22: portability: '(void*)new' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-1.1/lib/object.c:114:42: portability: '(void*)obj' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/addr.c:998:2: style: Statements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed. [unreachableCode]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/cls/u32.c:242:21: style: The scope of the variable 'key' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/link.c:595:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/link.c:668:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/neigh.c:336:32: style: The scope of the variable 'lladdr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/neightbl.c:277:14: style: The scope of the variable 'y' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/neightbl.c:277:21: style: The scope of the variable 'z' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/route_obj.c:197:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/sch/netem.c:63:11: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/sch/tbf.c:269:16: style: The scope of the variable 'limit2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/tc.c:457:9: style: The scope of the variable 'size' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/route/tc.c:425:10: error: Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is undefined behaviour [shiftTooManyBitsSigned]
libnl-1.1/lib/utils.c:57:10: style: The scope of the variable 'args' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/lib/utils.c:106:0: error: Resource leak: fd [resourceLeak]
libnl-1.1/src/nl-qdisc-add.c:31:6: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/src/nl-qdisc-add.c:31:11: style: The scope of the variable 'limit' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/src/nl-qdisc-add.c:52:6: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/src/nl-qdisc-add.c:52:11: style: The scope of the variable 'limit' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-1.1/src/nl-tctree-dump.c:36:46: portability: 'arg' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-1.1/src/nl-tctree-dump.c:38:65: portability: 'arg' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-1.1/src/nl-tctree-dump.c:58:65: portability: 'arg' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]

libnl-3.4.0/lib/cache.c:436:6: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/cache.c:553:6: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/data.c:119:18: portability: 'd_data' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/data.c:121:18: portability: 'd_data' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/genl/genl.c:262:32: portability: 'genlmsg_user_hdr(gnlh)' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/genl/mngt.c:35:19: style: The scope of the variable 'cmd' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/genl/mngt.c:121:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/handlers.c:325:9: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/hash.c:50:0: error: #error Unknown endian [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/hashtable.c:62:22: style: The scope of the variable 'saved_node' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/idiag/idiag_msg_obj.c:685:2: style: Variable 'msg' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/idiag/idiag_msg_obj.c:679:0: note: Variable 'msg' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/lib/idiag/idiag_msg_obj.c:685:2: note: Variable 'msg' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/lib/idiag/idiag_req_obj.c:196:2: style: Variable 'req' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/idiag/idiag_req_obj.c:191:0: note: Variable 'req' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/lib/idiag/idiag_req_obj.c:196:2: note: Variable 'req' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/lib/msg.c:801:21: style: The scope of the variable 'mt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/msg.c:422:6: portability: 'buf' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/msg.c:426:14: portability: 'buf' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/msg.c:846:7: portability: 'data' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/msg.c:859:9: portability: 'data' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/ct.c:543:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/ct_obj.c:110:7: style: The scope of the variable 'buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/ct_obj.c:273:9: style: The scope of the variable 'res' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/ct_obj.c:275:11: style: The scope of the variable 'packets' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/exp.c:492:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/exp_obj.c:161:7: style: The scope of the variable 'buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/exp_obj.c:186:18: style: The scope of the variable 'tuple_src' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/exp_obj.c:186:30: style: The scope of the variable 'tuple_dst' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/exp_obj.c:187:6: style: The scope of the variable 'tuple_sport' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/exp_obj.c:187:19: style: The scope of the variable 'tuple_dport' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/log_obj.c:32:7: style: The scope of the variable 'buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/queue.c:177:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/netfilter/queue_obj.c:34:7: style: The scope of the variable 'buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/object.c:134:22: portability: '(void*)new' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/object.c:134:42: portability: '(void*)obj' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/object.c:392:26: error: Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is undefined behaviour [shiftTooManyBitsSigned]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/act.c:119:6: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/act/gact.c:113:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/act/mirred.c:122:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/act/skbedit.c:153:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/class.c:33:7: style: The scope of the variable 'buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/cls/basic.c:107:7: style: The scope of the variable 'buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/cls/ematch/meta.c:309:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/cls/ematch/nbyte.c:97:27: portability: 'data' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/cls/ematch/text.c:119:27: portability: 'data' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/cls/fw.c:158:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/cls/u32.c:231:21: style: The scope of the variable 'key' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/cls/u32.c:291:22: style: The scope of the variable 'm' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/cls/u32.c:388:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link.c:1557:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link.c:1942:42: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link.c:2006:40: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link.c:2037:39: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link.c:2112:42: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link.c:2229:42: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link.c:2466:41: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/bridge.c:919:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/bridge.c:255:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/bridge.c:306:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/can.c:330:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/inet.c:140:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/inet6.c:232:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ip6tnl.c:220:8: style: The scope of the variable 'name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ip6tnl.c:221:20: style: The scope of the variable 'parent' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ip6tnl.c:200:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ipgre.c:228:8: style: The scope of the variable 'name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ipgre.c:229:20: style: The scope of the variable 'parent' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ipgre.c:207:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ipip.c:183:8: style: The scope of the variable 'name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ipip.c:184:20: style: The scope of the variable 'parent' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ipip.c:163:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ipvlan.c:102:7: style: The scope of the variable 'buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ipvlan.c:142:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ipvti.c:173:8: style: The scope of the variable 'name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ipvti.c:174:20: style: The scope of the variable 'parent' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ipvti.c:152:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/macsec.c:350:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/macsec.c:360:44: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/macvlan.c:67:11: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/macvlan.c:164:11: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/macvlan.c:192:11: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/macvlan.c:343:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/ppp.c:124:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/sit.c:251:8: style: The scope of the variable 'name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/sit.c:251:37: style: The scope of the variable 'addr6' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/sit.c:252:20: style: The scope of the variable 'parent' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/sit.c:230:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/sriov.c:379:11: style: The scope of the variable 'proto' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/sriov.c:521:6: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/sriov.c:1425:16: style: The scope of the variable 'tmp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/sriov.c:331:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/sriov.c:357:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/sriov.c:487:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/sriov.c:127:11: warning: Size of pointer 'dst_vlan_info' used instead of size of its data. [pointerSize]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/vrf.c:135:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/vxlan.c:318:8: style: The scope of the variable 'name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/vxlan.c:319:20: style: The scope of the variable 'parent' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/vxlan.c:621:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/link/vxlan.c:632:44: style: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. [clarifyCalculation]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/neigh.c:461:7: style: The scope of the variable 'dst' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/neigh.c:461:32: style: The scope of the variable 'lladdr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/neightbl.c:271:14: style: The scope of the variable 'y' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/neightbl.c:271:21: style: The scope of the variable 'z' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/netconf.c:195:7: style: The scope of the variable 'buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/nexthop_encap.c:95:7: warning: Either the condition 'a' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: a. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/nexthop_encap.c:92:7: note: Assuming that condition 'a' is not redundant
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/nexthop_encap.c:95:7: note: Null pointer dereference
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/nexthop_encap.c:98:34: warning: Either the condition 'b' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: b. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/nexthop_encap.c:92:26: note: Assuming that condition 'b' is not redundant
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/nexthop_encap.c:98:34: note: Null pointer dereference
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/nh_encap_mpls.c:35:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/qdisc/dsmark.c:156:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/qdisc/dsmark.c:176:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/qdisc/fq_codel.c:132:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/qdisc/hfsc.c:171:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/qdisc/htb.c:265:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/qdisc/netem.c:56:11: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/qdisc/netem.c:156:7: style: The scope of the variable 'buf' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/qdisc/netem.c:333:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/qdisc/netem.c:325:67: portability: '(void*)(msg->nm_nlh)' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/qdisc/tbf.c:221:16: style: The scope of the variable 'limit2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/qdisc/tbf.c:163:1: style: Label 'nla_put_failure' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/route_obj.c:105:28: style: The scope of the variable 'new' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/route_obj.c:216:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/route_obj.c:899:23: style: The scope of the variable 'nh' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/route_obj.c:910:23: style: The scope of the variable 'nh' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/route_obj.c:911:11: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/tc.c:714:15: style: The scope of the variable 'size' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/tc.c:753:22: style: The scope of the variable 'ops' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/route/tc.c:639:10: error: Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is undefined behaviour [shiftTooManyBitsSigned]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/socket.c:436:6: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/socket.c:486:6: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/socket.c:679:1: style: Label 'no_so_protocol' is not used. [unusedLabel]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/utils.c:450:18: warning: Identical condition 'initialized==1', second condition is always false [identicalConditionAfterEarlyExit]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/utils.c:445:18: note: first condition
libnl-3.4.0/lib/utils.c:450:18: note: second condition
libnl-3.4.0/lib/utils.c:438:7: style: The scope of the variable 'name' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/utils.c:439:8: style: The scope of the variable 'fd' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/utils.c:548:22: style: The scope of the variable 'l' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/utils.c:1110:9: style: The scope of the variable 'len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/ae.c:296:23: style: The scope of the variable 'add_time_tm' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/ae.c:296:37: style: The scope of the variable 'use_time_tm' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/sa.c:397:23: style: The scope of the variable 'add_time_tm' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/sa.c:397:37: style: The scope of the variable 'use_time_tm' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/sa.c:925:26: style: The scope of the variable 'old_sa' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/sp.c:110:26: style: The scope of the variable 'len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/sp.c:111:35: style: The scope of the variable 'new' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/sp.c:321:23: style: The scope of the variable 'add_time_tm' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/sp.c:321:37: style: The scope of the variable 'use_time_tm' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/sp.c:1331:27: style: The scope of the variable 'utmpl' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/sp.c:1342:27: style: The scope of the variable 'utmpl' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/lib/xfrm/sp.c:1343:11: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/src/lib/route.c:113:16: style: The scope of the variable 'lval' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/src/lib/utils.c:79:10: style: The scope of the variable 'ap' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/src/nl-route-get.c:49:6: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnl-3.4.0/src/nl-tctree-list.c:55:46: portability: 'arg' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/src/nl-tctree-list.c:57:38: portability: 'arg' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/src/nl-tctree-list.c:90:38: portability: 'arg' is of type 'void *'. When using void pointers in calculations, the behaviour is undefined. [arithOperationsOnVoidPointer]
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:551:5: style: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:547:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:551:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:552:5: style: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:551:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:552:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:553:5: style: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:552:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:553:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:554:5: style: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:553:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:554:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:555:5: style: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:554:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:555:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:556:5: style: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:555:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:556:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:557:5: style: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:556:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:557:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:754:5: style: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:744:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:754:5: note: Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-complex-HTB-with-hash-filters.c:754:11: style: Variable 'err' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnl-3.4.0/tests/test-u32-filter-with-actions.c:273:9: style: Variable 'err' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]

libnm-qt- style: Class 'AccessPointPrivate' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: The function 'type' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'propertyChanged' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'type' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'propertyChanged' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'type' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'propertyChanged' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'type' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'propertyChanged' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'type' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'propertyChanged' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'type' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'propertyChanged' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: Class 'ConnectionPrivate' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'SecretAgentAdaptor' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnm-qt- warning: Member variable 'DevicePrivate::deviceType' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVar]
libnm-qt- warning: Member variable 'DevicePrivate::connectionState' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVar]
libnm-qt- style: The function 'type' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'propertyChanged' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: Function 'deactivateConnection' argument 1 names different: declaration 'activeConnection' definition 'activeConnectionPath'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnm-qt- note: Function 'deactivateConnection' argument 1 names different: declaration 'activeConnection' definition 'activeConnectionPath'.
libnm-qt- note: Function 'deactivateConnection' argument 1 names different: declaration 'activeConnection' definition 'activeConnectionPath'.
libnm-qt- style: Function 'onDeviceAdded' argument 1 names different: declaration 'state' definition 'objpath'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnm-qt- note: Function 'onDeviceAdded' argument 1 names different: declaration 'state' definition 'objpath'.
libnm-qt- note: Function 'onDeviceAdded' argument 1 names different: declaration 'state' definition 'objpath'.
libnm-qt- style: Function 'onDeviceRemoved' argument 1 names different: declaration 'state' definition 'objpath'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnm-qt- note: Function 'onDeviceRemoved' argument 1 names different: declaration 'state' definition 'objpath'.
libnm-qt- note: Function 'onDeviceRemoved' argument 1 names different: declaration 'state' definition 'objpath'.
libnm-qt- style: Function 'deactivateConnection' argument 1 names different: declaration 'activeConnection' definition 'activeConnectionPath'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnm-qt- note: Function 'deactivateConnection' argument 1 names different: declaration 'activeConnection' definition 'activeConnectionPath'.
libnm-qt- note: Function 'deactivateConnection' argument 1 names different: declaration 'activeConnection' definition 'activeConnectionPath'.
libnm-qt- style: Variable 'cleanUpObject' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'Anonymous0::isDestroyed' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'Anonymous0::exists' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- style: The function 'type' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'propertyChanged' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'type' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'propertyChanged' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'type' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'propertyChanged' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'type' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'propertyChanged' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The class 'SecretAgentPrivate' does not have a constructor although it has private member variables. [noConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Function 'addConnection' argument 1 names different: declaration 'settings' definition 'connection'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnm-qt- note: Function 'addConnection' argument 1 names different: declaration 'settings' definition 'connection'.
libnm-qt- note: Function 'addConnection' argument 1 names different: declaration 'settings' definition 'connection'.
libnm-qt- style: Variable 'cleanUpObject' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
libnm-qt- style: Member variable 'SettingsPrivate::m_canModify' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [initializerList]
libnm-qt- note: Member variable 'SettingsPrivate::m_canModify' is in the wrong place in the initializer list.
libnm-qt- note: Member variable 'SettingsPrivate::m_canModify' is in the wrong place in the initializer list.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'Anonymous0::isDestroyed' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'Anonymous0::exists' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setUsername' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::username' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::username' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::username' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setPassword' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::password' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::password' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::password' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::passwordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::passwordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::passwordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setProtocol' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setProtocol' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setProtocol' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::protocol' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::protocol' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::protocol' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setEncapsulation' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setEncapsulation' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setEncapsulation' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::encapsulation' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::encapsulation' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::encapsulation' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setVpi' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setVpi' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setVpi' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::vpi' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::vpi' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::vpi' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setVci' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setVci' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::setVci' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::vci' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::vci' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::AdslSetting::vci' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'AdslSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'AdslSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'AdslSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'AdslSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'needSecrets' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::setBluetoothAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::setBluetoothAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::setBluetoothAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::bluetoothAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::bluetoothAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::bluetoothAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::setProfileType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::setProfileType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::setProfileType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::profileType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::profileType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BluetoothSetting::profileType' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'BluetoothSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'BluetoothSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'BluetoothSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'BluetoothSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::setInterfaceName' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::setInterfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::setInterfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::interfaceName' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::interfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::interfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::addOption' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::addOption' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::addOption' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::setOptions' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::setOptions' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::setOptions' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::options' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::options' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BondSetting::options' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'BondSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'BondSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'BondSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'BondSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::setPriority' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::setPriority' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::setPriority' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::priority' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::priority' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::priority' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::setPathCost' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::setPathCost' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::setPathCost' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::pathCost' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::pathCost' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::pathCost' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::setHairpinMode' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::setHairpinMode' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::setHairpinMode' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::hairpinMode' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::hairpinMode' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgePortSetting::hairpinMode' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'BridgePortSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'BridgePortSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'BridgePortSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'BridgePortSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setInterfaceName' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setInterfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setInterfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::interfaceName' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::interfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::interfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setStp' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setStp' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setStp' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::stp' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::stp' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::stp' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setPriority' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setPriority' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setPriority' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::priority' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::priority' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::priority' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setForwardDelay' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setForwardDelay' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setForwardDelay' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::forwardDelay' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::forwardDelay' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::forwardDelay' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setHelloTime' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setHelloTime' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setHelloTime' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::helloTime' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::helloTime' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::helloTime' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setMaxAge' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setMaxAge' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setMaxAge' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::maxAge' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::maxAge' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::maxAge' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setAgingTime' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setAgingTime' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::setAgingTime' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::agingTime' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::agingTime' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::BridgeSetting::agingTime' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'BridgeSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'BridgeSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'BridgeSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'BridgeSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::setNumber' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::setNumber' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::setNumber' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::number' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::number' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::number' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::setUsername' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::setUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::setUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::username' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::username' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::username' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::setPassword' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::setPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::setPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::password' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::password' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::password' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::passwordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::passwordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::CdmaSetting::passwordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'CdmaSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'CdmaSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'CdmaSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'CdmaSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'needSecrets' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsFromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsToMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::name' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::name' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::name' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setId' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setId' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setId' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::id' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::id' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::id' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setUuid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setUuid' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setUuid' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::uuid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::uuid' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::uuid' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setConnectionType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setConnectionType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setConnectionType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::connectionType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::connectionType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::connectionType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::addToPermissions' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::addToPermissions' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::addToPermissions' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setPermissions' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setPermissions' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setPermissions' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::permissions' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::permissions' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::permissions' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setAutoconnect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setAutoconnect' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setAutoconnect' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::autoconnect' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::autoconnect' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::autoconnect' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setTimestamp' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setTimestamp' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setTimestamp' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::timestamp' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::timestamp' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::timestamp' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setReadOnly' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setReadOnly' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setReadOnly' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::readOnly' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::readOnly' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::readOnly' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setZone' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setZone' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setZone' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::zone' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::zone' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::zone' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::isSlave' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::isSlave' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::isSlave' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setMaster' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setMaster' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setMaster' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::master' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::master' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::master' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setSlaveType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setSlaveType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setSlaveType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::slaveType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::slaveType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::slaveType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setSecondaries' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setSecondaries' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::setSecondaries' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::secondaries' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::secondaries' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::secondaries' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::settings' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::settings' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::settings' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'ConnectionSettings' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'ConnectionSettings' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'WiredSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'WiredSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'OlpcMeshSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'OlpcMeshSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'WirelessSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'WirelessSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'WirelessSecuritySetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'WirelessSecuritySetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'Security8021xSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'Security8021xSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'GsmSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'GsmSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'InfinibandSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'InfinibandSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'Ipv4Setting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'Ipv4Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'Ipv6Setting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'Ipv6Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'PppSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'PppSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'PppoeSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'PppoeSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'SerialSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'SerialSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'VlanSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'VlanSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'VpnSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'VpnSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'WimaxSetting' defines member variable with name 'd_ptr' also defined in its parent class 'Setting'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'Setting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'WimaxSetting::d_ptr'
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsFromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsToMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'needSecrets' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'needSecrets' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsFromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsToMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsFromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsToMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'needSecrets' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'needSecrets' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsFromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsToMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsFromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsToMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsFromStringMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'secretsToStringMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'name' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'fromMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- style: The function 'toMap' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier. [missingOverride]
libnm-qt- note: Virtual function in base class
libnm-qt- note: Function in derived class
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setNumber' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setNumber' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setNumber' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::number' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::number' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::number' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setUsername' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::username' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::username' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::username' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setPassword' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::password' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::password' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::password' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::passwordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::passwordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::passwordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setApn' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setApn' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setApn' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::apn' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::apn' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::apn' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setNetworkId' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setNetworkId' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setNetworkId' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::networkId' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::networkId' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::networkId' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setNetworkType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setNetworkType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setNetworkType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::networkType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::networkType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::networkType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setPin' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setPin' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setPin' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::pin' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::pin' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::pin' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::pinFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::pinFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::pinFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setAllowedBand' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setAllowedBand' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setAllowedBand' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::allowedBand' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::allowedBand' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::allowedBand' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setHomeOnly' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setHomeOnly' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::setHomeOnly' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::homeOnly' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::homeOnly' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::GsmSetting::homeOnly' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'GsmSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'GsmSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::setMacAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::setMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::setMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::macAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::macAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::macAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::setMtu' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::setMtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::setMtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::mtu' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::mtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::mtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::setTransportMode' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::setTransportMode' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::setTransportMode' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::transportMode' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::transportMode' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::InfinibandSetting::transportMode' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'InfinibandSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'InfinibandSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- style: Function 'setMethod' argument 1 names different: declaration 'method' definition 'type'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnm-qt- note: Function 'setMethod' argument 1 names different: declaration 'method' definition 'type'.
libnm-qt- note: Function 'setMethod' argument 1 names different: declaration 'method' definition 'type'.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setMethod' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::method' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::method' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::method' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDns' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dns' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dns' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dns' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDnsSearch' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDnsSearch' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDnsSearch' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dnsSearch' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dnsSearch' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dnsSearch' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::addresses' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::addresses' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::addresses' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::routes' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::routes' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::routes' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setIgnoreAutoRoutes' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setIgnoreAutoRoutes' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setIgnoreAutoRoutes' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::ignoreAutoRoutes' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::ignoreAutoRoutes' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::ignoreAutoRoutes' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setIgnoreAutoDns' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setIgnoreAutoDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setIgnoreAutoDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::ignoreAutoDns' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::ignoreAutoDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::ignoreAutoDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDhcpClientId' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDhcpClientId' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDhcpClientId' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dhcpClientId' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dhcpClientId' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dhcpClientId' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDhcpSendHostname' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDhcpSendHostname' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDhcpSendHostname' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dhcpSendHostname' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dhcpSendHostname' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dhcpSendHostname' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDhcpHostname' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDhcpHostname' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setDhcpHostname' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dhcpHostname' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dhcpHostname' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::dhcpHostname' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setNeverDefault' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setNeverDefault' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setNeverDefault' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::neverDefault' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::neverDefault' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::neverDefault' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setMayFail' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setMayFail' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::setMayFail' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::mayFail' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::mayFail' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv4Setting::mayFail' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'Ipv4Setting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'Ipv4Setting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- style: Function 'setMethod' argument 1 names different: declaration 'method' definition 'type'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnm-qt- note: Function 'setMethod' argument 1 names different: declaration 'method' definition 'type'.
libnm-qt- note: Function 'setMethod' argument 1 names different: declaration 'method' definition 'type'.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setMethod' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::method' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::method' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::method' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setDns' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::dns' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::dns' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::dns' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setDnsSearch' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setDnsSearch' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setDnsSearch' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::dnsSearch' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::dnsSearch' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::dnsSearch' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::addresses' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::addresses' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::addresses' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::routes' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::routes' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::routes' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setIgnoreAutoRoutes' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setIgnoreAutoRoutes' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setIgnoreAutoRoutes' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::ignoreAutoRoutes' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::ignoreAutoRoutes' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::ignoreAutoRoutes' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setIgnoreAutoDns' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setIgnoreAutoDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setIgnoreAutoDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::ignoreAutoDns' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::ignoreAutoDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::ignoreAutoDns' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setNeverDefault' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setNeverDefault' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setNeverDefault' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::neverDefault' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::neverDefault' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::neverDefault' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setMayFail' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setMayFail' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setMayFail' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::mayFail' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::mayFail' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::mayFail' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setPrivacy' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setPrivacy' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::setPrivacy' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::privacy' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::privacy' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Ipv6Setting::privacy' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'Ipv6Setting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'Ipv6Setting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::setSsid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::setSsid' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::setSsid' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::ssid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::ssid' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::ssid' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::setChannel' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::setChannel' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::setChannel' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::channel' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::channel' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::channel' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::setDhcpAnycastAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::setDhcpAnycastAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::setDhcpAnycastAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::dhcpAnycastAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::dhcpAnycastAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::OlpcMeshSetting::dhcpAnycastAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'OlpcMeshSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'OlpcMeshSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setService' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setService' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setService' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::service' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::service' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::service' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setUsername' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::username' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::username' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::username' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setPassword' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::password' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::password' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::password' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setPasswordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::setPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::passwordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::passwordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppoeSetting::passwordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'PppoeSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'PppoeSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoAuth' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoAuth' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoAuth' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noAuth' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noAuth' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noAuth' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseEap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseEap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseEap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseEap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseEap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseEap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefusePap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefusePap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefusePap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refusePap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refusePap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refusePap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseChap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseChap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseChap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseChap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseChap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseChap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseMschap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseMschap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseMschap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseMschap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseMschap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseMschap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseMschapv2' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseMschapv2' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRefuseMschapv2' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseMschapv2' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseMschapv2' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::refuseMschapv2' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoBsdComp' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoBsdComp' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoBsdComp' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noBsdComp' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noBsdComp' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noBsdComp' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoDeflate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoDeflate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoDeflate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noDeflate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noDeflate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noDeflate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoVjComp' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoVjComp' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setNoVjComp' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noVjComp' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noVjComp' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::noVjComp' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRequireMppe' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRequireMppe' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRequireMppe' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::requireMppe' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::requireMppe' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::requireMppe' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRequireMppe128' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRequireMppe128' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setRequireMppe128' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::requireMppe128' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::requireMppe128' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::requireMppe128' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setMppeStateful' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setMppeStateful' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setMppeStateful' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::mppeStateful' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::mppeStateful' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::mppeStateful' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setCRtsCts' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setCRtsCts' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setCRtsCts' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::cRtsCts' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::cRtsCts' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::cRtsCts' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setBaud' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setBaud' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setBaud' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::baud' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::baud' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::baud' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setMru' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setMru' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setMru' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::mru' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::mru' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::mru' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setMtu' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setMtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setMtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::mtu' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::mtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::mtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setLcpEchoFailure' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setLcpEchoFailure' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setLcpEchoFailure' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::lcpEchoFailure' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::lcpEchoFailure' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::lcpEchoFailure' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setLcpEchoInterval' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setLcpEchoInterval' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::setLcpEchoInterval' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::lcpEchoInterval' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::lcpEchoInterval' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::PppSetting::lcpEchoInterval' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'PppSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'PppSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setEapMethods' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setEapMethods' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setEapMethods' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::eapMethods' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::eapMethods' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::eapMethods' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setIdentity' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setIdentity' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setIdentity' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::identity' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::identity' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::identity' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setAnonymousIdentity' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setAnonymousIdentity' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setAnonymousIdentity' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::anonymousIdentity' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::anonymousIdentity' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::anonymousIdentity' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPacFile' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPacFile' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPacFile' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::pacFile' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::pacFile' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::pacFile' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setCaCertificate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setCaCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setCaCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::caCertificate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::caCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::caCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setCaPath' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setCaPath' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setCaPath' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::caPath' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::caPath' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::caPath' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setSubjectMatch' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setSubjectMatch' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setSubjectMatch' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::subjectMatch' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::subjectMatch' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::subjectMatch' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setAltSubjectMatches' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setAltSubjectMatches' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setAltSubjectMatches' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::altSubjectMatches' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::altSubjectMatches' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::altSubjectMatches' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setClientCertificate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setClientCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setClientCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::clientCertificate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::clientCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::clientCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase1PeapVersion' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase1PeapVersion' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase1PeapVersion' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase1PeapVersion' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase1PeapVersion' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase1PeapVersion' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase1PeapLabel' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase1PeapLabel' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase1PeapLabel' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase1PeapLabel' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase1PeapLabel' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase1PeapLabel' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase1FastProvisioning' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase1FastProvisioning' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase1FastProvisioning' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase1FastProvisioning' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase1FastProvisioning' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase1FastProvisioning' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2AuthMethod' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2AuthMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2AuthMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2AuthMethod' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2AuthMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2AuthMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2AuthEapMethod' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2AuthEapMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2AuthEapMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2AuthEapMethod' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2AuthEapMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2AuthEapMethod' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2CaCertificate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2CaCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2CaCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2CaCertificate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2CaCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2CaCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2CaPath' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2CaPath' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2CaPath' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2CaPath' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2CaPath' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2CaPath' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2SubjectMatch' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2SubjectMatch' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2SubjectMatch' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2SubjectMatch' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2SubjectMatch' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2SubjectMatch' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2AltSubjectMatches' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2AltSubjectMatches' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2AltSubjectMatches' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2AltSubjectMatches' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2AltSubjectMatches' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2AltSubjectMatches' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2ClientCertificate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2ClientCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2ClientCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2ClientCertificate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2ClientCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2ClientCertificate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPassword' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::password' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::password' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::password' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPasswordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::passwordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::passwordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::passwordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPasswordRaw' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPasswordRaw' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPasswordRaw' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::passwordRaw' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::passwordRaw' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::passwordRaw' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPasswordRawFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPasswordRawFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPasswordRawFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::passwordRawFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::passwordRawFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::passwordRawFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPrivateKey' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPrivateKey' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPrivateKey' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::privateKey' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::privateKey' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::privateKey' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPrivateKeyPassword' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPrivateKeyPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPrivateKeyPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::privateKeyPassword' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::privateKeyPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::privateKeyPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPrivateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPrivateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPrivateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::privateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::privateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::privateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2PrivateKey' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2PrivateKey' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2PrivateKey' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2PrivateKey' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2PrivateKey' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2PrivateKey' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2PrivateKeyPassword' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2PrivateKeyPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2PrivateKeyPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2PrivateKeyPassword' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2PrivateKeyPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2PrivateKeyPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2PrivateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2PrivateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPhase2PrivateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2PrivateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2PrivateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::phase2PrivateKeyPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPin' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPin' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPin' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::pin' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::pin' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::pin' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPinFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPinFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setPinFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::pinFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::pinFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::pinFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setSystemCaCertificates' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setSystemCaCertificates' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::setSystemCaCertificates' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::systemCaCertificates' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::systemCaCertificates' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Security8021xSetting::systemCaCertificates' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'Security8021xSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'Security8021xSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- style: Function 'setBits' argument 1 names different: declaration 'byteWidth' definition 'byteWidgh'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnm-qt- note: Function 'setBits' argument 1 names different: declaration 'byteWidth' definition 'byteWidgh'.
libnm-qt- note: Function 'setBits' argument 1 names different: declaration 'byteWidth' definition 'byteWidgh'.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setBaud' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setBaud' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setBaud' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::baud' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::baud' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::baud' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setBits' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setBits' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setBits' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::bits' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::bits' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::bits' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setParity' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setParity' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setParity' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::parity' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::parity' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::parity' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setStopbits' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setStopbits' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setStopbits' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::stopbits' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::stopbits' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::stopbits' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setSendDelay' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setSendDelay' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::setSendDelay' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::sendDelay' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::sendDelay' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::SerialSetting::sendDelay' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'SerialSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'SerialSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- style: Function 'typeFromString' argument 1 names different: declaration 'type' definition 'typeString'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnm-qt- note: Function 'typeFromString' argument 1 names different: declaration 'type' definition 'typeString'.
libnm-qt- note: Function 'typeFromString' argument 1 names different: declaration 'type' definition 'typeString'.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::setInitialized' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::setInitialized' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::setInitialized' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::isNull' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::isNull' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::isNull' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::setType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::setType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::setType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::type' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::type' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::Setting::type' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'Setting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'Setting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setInterfaceName' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setInterfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setInterfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::interfaceName' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::interfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::interfaceName' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setParent' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setParent' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setParent' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::parent' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::parent' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::parent' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setId' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setId' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setId' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::id' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::id' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::id' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::flags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::flags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::flags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setIngressPriorityMap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setIngressPriorityMap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setIngressPriorityMap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::ingressPriorityMap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::ingressPriorityMap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::ingressPriorityMap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setEgressPriorityMap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setEgressPriorityMap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::setEgressPriorityMap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::egressPriorityMap' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::egressPriorityMap' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VlanSetting::egressPriorityMap' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setServiceType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setServiceType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setServiceType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::serviceType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::serviceType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::serviceType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setUsername' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::username' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::username' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::username' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setData' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setData' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setData' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::data' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::data' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::data' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setSecrets' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setSecrets' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::setSecrets' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::secrets' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::secrets' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::VpnSetting::secrets' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'VpnSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'VpnSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::setNetworkName' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::setNetworkName' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::setNetworkName' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::networkName' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::networkName' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::networkName' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::setMacAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::setMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::setMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::macAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::macAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WimaxSetting::macAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'WimaxSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'WimaxSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setPort' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setPort' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setPort' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::port' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::port' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::port' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setSpeed' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setSpeed' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setSpeed' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::speed' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::speed' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::speed' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setDuplexType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setDuplexType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setDuplexType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::duplexType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::duplexType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::duplexType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setAutoNegotiate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setAutoNegotiate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setAutoNegotiate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::autoNegotiate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::autoNegotiate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::autoNegotiate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setMacAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::macAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::macAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::macAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setClonedMacAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setClonedMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setClonedMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::clonedMacAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::clonedMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::clonedMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setMacAddressBlacklist' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setMacAddressBlacklist' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setMacAddressBlacklist' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::macAddressBlacklist' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::macAddressBlacklist' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::macAddressBlacklist' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setMtu' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setMtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setMtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::mtu' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::mtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::mtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setS390Subchannels' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setS390Subchannels' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setS390Subchannels' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::s390Subchannels' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::s390Subchannels' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::s390Subchannels' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setS390NetType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setS390NetType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setS390NetType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::s390NetType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::s390NetType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::s390NetType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setS390Options' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setS390Options' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::setS390Options' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::s390Options' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::s390Options' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WiredSetting::s390Options' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'WiredSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'WiredSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setKeyMgmt' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setKeyMgmt' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setKeyMgmt' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::keyMgmt' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::keyMgmt' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::keyMgmt' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepTxKeyindex' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepTxKeyindex' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepTxKeyindex' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepTxKeyindex' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepTxKeyindex' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepTxKeyindex' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setAuthAlg' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setAuthAlg' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setAuthAlg' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::authAlg' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::authAlg' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::authAlg' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setProto' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setProto' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setProto' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::proto' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::proto' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::proto' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setPairwise' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setPairwise' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setPairwise' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::pairwise' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::pairwise' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::pairwise' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setGroup' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setGroup' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setGroup' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::group' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::group' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::group' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setLeapUsername' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setLeapUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setLeapUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::leapUsername' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::leapUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::leapUsername' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey0' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey0' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey0' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey0' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey0' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey0' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey1' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey1' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey1' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey1' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey1' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey1' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey2' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey2' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey2' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey2' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey2' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey2' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey3' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey3' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKey3' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey3' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey3' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKey3' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKeyFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKeyFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKeyFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKeyType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKeyType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setWepKeyType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKeyType' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKeyType' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::wepKeyType' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setPsk' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setPsk' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setPsk' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::psk' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::psk' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::psk' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::pskFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::pskFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::pskFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setLeapPassword' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setLeapPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::setLeapPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::leapPassword' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::leapPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::leapPassword' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::leapPasswordFlags' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::leapPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::leapPasswordFlags' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'WirelessSecuritySetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'WirelessSecuritySetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setSsid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setSsid' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setSsid' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::ssid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::ssid' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::ssid' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMode' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMode' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMode' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::mode' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::mode' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::mode' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setBand' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setBand' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setBand' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::band' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::band' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::band' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setChannel' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setChannel' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setChannel' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::channel' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::channel' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::channel' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setBssid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setBssid' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setBssid' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::bssid' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::bssid' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::bssid' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setRate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setRate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setRate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::rate' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::rate' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::rate' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setTxPower' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setTxPower' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setTxPower' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::txPower' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::txPower' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::txPower' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMacAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::macAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::macAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::macAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setClonedMacAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setClonedMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setClonedMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::clonedMacAddress' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::clonedMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::clonedMacAddress' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMacAddressBlacklist' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMacAddressBlacklist' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMacAddressBlacklist' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::macAddressBlacklist' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::macAddressBlacklist' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::macAddressBlacklist' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMtu' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setMtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::mtu' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::mtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::mtu' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setSeenBssids' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setSeenBssids' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setSeenBssids' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::seenBssids' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::seenBssids' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::seenBssids' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setSecurity' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setSecurity' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setSecurity' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::security' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::security' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::security' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setHidden' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setHidden' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::setHidden' can be static.
libnm-qt- performance: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::hidden' can be static. [functionStatic]
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::hidden' can be static.
libnm-qt- note: Technically the member function 'NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::hidden' can be static.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'WirelessSetting' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noCopyConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'WirelessSetting' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). [noOperatorEq]
libnm-qt- warning: Member variable 'VpnConnectionPrivate::state' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVar]
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'VpnConnectionPrivate' defines member variable with name 'state' also defined in its parent class 'ActiveConnectionPrivate'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'ActiveConnectionPrivate::state'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'VpnConnectionPrivate::state'
libnm-qt- warning: The class 'VpnConnectionPrivate' defines member variable with name 'iface' also defined in its parent class 'ActiveConnectionPrivate'. [duplInheritedMember]
libnm-qt- note: Parent variable 'ActiveConnectionPrivate::iface'
libnm-qt- note: Derived variable 'VpnConnectionPrivate::iface'
libnm-qt- style: Class 'VpnConnectionPrivate' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnm-qt- style: Function 'setConfig' argument 1 names different: declaration 'config' definition 'configuration'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnm-qt- note: Function 'setConfig' argument 1 names different: declaration 'config' definition 'configuration'.
libnm-qt- note: Function 'setConfig' argument 1 names different: declaration 'config' definition 'configuration'.
libnm-qt- style: Class 'VpnPluginPrivate' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnm-qt- warning: Member variable 'WimaxDevicePrivate::cinr' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVar]
libnm-qt- warning: Member variable 'WimaxDevicePrivate::rssi' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVar]
libnm-qt- warning: Member variable 'WimaxDevicePrivate::txPower' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVar]
libnm-qt- style: Class 'WimaxNspPrivate' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
libnm-qt- warning: Member variable 'WirelessDevicePrivate::mode' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVar]



libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notification.c:354:47: style: Function 'notify_notification_init' argument 1 names different: declaration 'sp' definition 'obj'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notification.c:54:69: note: Function 'notify_notification_init' argument 1 names different: declaration 'sp' definition 'obj'.
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notification.c:354:47: note: Function 'notify_notification_init' argument 1 names different: declaration 'sp' definition 'obj'.
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notification.c:649:61: style: Function '_notify_notification_get_timeout' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n' definition 'notification'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/internal.h:35:88: note: Function '_notify_notification_get_timeout' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n' definition 'notification'.
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notification.c:649:61: note: Function '_notify_notification_get_timeout' argument 1 names different: declaration 'n' definition 'notification'.
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:65:60: style: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT' argument 2 names different: declaration 'return_value' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:58:59: note: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT' argument 2 names different: declaration 'return_value' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'.
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:65:60: note: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT' argument 2 names different: declaration 'return_value' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'.
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:68:63: style: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT' argument 5 names different: declaration 'invocation_hint' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:61:59: note: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT' argument 5 names different: declaration 'invocation_hint' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'.
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:68:63: note: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT' argument 5 names different: declaration 'invocation_hint' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'.
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:108:62: style: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_STRING' argument 2 names different: declaration 'return_value' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:101:61: note: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_STRING' argument 2 names different: declaration 'return_value' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'.
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:108:62: note: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_STRING' argument 2 names different: declaration 'return_value' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'.
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:111:65: style: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_STRING' argument 5 names different: declaration 'invocation_hint' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:104:61: note: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_STRING' argument 5 names different: declaration 'invocation_hint' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'.
libnotify-0.7.7/libnotify/notify-marshal.c:111:65: note: Function 'notify_marshal_VOID__UINT_STRING' argument 5 names different: declaration 'invocation_hint' definition 'G_GNUC_UNUSED'.
libnotify-0.7.7/tools/notify-send.c:203:13: warning: Either the condition 'n_text!=NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: n_text. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnotify-0.7.7/tools/notify-send.c:195:20: note: Assuming that condition 'n_text!=NULL' is not redundant
libnotify-0.7.7/tools/notify-send.c:203:13: note: Null pointer dereference

libnova/src/aberration.c:222:69: style: The scope of the variable 'A' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/constellation.c:1573:25: warning: Logical disjunction always evaluates to true: EXPR >= 0 || EXPR < 360. [incorrectLogicOperator]
libnova/src/constellation.c:1573:75: warning: Logical disjunction always evaluates to true: EXPR >= -90 || EXPR <= 90. [incorrectLogicOperator]
libnova/src/constellation.c:1479:21: style: The scope of the variable 'constel_names' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/constellation.c:1571:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/dynamical_time.c:129:13: error: Array 'delta_t[192]' accessed at index 192, which is out of bounds. [arrayIndexOutOfBounds]
libnova/src/dynamical_time.c:125:19: note: Assignment 'i=192-2', assigned value is 190
libnova/src/dynamical_time.c:129:13: note: Array index out of bounds
libnova/src/dynamical_time.c:25:9: style: struct member 'year_TD::year' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnova/src/dynamical_time.c:26:9: style: struct member 'year_TD::TD' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libnova/src/elliptic_motion.c:56:12: style: The scope of the variable 'M1' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/elliptic_motion.c:53:31: style: Function 'ln_solve_kepler' argument 1 names different: declaration 'E' definition 'e'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnova/src/libnova/elliptic_motion.h:39:46: note: Function 'ln_solve_kepler' argument 1 names different: declaration 'E' definition 'e'.
libnova/src/elliptic_motion.c:53:31: note: Function 'ln_solve_kepler' argument 1 names different: declaration 'E' definition 'e'.
libnova/src/julian_day.c:116:11: style: The scope of the variable 'a' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/jupiter.c:3767:31: style: The scope of the variable 'last' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/mars.c:6543:31: style: The scope of the variable 'last' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/mercury.c:7279:31: style: The scope of the variable 'last' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/misc.c:226:5: style: Variable 'sec' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnova/src/misc.c:223:0: note: Variable 'sec' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnova/src/misc.c:226:5: note: Variable 'sec' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnova/src/misc.c:133:14: style: The scope of the variable 'dec' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/misc.c:148:22: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
libnova/src/neptune.c:2142:31: style: The scope of the variable 'last' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:192:14: style: The scope of the variable 'D' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:192:17: style: The scope of the variable 'M' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:192:20: style: The scope of the variable 'MM' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:192:24: style: The scope of the variable 'F' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:192:27: style: The scope of the variable 'O' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:192:30: style: The scope of the variable 'T' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:192:33: style: The scope of the variable 'T2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:192:37: style: The scope of the variable 'T3' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:192:41: style: The scope of the variable 'JDE' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:193:14: style: The scope of the variable 'coeff_sine' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:193:26: style: The scope of the variable 'coeff_cos' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:194:14: style: The scope of the variable 'argument' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/nutation.c:195:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/pluto.c:247:31: style: The scope of the variable 'last' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/pluto.c:296:12: style: The scope of the variable 'a' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/pluto.c:296:15: style: The scope of the variable 'sin_a' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/pluto.c:296:22: style: The scope of the variable 'cos_a' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:30:9: style: The scope of the variable 'h' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:95:6: style: The scope of the variable 'jd' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:97:9: style: The scope of the variable 'Hat' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:97:14: style: The scope of the variable 'Har' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:97:19: style: The scope of the variable 'Has' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:97:24: style: The scope of the variable 'altr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:97:30: style: The scope of the variable 'alts' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:98:21: style: The scope of the variable 'mst' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:98:26: style: The scope of the variable 'msr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:98:31: style: The scope of the variable 'mss' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:99:9: style: The scope of the variable 'dmt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:99:14: style: The scope of the variable 'dmr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:99:19: style: The scope of the variable 'dms' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:332:6: style: The scope of the variable 'jd' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:334:9: style: The scope of the variable 'Hat' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:334:14: style: The scope of the variable 'Har' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:334:19: style: The scope of the variable 'Has' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:334:24: style: The scope of the variable 'altr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:334:30: style: The scope of the variable 'alts' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:335:21: style: The scope of the variable 'mst' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:335:26: style: The scope of the variable 'msr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:335:31: style: The scope of the variable 'mss' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:335:36: style: The scope of the variable 'nt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:335:40: style: The scope of the variable 'nr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:335:44: style: The scope of the variable 'ns' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:337:9: style: The scope of the variable 'dmt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:337:14: style: The scope of the variable 'dmr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:337:19: style: The scope of the variable 'dms' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:616:6: style: The scope of the variable 'jd' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:618:9: style: The scope of the variable 'Hat' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:618:14: style: The scope of the variable 'Har' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:618:19: style: The scope of the variable 'Has' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:618:24: style: The scope of the variable 'altr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:618:30: style: The scope of the variable 'alts' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:619:21: style: The scope of the variable 'mst' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:619:26: style: The scope of the variable 'msr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:619:31: style: The scope of the variable 'mss' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:619:36: style: The scope of the variable 'nt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:619:40: style: The scope of the variable 'nr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:619:44: style: The scope of the variable 'ns' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:621:9: style: The scope of the variable 'dmt' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:621:14: style: The scope of the variable 'dmr' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:621:19: style: The scope of the variable 'dms' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/rise_set.c:614:50: style: Function 'ln_get_motion_body_rst_horizon_offset' argument 7 names different: declaration 'offset' definition 'ut_offset'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libnova/src/libnova/rise_set.h:101:212: note: Function 'ln_get_motion_body_rst_horizon_offset' argument 7 names different: declaration 'offset' definition 'ut_offset'.
libnova/src/rise_set.c:614:50: note: Function 'ln_get_motion_body_rst_horizon_offset' argument 7 names different: declaration 'offset' definition 'ut_offset'.
libnova/src/saturn.c:6507:31: style: The scope of the variable 'last' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/uranus.c:5391:31: style: The scope of the variable 'last' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/utility.c:604:2: style: Variable 'sec' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnova/src/utility.c:601:0: note: Variable 'sec' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnova/src/utility.c:604:2: note: Variable 'sec' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnova/src/utility.c:514:14: style: The scope of the variable 'dec' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnova/src/utility.c:529:22: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
libnova/src/venus.c:1852:31: style: The scope of the variable 'last' can be reduced. [variableScope]

libnsbmp-0.0.1/src/libnsbmp.c:593:2: warning: Redundant assignment of 'bitmap' to itself. [selfAssignment]
libnsbmp-0.0.1/src/libnsbmp.c:199:6: style: The scope of the variable 'area' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsbmp-0.0.1/src/libnsbmp.c:562:6: style: The scope of the variable 'x' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsbmp-0.0.1/src/libnsbmp.c:562:9: style: The scope of the variable 'y' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsbmp-0.0.1/src/libnsbmp.c:562:12: style: The scope of the variable 'cur' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsbmp-0.0.1/src/libnsbmp.c:856:24: style: The scope of the variable 'bit' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsbmp-0.0.1/src/libnsbmp.c:910:12: style: The scope of the variable 'scanline' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsbmp-0.0.1/src/libnsbmp.c:956:14: style: The scope of the variable 'length' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsbmp-0.0.1/src/libnsbmp.c:478:28: error: Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is undefined behaviour [shiftTooManyBitsSigned]

libnsgif-0.0.1/src/libnsgif.c:173:15: style: The scope of the variable 'index' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsgif-0.0.1/src/libnsgif.c:622:6: style: The scope of the variable 'gif_bytes' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsgif-0.0.1/src/libnsgif.c:623:15: style: The scope of the variable 'block_size' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsgif-0.0.1/src/libnsgif.c:1036:15: style: The scope of the variable 'block_size' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsgif-0.0.1/src/libnsgif.c:1148:6: style: The scope of the variable 'new_code' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnsgif-0.0.1/src/libnsgif.c:1213:17: style: The scope of the variable 'count' can be reduced. [variableScope]

libnss-cache-0.16/gen_getent.c:53:7: error: Common realloc mistake: 'buffer' nulled but not freed upon failure [memleakOnRealloc]
libnss-cache-0.16/gen_getent.c:99:7: error: Common realloc mistake: 'buffer' nulled but not freed upon failure [memleakOnRealloc]
libnss-cache-0.16/gen_getent.c:172:7: error: Common realloc mistake: 'buffer' nulled but not freed upon failure [memleakOnRealloc]
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:61:3: style: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:53:0: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:61:3: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:102:3: style: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:94:0: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:102:3: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:143:3: style: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:135:0: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:143:3: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:184:3: style: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:176:0: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:184:3: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:226:3: style: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:218:0: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/lookup.c:226:3: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/nss_cache.c:96:3: style: Variable 'file' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnss-cache-0.16/nss_cache.c:88:0: note: Variable 'file' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/nss_cache.c:96:3: note: Variable 'file' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnss-cache-0.16/nss_cache.c:227:7: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnss-cache-0.16/nss_cache.c:510:7: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnss-cache-0.16/nss_cache.c:775:7: style: The scope of the variable 'ret' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnss-cache-0.16/nss_cache.c:160:0: error: Resource leak: system_file_stream [resourceLeak]

nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/dcigettext.c:541:39: style: Redundant condition: If 'EXPR == ':'', the comparison 'EXPR != '\0'' is always true. [redundantCondition]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/hash-string.h:41:0: style: The scope of the variable 'g' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/dcigettext.c:218:7: style: struct member 'known_translation_t::category' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/dcigettext.c:221:7: style: struct member 'known_translation_t::counter' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/dcigettext.c:224:27: style: struct member 'known_translation_t::domain' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/dcigettext.c:227:15: style: struct member 'known_translation_t::translation' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/dcigettext.c:228:10: style: struct member 'known_translation_t::translation_length' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/dcigettext.c:231:8: style: struct member 'known_translation_t::msgid' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/l10nflist.c:354:9: style: The scope of the variable 'wp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/loadmsgcat.c:405:12: style: Condition 'data==(struct mo_file_header*)-1' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/loadmsgcat.c:350:33: note: Assignment 'data=(struct mo_file_header*)-1', assigned value is -1
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/loadmsgcat.c:405:12: note: Condition 'data==(struct mo_file_header*)-1' is always true
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/loadmsgcat.c:405:12: style: Same expression on both sides of '==' because the value of 'data' and '(struct mo_file_header*)-1' are the same. [duplicateExpression]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/loadmsgcat.c:350:33: note: 'data' is assigned value '(struct mo_file_header*)-1' here.
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/loadmsgcat.c:405:12: note: Same expression on both sides of '==' because the value of 'data' and '(struct mo_file_header*)-1' are the same.
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/localcharset.c:227:14: style: Condition 'locale==NULL' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/localcharset.c:218:24: note: Assignment 'locale=NULL', assigned value is 0
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/localcharset.c:227:14: note: Condition 'locale==NULL' is always true
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/localcharset.c:227:14: style: Same expression on both sides of '==' because the value of 'locale' and 'NULL' are the same. [duplicateExpression]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/localcharset.c:218:24: note: 'locale' is assigned value 'NULL' here.
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/localcharset.c:227:14: note: Same expression on both sides of '==' because the value of 'locale' and 'NULL' are the same.
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/localcharset.c:92:19: style: The scope of the variable 'base' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/localcharset.c:116:8: style: The scope of the variable 'c' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/localealias.c:223:13: style: The scope of the variable 'alias' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/intl/localealias.c:224:13: style: The scope of the variable 'value' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/db-alias.c:205:14: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-ethers.c:54:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-ethers.c:60:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-grp.c:33:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-grp.c:40:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/db-netgrp.c:53:19: style: Label 'data' is not used. [unusedLabel]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-proto.c:39:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-proto.c:43:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-pwd.c:33:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-pwd.c:40:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-rpc.c:39:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-rpc.c:43:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-service.c:42:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-service.c:52:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-spwd.c:33:1: warning: Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead. [allocaCalled]
nss_db-2.2.3pre1/src/files-parse.c:64:10: style: struct member 'parser_data::linebuffer' is never used. [unusedStructMember]

nss-docker-0.02/src/libnss_docker.c:204:25: style: Checking if unsigned variable 'res_message_len' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
nss-docker-0.02/test/src/test-docker-api-server.c:18:17: style: The scope of the variable 'newsockfd' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss-docker-0.02/test/src/test-docker-api-server.c:18:37: style: The scope of the variable 'n' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss-docker-0.02/test/src/test-docker-api-server.c:23:11: style: The scope of the variable 'begin_container' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss-docker-0.02/test/src/test-docker-api-server.c:24:12: style: The scope of the variable 'containerlen' can be reduced. [variableScope]


libnss-gw-name-0.3/libnss_gw_name.c:109:9: style: The scope of the variable 'idx' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnss-gw-name-0.3/libnss_gw_name.c:109:14: style: The scope of the variable 'astart' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnss-gw-name-0.3/libnss_gw_name.c:110:18: style: The scope of the variable 'gw' can be reduced. [variableScope]

nss_ldap-265/dnsconfig.c:69:7: style: The scope of the variable 'len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/dnsconfig.c:65:27: style: Function '_nss_ldap_getdnsdn' argument 1 names different: declaration 'domain' definition 'src_domain'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/dnsconfig.h:28:38: note: Function '_nss_ldap_getdnsdn' argument 1 names different: declaration 'domain' definition 'src_domain'.
nss_ldap-265/dnsconfig.c:65:27: note: Function '_nss_ldap_getdnsdn' argument 1 names different: declaration 'domain' definition 'src_domain'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-automount.c:127:10: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-automount.c:243:14: style: Variable 'stat' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-grp.c:782:10: style: The scope of the variable 'values' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-grp.c:783:9: style: The scope of the variable 'groupdn' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-grp.c:827:11: style: Variable 'stat' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-netgrp.c:184:30: style: Function '_nss_ldap_parse_netgr' argument 1 names different: declaration 'result' definition 'vresultp'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-netgrp.h:27:48: note: Function '_nss_ldap_parse_netgr' argument 1 names different: declaration 'result' definition 'vresultp'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-netgrp.c:184:30: note: Function '_nss_ldap_parse_netgr' argument 1 names different: declaration 'result' definition 'vresultp'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2248:3: style: Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. [uselessAssignmentArg]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:884:5: style: Variable 'savedfd' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:878:0: note: Variable 'savedfd' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:884:5: note: Variable 'savedfd' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:885:5: style: Variable 'dummyfd' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:878:0: note: Variable 'dummyfd' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:885:5: note: Variable 'dummyfd' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3494:3: style: Variable 'stat' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3483:0: note: Variable 'stat' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3494:3: note: Variable 'stat' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2261:8: style: The scope of the variable 'buf1' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2261:32: style: The scope of the variable 'buf2' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2262:9: style: The scope of the variable 'filterBufP' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2263:10: style: The scope of the variable 'filterSiz' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2573:17: style: The scope of the variable 'start_uri' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3583:11: style: The scope of the variable 'vallen' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3633:21: style: The scope of the variable 'def' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3713:10: style: The scope of the variable 'valiter' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3810:18: style: The scope of the variable 'valiter' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:4125:22: style: The scope of the variable 'e' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:4127:7: style: The scope of the variable 'rc' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2258:50: style: Function 'do_filter' argument 4 names different: declaration 'filter' definition 'userBuf'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:244:15: note: Function 'do_filter' argument 4 names different: declaration 'filter' definition 'userBuf'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2258:50: note: Function 'do_filter' argument 4 names different: declaration 'filter' definition 'userBuf'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2259:12: style: Function 'do_filter' argument 5 names different: declaration 'filterlen' definition 'userBufSiz'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:244:30: note: Function 'do_filter' argument 5 names different: declaration 'filterlen' definition 'userBufSiz'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2259:12: note: Function 'do_filter' argument 5 names different: declaration 'filterlen' definition 'userBufSiz'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2259:31: style: Function 'do_filter' argument 6 names different: declaration 'dynamicFilter' definition 'dynamicUserBuf'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:245:16: note: Function 'do_filter' argument 6 names different: declaration 'dynamicFilter' definition 'dynamicUserBuf'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2259:31: note: Function 'do_filter' argument 6 names different: declaration 'dynamicFilter' definition 'dynamicUserBuf'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2570:35: style: Function 'do_with_reconnect' argument 7 names different: declaration 'func' definition 'search_func'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:275:35: note: Function 'do_with_reconnect' argument 7 names different: declaration 'func' definition 'search_func'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2570:35: note: Function 'do_with_reconnect' argument 7 names different: declaration 'func' definition 'search_func'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2961:73: style: Function '_nss_ldap_read' argument 3 names different: declaration 'pRes' definition 'res'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:810:22: note: Function '_nss_ldap_read' argument 3 names different: declaration 'pRes' definition 'res'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:2961:73: note: Function '_nss_ldap_read' argument 3 names different: declaration 'pRes' definition 'res'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3063:56: style: Function '_nss_ldap_search_s' argument 6 names different: declaration 'pRes' definition 'res'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:792:26: note: Function '_nss_ldap_search_s' argument 6 names different: declaration 'pRes' definition 'res'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3063:56: note: Function '_nss_ldap_search_s' argument 6 names different: declaration 'pRes' definition 'res'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3167:50: style: Function '_nss_ldap_search' argument 6 names different: declaration 'pMsgid' definition 'msgid'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:802:14: note: Function '_nss_ldap_search' argument 6 names different: declaration 'pMsgid' definition 'msgid'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3167:50: note: Function '_nss_ldap_search' argument 6 names different: declaration 'pMsgid' definition 'msgid'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3168:41: style: Function '_nss_ldap_search' argument 7 names different: declaration 's' definition 'csd'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:803:46: note: Function '_nss_ldap_search' argument 7 names different: declaration 's' definition 'csd'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3168:41: note: Function '_nss_ldap_search' argument 7 names different: declaration 's' definition 'csd'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3355:36: style: Function '_nss_ldap_getent' argument 1 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'ctx'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:831:47: note: Function '_nss_ldap_getent' argument 1 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'ctx'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3355:36: note: Function '_nss_ldap_getent' argument 1 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'ctx'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3383:25: style: Function '_nss_ldap_getent_ex' argument 2 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'ctx'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:817:22: note: Function '_nss_ldap_getent_ex' argument 2 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'ctx'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3383:25: note: Function '_nss_ldap_getent_ex' argument 2 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'ctx'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3535:30: style: Function '_nss_ldap_assign_attrvals' argument 5 names different: declaration 'buffer' definition 'pbuffer'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:857:18: note: Function '_nss_ldap_assign_attrvals' argument 5 names different: declaration 'buffer' definition 'pbuffer'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3535:30: note: Function '_nss_ldap_assign_attrvals' argument 5 names different: declaration 'buffer' definition 'pbuffer'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3536:7: style: Function '_nss_ldap_assign_attrvals' argument 6 names different: declaration 'buflen' definition 'pbuflen'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:858:20: note: Function '_nss_ldap_assign_attrvals' argument 6 names different: declaration 'buflen' definition 'pbuflen'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3536:7: note: Function '_nss_ldap_assign_attrvals' argument 6 names different: declaration 'buflen' definition 'pbuflen'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3885:56: style: Function '_nss_ldap_map_at' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pChar2' definition 'attribute'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:896:68: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_at' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pChar2' definition 'attribute'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3885:56: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_at' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pChar2' definition 'attribute'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3907:56: style: Function '_nss_ldap_map_oc' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'objectclass'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:899:68: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_oc' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'objectclass'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3907:56: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_oc' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'objectclass'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3918:58: style: Function '_nss_ldap_unmap_oc' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'objectclass'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:900:70: note: Function '_nss_ldap_unmap_oc' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'objectclass'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3918:58: note: Function '_nss_ldap_unmap_oc' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'objectclass'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3929:31: style: Function '_nss_ldap_map_ov' argument 1 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'attribute'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:902:43: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_ov' argument 1 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'attribute'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3929:31: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_ov' argument 1 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'attribute'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3939:31: style: Function '_nss_ldap_map_df' argument 1 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'attribute'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:903:43: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_df' argument 1 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'attribute'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3939:31: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_df' argument 1 names different: declaration 'pChar' definition 'attribute'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3951:22: style: Function '_nss_ldap_map_put' argument 3 names different: declaration 'map' definition 'type'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:888:26: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_put' argument 3 names different: declaration 'map' definition 'type'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3951:22: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_put' argument 3 names different: declaration 'map' definition 'type'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3952:18: style: Function '_nss_ldap_map_put' argument 4 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'from'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:889:22: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_put' argument 4 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'from'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3952:18: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_put' argument 4 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'from'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3953:18: style: Function '_nss_ldap_map_put' argument 5 names different: declaration 'value' definition 'to'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:889:39: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_put' argument 5 names different: declaration 'value' definition 'to'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:3953:18: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_put' argument 5 names different: declaration 'value' definition 'to'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:4020:22: style: Function '_nss_ldap_map_get' argument 3 names different: declaration 'map' definition 'type'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:893:26: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_get' argument 3 names different: declaration 'map' definition 'type'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:4020:22: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_get' argument 3 names different: declaration 'map' definition 'type'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:4021:18: style: Function '_nss_ldap_map_get' argument 4 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'from'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:894:22: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_get' argument 4 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'from'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:4021:18: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_get' argument 4 names different: declaration 'key' definition 'from'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:4021:37: style: Function '_nss_ldap_map_get' argument 5 names different: declaration 'value' definition 'to'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.h:894:40: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_get' argument 5 names different: declaration 'value' definition 'to'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:4021:37: note: Function '_nss_ldap_map_get' argument 5 names different: declaration 'value' definition 'to'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:1031:11: style: Variable 'ldaps' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-nss.c:1662:17: style: Variable 'bindarg' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-service.c:76:24: style: Function '_nss_ldap_parse_serv' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pvt' definition 'state'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/ldap-service.h:38:21: note: Function '_nss_ldap_parse_serv' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pvt' definition 'state'.
nss_ldap-265/ldap-service.c:76:24: note: Function '_nss_ldap_parse_serv' argument 2 names different: declaration 'pvt' definition 'state'.
nss_ldap-265/pagectrl.c:82:0: error: #error LDAP client library does not support ldap_create_control() [preprocessorErrorDirective]
nss_ldap-265/snprintf.c:65:14: style: Function '_nss_ldap_vsnprintf' argument 4 names different: declaration 'arg' definition 'args'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/snprintf.h:46:66: note: Function '_nss_ldap_vsnprintf' argument 4 names different: declaration 'arg' definition 'args'.
nss_ldap-265/snprintf.c:65:14: note: Function '_nss_ldap_vsnprintf' argument 4 names different: declaration 'arg' definition 'args'.
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw.c:149:7: style: Variable 'i' is modified but its new value is never used. [unreadVariable]
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:104:8: warning: Either the condition 'p==NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: p. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:108:13: note: Assuming that condition 'p==NULL' is not redundant
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:104:8: note: Null pointer dereference
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:105:8: warning: Either the condition 'p==NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: p. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:108:13: note: Assuming that condition 'p==NULL' is not redundant
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:105:8: note: Null pointer dereference
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:106:8: warning: Either the condition 'p==NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: p. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:108:13: note: Assuming that condition 'p==NULL' is not redundant
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:106:8: note: Null pointer dereference
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:70:18: style: Unused variable: pw [unusedVariable]
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:71:9: style: Unused variable: uid [unusedVariable]
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw5.c:125:7: style: Variable 'i' is modified but its new value is never used. [unreadVariable]
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw6.c:101:7: style: Unused variable: pid [unusedVariable]
nss_ldap-265/tests/testpw6.c:185:7: style: Variable 'i' is modified but its new value is never used. [unreadVariable]
nss_ldap-265/util.c:163:54: style: Function '_nss_ldap_dn2uid' argument 3 names different: declaration 'buf' definition 'buffer'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/util.h:46:28: note: Function '_nss_ldap_dn2uid' argument 3 names different: declaration 'buf' definition 'buffer'.
nss_ldap-265/util.c:163:54: note: Function '_nss_ldap_dn2uid' argument 3 names different: declaration 'buf' definition 'buffer'.
nss_ldap-265/util.c:163:71: style: Function '_nss_ldap_dn2uid' argument 4 names different: declaration 'len' definition 'buflen'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/util.h:46:42: note: Function '_nss_ldap_dn2uid' argument 4 names different: declaration 'len' definition 'buflen'.
nss_ldap-265/util.c:163:71: note: Function '_nss_ldap_dn2uid' argument 4 names different: declaration 'len' definition 'buflen'.
nss_ldap-265/util.c:223:30: style: Function '_nss_ldap_getrdnvalue' argument 4 names different: declaration 'buf' definition 'buffer'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/util.h:40:27: note: Function '_nss_ldap_getrdnvalue' argument 4 names different: declaration 'buf' definition 'buffer'.
nss_ldap-265/util.c:223:30: note: Function '_nss_ldap_getrdnvalue' argument 4 names different: declaration 'buf' definition 'buffer'.
nss_ldap-265/util.c:223:47: style: Function '_nss_ldap_getrdnvalue' argument 5 names different: declaration 'len' definition 'buflen'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/util.h:40:41: note: Function '_nss_ldap_getrdnvalue' argument 5 names different: declaration 'len' definition 'buflen'.
nss_ldap-265/util.c:223:47: note: Function '_nss_ldap_getrdnvalue' argument 5 names different: declaration 'len' definition 'buflen'.
nss_ldap-265/util.c:523:71: style: Function 'do_searchdescriptorconfig' argument 3 names different: declaration 'valueLength' definition 'len'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/util.c:75:18: note: Function 'do_searchdescriptorconfig' argument 3 names different: declaration 'valueLength' definition 'len'.
nss_ldap-265/util.c:523:71: note: Function 'do_searchdescriptorconfig' argument 3 names different: declaration 'valueLength' definition 'len'.
nss_ldap-265/util.c:780:40: style: Function '_nss_ldap_readconfig' argument 1 names different: declaration 'result' definition 'presult'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_ldap-265/util.h:139:51: note: Function '_nss_ldap_readconfig' argument 1 names different: declaration 'result' definition 'presult'.
nss_ldap-265/util.c:780:40: note: Function '_nss_ldap_readconfig' argument 1 names different: declaration 'result' definition 'presult'.

libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:160:23: warning: Either the condition 'he!=NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: he. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:51:10: note: Assuming that condition 'he!=NULL' is not redundant
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:50:20: note: Calling function 'copytobuf', 1st argument 'he' value is 0
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:160:23: note: Null pointer dereference
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:170:28: warning: Either the condition 'he!=NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: he. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:51:10: note: Assuming that condition 'he!=NULL' is not redundant
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:50:20: note: Calling function 'copytobuf', 1st argument 'he' value is 0
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:170:28: note: Null pointer dereference
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:171:30: warning: Either the condition 'he!=NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: he. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:51:10: note: Assuming that condition 'he!=NULL' is not redundant
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:50:20: note: Calling function 'copytobuf', 1st argument 'he' value is 0
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:171:30: note: Null pointer dereference
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:191:20: warning: Either the condition 'he!=NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: he. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:51:10: note: Assuming that condition 'he!=NULL' is not redundant
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:50:20: note: Calling function 'copytobuf', 1st argument 'he' value is 0
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:191:20: note: Null pointer dereference
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:192:20: warning: Either the condition 'he!=NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: he. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:51:10: note: Assuming that condition 'he!=NULL' is not redundant
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:50:20: note: Calling function 'copytobuf', 1st argument 'he' value is 0
libnss-lwres-0.93.orig/lwres-host.c:192:20: note: Null pointer dereference

nss-myhostname-0.3/netlink.c:110:33: style: struct member 'Anonymous1::payload' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
nss-myhostname-0.3/nss-myhostname.c:140:25: style: Checking if unsigned variable 'n_addresses' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]

libnss-mysql-bg-1.5/src/nss_mysql.h:31:0: error: #error I need either nss.h or nss_common.h! [preprocessorErrorDirective]

libnss-pgsql-1.4.0/src/backend.c:178:27: warning: Comparison of a boolean expression with an integer other than 0 or 1. [compareBoolExpressionWithInt]
libnss-pgsql-1.4.0/src/backend.c:535:12: style: The scope of the variable 'res' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnss-pgsql-1.4.0/src/backend.c:592:12: style: The scope of the variable 'res' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnss-pgsql-1.4.0/src/backend.c:643:14: error: Common realloc mistake: 'groups' nulled but not freed upon failure [memleakOnRealloc]
libnss-pgsql-1.4.0/src/config.c:48:60: style: The scope of the variable 'c' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnss-pgsql-1.4.0/src/config.c:95:6: warning: sscanf() without field width limits can crash with huge input data. [invalidscanf]
libnss-pgsql-1.4.0/src/interface.c:190:9: style: The scope of the variable 'numgroups' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnss-pgsql-1.4.0/src/interface.c:113:12: style: Variable 'retval' is assigned a value that is never used. [unreadVariable]

nss_securepass/minIni.c:456:10: style: The scope of the variable 'sp' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_securepass/minIni.c:464:5: error: Resource leak: fp [resourceLeak]
nss_securepass/nss_client.c:60:6: style: The scope of the variable 'num_entries' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_securepass/nss_client.c:86:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_securepass/nss_sp.c:117:10: style: Variable 'pos' is modified but its new value is never used. [unreadVariable]
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:57:7: style: The scope of the variable 'pre_len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:57:20: style: The scope of the variable 'post_len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:163:12: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:163:15: style: The scope of the variable 's' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:163:18: style: The scope of the variable 'e' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:164:7: style: The scope of the variable 'saved' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:405:44: style: Function 'sp_xattrs' argument 2 names different: declaration 'username' definition 'sp_username'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_securepass/sp_api.h:54:44: note: Function 'sp_xattrs' argument 2 names different: declaration 'username' definition 'sp_username'.
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:405:44: note: Function 'sp_xattrs' argument 2 names different: declaration 'username' definition 'sp_username'.
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:537:55: style: Function 'sp_user_info' argument 2 names different: declaration 'username' definition 'sp_username'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
nss_securepass/sp_api.h:53:55: note: Function 'sp_user_info' argument 2 names different: declaration 'username' definition 'sp_username'.
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:537:55: note: Function 'sp_user_info' argument 2 names different: declaration 'username' definition 'sp_username'.
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:67:5: error: Memory leak: result [memleak]
nss_securepass/sp_api.c:80:1: error: Memory leak: result [memleak]
nss_securepass/sp_client.c:92:6: style: The scope of the variable 'len' can be reduced. [variableScope]
nss_securepass/sp_client.c:92:11: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]

libntlm-1.4/gl/des.c:323:23: style: The scope of the variable 'middle' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.c:323:31: style: The scope of the variable 'cmp_result' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.c:543:49: style: Function 'gl_des_ecb_crypt' argument 2 names different: declaration 'from' definition '_from'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.h:71:49: note: Function 'gl_des_ecb_crypt' argument 2 names different: declaration 'from' definition '_from'.
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.c:543:49: note: Function 'gl_des_ecb_crypt' argument 2 names different: declaration 'from' definition '_from'.
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.c:543:63: style: Function 'gl_des_ecb_crypt' argument 3 names different: declaration 'to' definition '_to'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.h:71:63: note: Function 'gl_des_ecb_crypt' argument 3 names different: declaration 'to' definition '_to'.
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.c:543:63: note: Function 'gl_des_ecb_crypt' argument 3 names different: declaration 'to' definition '_to'.
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.c:615:33: style: Function 'gl_3des_ecb_crypt' argument 2 names different: declaration 'from' definition '_from'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.h:112:33: note: Function 'gl_3des_ecb_crypt' argument 2 names different: declaration 'from' definition '_from'.
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.c:615:33: note: Function 'gl_3des_ecb_crypt' argument 2 names different: declaration 'from' definition '_from'.
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.c:616:27: style: Function 'gl_3des_ecb_crypt' argument 3 names different: declaration 'to' definition '_to'. [funcArgNamesDifferent]
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.h:113:27: note: Function 'gl_3des_ecb_crypt' argument 3 names different: declaration 'to' definition '_to'.
libntlm-1.4/gl/des.c:616:27: note: Function 'gl_3des_ecb_crypt' argument 3 names different: declaration 'to' definition '_to'.
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:154:3: style: Same value in both branches of ternary operator. [duplicateValueTernary]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:196:3: style: Same value in both branches of ternary operator. [duplicateValueTernary]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:207:3: style: Same value in both branches of ternary operator. [duplicateValueTernary]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:210:3: style: Same value in both branches of ternary operator. [duplicateValueTernary]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:252:3: style: Same value in both branches of ternary operator. [duplicateValueTernary]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:253:3: style: Same value in both branches of ternary operator. [duplicateValueTernary]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:254:3: style: Same value in both branches of ternary operator. [duplicateValueTernary]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:255:3: style: Same value in both branches of ternary operator. [duplicateValueTernary]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:256:3: style: Same value in both branches of ternary operator. [duplicateValueTernary]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:257:3: style: Same value in both branches of ternary operator. [duplicateValueTernary]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:146:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:147:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:147:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*1u+0u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:147:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*1u+0u)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*1u+0u)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*1u+0u)+1)<<(sizeof((0*1u+0u)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*1u+0u)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:147:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:153:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:154:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:154:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*1u+0u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:154:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*1u+0u)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*1u+0u)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*1u+0u)+1)<<(sizeof((0*1u+0u)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*1u+0u)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:154:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:160:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:160:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*0u-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:160:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*0u-1)<0)?-(~(0*0u+0)==-1)-((((0*0u+1)<<(sizeof(0u+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*0u+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:161:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:161:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*1u-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:161:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*1u-1)<0)?-(~(0*1u+0)==-1)-((((0*1u+1)<<(sizeof(1u+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*1u+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:162:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:176:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:176:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:176:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))+1)<<(sizeof((0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:176:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '(unsigned int)INT_MIN' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:176:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '-1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:182:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:182:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:182:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))+1)<<(sizeof((0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*-1u+((unsigned int)INT_MIN))+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:182:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '(unsigned int)INT_MIN' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:182:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '-1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:196:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-1+0u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:196:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*-1+0u)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*-1+0u)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*-1+0u)+1)<<(sizeof((0*-1+0u)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*-1+0u)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:196:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:196:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0u-1)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:196:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*0u-1)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*0u-1)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*0u-1)+1)<<(sizeof((0*0u-1)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*0u-1)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:197:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0+0u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:197:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*0+0u)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*0+0u)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*0+0u)+1)<<(sizeof((0*0+0u)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*0+0u)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:197:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:197:3: style: Unsigned variable '+' can't be negative so it is unnecessary to test it. [unsignedPositive]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:197:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u+0' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:197:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0u+0)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:197:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*0u+0)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*0u+0)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*0u+0)+1)<<(sizeof((0*0u+0)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*0u+0)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:197:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '(((0*(0*0u+0)-1)<0)?((((0*(0*0u+0)+1)<<(sizeof((0*0u+0)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*0u+0)-1))-0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:198:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*1+0u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:198:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*1+0u)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*1+0u)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*1+0u)+1)<<(sizeof((0*1+0u)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*1+0u)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:198:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:198:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0u+1)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:198:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*0u+1)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*0u+1)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*0u+1)+1)<<(sizeof((0*0u+1)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*0u+1)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:202:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:203:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:205:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:207:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-1+0u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:207:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*-1+0u)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*-1+0u)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*-1+0u)+1)<<(sizeof((0*-1+0u)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*-1+0u)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:207:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:209:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:210:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0u-1)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:210:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*0u-1)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*0u-1)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*0u-1)+1)<<(sizeof((0*0u-1)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*0u-1)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:210:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:216:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*1u-1)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:216:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:216:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-1+1u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:223:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0u+0)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:223:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:223:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '(((0*(0*0u+0)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*0u+0)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*0u+0)+1)<<(sizeof((0*0u+0)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*0u+0)+0))/0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:223:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '(((0*(0*0u+0)-1)<0)?((((0*(0*0u+0)+1)<<(sizeof((0*0u+0)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*0u+0)-1))/0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:223:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0+0u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:228:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-1+0u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:228:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:228:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0u-1)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:229:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0+0u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:229:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:229:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0u+0)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:229:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '(((0*(0*0u+0)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*0u+0)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*0u+0)+1)<<(sizeof((0*0u+0)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*0u+0)+0))/0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:229:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '(((0*(0*0u+0)-1)<0)?((((0*(0*0u+0)+1)<<(sizeof((0*0u+0)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*0u+0)-1))/0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:230:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0u+0u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:230:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:231:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*1+0u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:231:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:231:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*0u+1)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:232:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:233:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:234:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:238:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:239:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:252:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*10u-11)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:252:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*10u-11)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*10u-11)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*10u-11)+1)<<(sizeof((0*10u-11)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*10u-11)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:252:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '10u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:253:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*10u-10)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:253:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*10u-10)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*10u-10)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*10u-10)+1)<<(sizeof((0*10u-10)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*10u-10)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:253:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '10u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:254:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*10u-9)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:254:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*10u-9)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*10u-9)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*10u-9)+1)<<(sizeof((0*10u-9)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*10u-9)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:254:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '10u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:255:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-10+11u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:255:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*-10+11u)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*-10+11u)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*-10+11u)+1)<<(sizeof((0*-10+11u)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*-10+11u)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:255:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '11u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:256:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-10+10u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:256:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*-10+10u)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*-10+10u)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*-10+10u)+1)<<(sizeof((0*-10+10u)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*-10+10u)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:256:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '10u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:257:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-10+9u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:257:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*-10+9u)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*-10+9u)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*-10+9u)+1)<<(sizeof((0*-10+9u)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*-10+9u)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:257:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '9u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:268:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-1+1u)-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:268:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*-1+1u)-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*-1+1u)+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*-1+1u)+1)<<(sizeof((0*-1+1u)+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*-1+1u)+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:268:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '1u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:269:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-39+(37*39u))-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:269:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*-39+(37*39u))-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*-39+(37*39u))+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*-39+(37*39u))+1)<<(sizeof((0*-39+(37*39u))+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*-39+(37*39u))+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:269:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '37*39u' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:270:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-39+(37*39u+1))-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:270:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*-39+(37*39u+1))-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*-39+(37*39u+1))+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*-39+(37*39u+1))+1)<<(sizeof((0*-39+(37*39u+1))+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*-39+(37*39u+1))+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:270:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '37*39u+1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:271:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '0*(0*-39+(37*39u-1))-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:271:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '((0*(0*-39+(37*39u-1))-1)<0)?-(~(0*(0*-39+(37*39u-1))+0)==-1)-((((0*(0*-39+(37*39u-1))+1)<<(sizeof((0*-39+(37*39u-1))+0)*CHAR_BIT-2))-1)*2+1):(0*(0*-39+(37*39u-1))+0)' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:271:3: style: Checking if unsigned variable '37*39u-1' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:141:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:142:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:143:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:144:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:145:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:146:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:147:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:149:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:150:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:151:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:152:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:153:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:154:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:156:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:158:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:159:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:160:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:161:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:162:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:164:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:165:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:166:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:167:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:168:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:170:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:173:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:175:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:176:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:179:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:181:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:182:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:185:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:186:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:187:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:193:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:194:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:195:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:196:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:197:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:198:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:199:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:200:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:201:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:202:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:203:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:205:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:206:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:207:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:208:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:209:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:210:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:216:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:217:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:218:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:219:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:220:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:221:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:222:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:223:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:224:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:225:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:226:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:227:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:228:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:229:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:230:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:231:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:232:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:233:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:234:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:235:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:236:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:237:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:238:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:239:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:240:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:241:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:242:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:243:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:244:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:245:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:247:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:249:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:250:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:251:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:252:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:253:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:254:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:255:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:256:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:257:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:259:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:261:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:262:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:263:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:266:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:268:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:269:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:270:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:271:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:272:3: warning: Found calculation inside sizeof(). [sizeofCalculation]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:216:3: warning: Suspicious code: sign conversion of -1 in calculation because '-1' has a negative value [signConversion]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:228:3: warning: Suspicious code: sign conversion of -1 in calculation because '-1' has a negative value [signConversion]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:268:3: warning: Suspicious code: sign conversion of -1 in calculation because '-1' has a negative value [signConversion]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:269:3: warning: Suspicious code: sign conversion of -39 in calculation because '-39' has a negative value [signConversion]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:270:3: warning: Suspicious code: sign conversion of -39 in calculation because '-39' has a negative value [signConversion]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-intprops.c:271:3: warning: Suspicious code: sign conversion of -39 in calculation because '-39' has a negative value [signConversion]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-stdalign.c:38:0: error: #error "alignof is not a macro" [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-stddef.c:37:8: style: struct member 'd::e' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-stddef.c:38:8: style: struct member 'd::f' is never used. [unusedStructMember]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:31:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:32:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:33:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:34:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:35:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:36:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:37:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:38:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:39:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:40:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:41:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:42:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-strverscmp.c:43:3: warning: Unnecessary comparison of static strings. [staticStringCompare]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-verify.c:51:13: style: Condition 'c==2' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-verify.c:55:13: style: Condition '1==1' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-verify.c:58:35: style: Condition '1==1' is always true [knownConditionTrueFalse]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-verify.c:55:13: style: Same expression on both sides of '=='. [duplicateExpression]
libntlm-1.4/gl/tests/test-verify.c:58:35: style: Same expression on both sides of '=='. [duplicateExpression]
libntlm-1.4/smbutil.c:201:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libntlm-1.4/smbutil.c:218:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libntlm-1.4/smbutil.c:235:3: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libntlm-1.4/smbutil.c:314:3: error: Null pointer dereference: p [nullPointer]
libntlm-1.4/smbutil.c:314:3: note: Assignment 'p=NULL', assigned value is 0
libntlm-1.4/smbutil.c:314:3: note: Null pointer dereference
libntlm-1.4/smbutil.c:314:3: error: Null pointer dereference [nullPointer]
libntlm-1.4/test_ntlm.c:149:5: error: Resource leak: f [resourceLeak]

libntru-0.5/src/bench.c:142:5: warning: %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libntru-0.5/src/bench.c:142:5: warning: %d in format string (no. 3) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [invalidPrintfArgType_sint]
libntru-0.5/src/sph_types.h:57:0: error: #error This code requires 8-bit bytes [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libntru-0.5/src/key.c:214:9: warning: Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. Did you forget dereferencing it? [uselessAssignmentPtrArg]
libntru-0.5/src/nist_ctr_drbg.c:64:15: style: The scope of the variable 'x' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libntru-0.5/src/nist_ctr_drbg.c:149:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libntru-0.5/src/nist_ctr_drbg.c:503:6: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libntru-0.5/src/nist_ctr_drbg.c:503:14: style: The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libntru-0.5/src/nist_ctr_drbg.c:507:14: style: The scope of the variable 'input_string' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libntru-0.5/src/nist_ctr_drbg.c:508:15: style: The scope of the variable 'length' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libntru-0.5/src/poly.c:1755:13: style: The scope of the variable 'j' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libntru-0.5/src/poly.c:1868:13: style: The scope of the variable 'j' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libntru-0.5/src/rijndael.c:816:6: style: The scope of the variable 'temp' can be reduced. [variableScope]










libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_download.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_easy.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_edit.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_error.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_free.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_init.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_namespace.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_parser.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_string.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_tools.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_utf.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/src/nxml_write.c:22:0: error: #error Use configure; make; make install [preprocessorErrorDirective]
libnxml-0.18.3/test/easy.c:38:3: style: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
libnxml-0.18.3/test/easy.c:35:3: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
libnxml-0.18.3/test/easy.c:38:3: note: Variable 'buffer' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.


libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/nntp.cpp:154:25: style: Unused variable: tmp [unusedVariable]
libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/nntp.cpp:50:18: warning: Member variable 'NNTP::sockfd' is not initialized in the constructor. [uninitMemberVar]
libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/nntp.h:46:17: style: Technically the member function 'NNTP::get_bytes' can be const. [functionConst]
libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/nntp.cpp:60:63: performance: Function parameter 'user' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/nntp.cpp:60:76: performance: Function parameter 'pass' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/nntp.cpp:152:44: performance: Function parameter 'msgid' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/uenc.cpp:61:13: style: Redundant condition: multi. '!multi || (multi && type==1)' is equivalent to '!multi || type==1' [redundantCondition]
libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/uenc.cpp:79:13: style: Redundant condition: multi. '!multi || (multi && type==3)' is equivalent to '!multi || type==3' [redundantCondition]
libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/uenc.cpp:49:7: style: The scope of the variable 'badnl' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/uenc.cpp:103:17: style: The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/yenc.cpp:170:16: style: The scope of the variable 'c' can be reduced. [variableScope]
libnzb-0.1-cvs/src/yenc.cpp:212:50: performance: Function parameter 'data' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]

DATE 2018-08-20
TIME 12:08:31